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CORRESPONDENCE. STOREY AND MR HENRY RITSON. TO thr editor. Sir,—Mr Henry Ritson, inhisspeeeh at Hendon on ..

... me as follows : There ■was one member of the Council who was a schoolmaster and had failed, and had since become an actuary.' The first and third these propositions are BtrictJy true. The intermediate one, capable in the true Ritsonian style of a double signification, any.and every sense strictly untrue. Mr Ritson further stated that I was a brick manufacturer, and that Mr Rudland might, as ...


... Stormy were the prospects of Whitsuntide, and dark the aspect of the sky, the weather has not been quite so miserable as was anticipated. Luckily the little rain that fell descended at night time, and the discomfort of muddy roads was not added to the discomforts of a bitter wind and a cheerless sky. A large number of visitors came into the town on both days, and promenaded the streets until a ...

t JAMES THOMPSON, COOPER, B KID OB Bff* ■RESPECTFULLY intimates toJ^e^mJbaMt^a has to the business so long ..

... late Mr. John Oliver, in whose employment has been for the last 14 years; and hopes, by care and attention the exec*tion of aU orders entrusted to him, obtain a share of pubhc support. May, 1874. THOMAS GILLESPIE, PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANT, AUDITOR, AND INSURANCE AGENT, Corner of Market Pi«ace, MORPETH. •' GEORGE McGILL, boot And shoe maker, outfitter, AND GENERAL DEALER, HAS always on hand a ...

Published: Saturday 11 July 1874
Newspaper: Morpeth Herald
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 888 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: riseborough 

Wants I Advcrtkemenis inter,-led in the Wants Ofart column must in case be prepaid. Advertisers are ..

... observe that in the event of these Advertisements not being paid for at the counter, they will be charged the SCALE. GISTS OFFICES STJPEBSEDED. BUTLERS, Cooks, House-maids, General Servants, and Servants every description requiring situations, should Register their Nam. at the Daily Ecbo Office, Sunderland. Assistants, shopmen, clerks, Apprentices, and Porters, and others in search Employment, ...

a2 rade Announcements, Every department fully assorted with clean, new, and fashiqaab‘e Stuff, A choice is ..

... _ approached by any other house in the North of England at SON, AND CO0.’s, 122.6, HIGH STREET, OCTOBER BREWINGS. ESSRS. BASS & 00.8 EAST INDIA PALE and MILD ALES. in cag SPECIALLY BREWED for FAM delivery THIRD WEEK in NOVEMBER. Per 8. BASS & CO’S EAST INDIA PALE ALE.. 30 0 BASS & MILD ALE ae GU EXTRA STOUT bw a. il » Per Dozen. d. BASS & CO.’S EAST INDIA PALE ALE, F Pints.. 3 °0 BASS & ...


... 1 to lines ._ 88 Od «« 68 6d __.. 10s 16s Bsod _ Od 18s Od BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. SIX USES AMD UPWARDS. to Insertions.. per line per insertion. 11 do. . 8d 12 to do. 2d and upwards .. Under circumstances will any advertisement charged less than per insertion. Twelve lines to the inch of space. Faragraph advertisements charged double the above rate. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS. Parliamentary ...


... SATURDAY. Before Mr. George Hudson (Chairman), H. R. A. Johnson, James and William Nicholon, Esqs. GROSS OUTRAGE OS A YOUNG WOMAN. A youth named Henry Heslop, surrendered to his oail charged with indecently assaulting a young woman named Elizabeth Blenkinsopp, at Silksworth, the 22nd u't., but subsequently it was taken a case of aggravated assault. Mr. J. J. Bentham appeared for the ...


... Thanksgiving Services. SpucLl Lai vest thanksgiving services were celebrated Sunday St. Peter's Church, BLshopwearaionth. Ia the morning, the_ Vicar, the Rev. T. J. Seeker, preached to a foil congregation, and in the even- the Rev. T. Tilston. The church was appropriately decorated for the occasion with flowers supplied by Mr. Wealans, gardener to R. L. Pemberton, Esq., and corn kindly sent in ...

Daily AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. SCALE OF ADVERTISING CHAJtOES ros a insertions as. Ins. «Ins- Ins. 1 to lines Od «

... ' 6s 6d 10s Od « 7.'.'- Od 12s BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. SIX uses and upwards. Ito Insertions 4d per line per insertion. Stoll do to do. 2d and «■ ..Id Coder no cii ctuiistances will any advertisement charged less than per insertion. Twelve lines to the inch cf space. advertisements charged double the above rate. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS, (fastest, Prospectuses Public Companies, Government, ...