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Freeman's Journal

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... PUBLICATIONS. Third Edition, cloth 2.., colour31 wrapuor, Is EC HOES OF THE- VATICAN, ?? readers of this interesting volume will re- ceive an eccucate idea of actulal life inu every phase of so dety-w hether civil. noljtical. or religiouls-st Bome, and an amrouef of rare information wye have never seen given ?? is. ?? Brillirant anrd irgtuentative ?Essay on the Vatican Counacil, by tlh~e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL POSTINGS. NOTICE is hereby given that the Rev. Jame Panning, late of Kltjrush, in the County of Weldford, Parish Pniest, deceased, by his last will and testament dated the 111t February, 1870, bequeathed, subject to Ie aces, debts, and exneoses, whatever pro- I rrty he nt tdie possessed of to) his dear frienda, the ery Rev. ames ILacy Parish Priest of Gorey, the Rev. John Sinnott, id.>. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SYMIPATHY WITH THE POPE. TO HIS EMI?MENCE CARDINAL PAUL CULLEN, ARCHEBISHlOP OF DJUBLLN. the undersigned, request your Emi- flsjnceeto oonvene a Meeting ofthe Catholics Of the Archdiocese of Dublin to give expression to their feel- imgs of sympathy with the Holy Father under his pre. . Bent trials, and to P'rotest against the late inrasion of thle remnant of the Papal states, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... @UBLIC NOTICES. , ~ . ?? ?? .:5555555'.555:'555\ S 5tEN ?? VIEADE ROYA, DUBLIN. Ir _ - , I oo,?j= Last Three Nights of the Pantomnime. 0n THIS EVENING (Thiursday\ Feb. 2 1871, The Performance will commence with the Farc, by J. T. Vi'1'5'LARKINIS' LOVE LETTERS. To concl(lcue with the grand Comic, Romantic, Opera+, MelodramaticO Fairy Extravaganza, entitled THE WHITE OAT; Cr, Harleflin Prince ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORT ANMOUNCEMENTS. .i- 8 s nrcments are inserted in this Column at oice for Two Limes. Every suceedsng bine is cl-l'.(I TFupence. In aU cases these bhort announaS- i 7?fI uus-.qt be Pre-paid) S PIRIT TRADERS' GUIDE Indispensib'e. Try it . J. prce, 44 LOAgwood-avenue. 4 R18I1:1EDUCATION : Its History and So- JL tion. North British Rervsw. RcGlashan. f17,22 ftj MS. gIITCHIE, Court Milliner ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORT ANNOUNCEMENTS. fri, iz.t5,mf ntS a r ,Q t, il fitS C'eeinan at s IrXetmee TolsU Lines. 7ee'L socseedikr Line, is talln gcd 7a-oi';:peV. In e1li ecae, these stsort anznouir>- ncw,. ?? i.s Prepaid.) S PIRIT TRADERS' GUIDE IndispensibeO. Try it. Price,5s. J. Purcell, 44 Longwood-avfenue. - S/I I. RITCHIE, Court Milliner and 1 _ D.,essntaker. WarerooIs-82 Grafton-street- NTEW CURTAIN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICESS THEATRE ROYAL, DUBIN. On T171S (TUESDAY) EVEN ING. January 3, 'IRST GRAND J1UVENLE NIGHT. Fer the convenience of persons resiling at a distance. aid the juvenile brsaches of famiies, the performance Nvill cn11en1c ce at Seven o Cler'c, and be so arrasned that the Pantentoine -will terminate as near Ten ?? as 1ree-sible. The 1'erfc'rnialis will coansupenowith the QiRAN.O ('0MW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... if PU LIC NOTICES. T EATEE ROYAL, DUBLLNi 1 an t -Nighlt olfp t'e fa-mouQ Trsazi Actor, - BARRY SULLIVAN, - : gti=LeteO Actor of the British Ote.-- Vide Tines). On THlS EVENING it-e re ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARLIAMENTARY NOTICES. IN PARIAMBNT-SESS1ON ?? SHANNON NAVIGATION. E (Removal of Obstructions in River- improvemnt of Al Navigation; Works for Prevention of Floods and for TI Removal of flood Waters; Extension of Powers of the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland; Exten- sion and Amendment of the Shannon NavigationActs Contribution by the Government and ?? 711 towards Works; Power to Levy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIIOB'T AM'V)UNJ CEilMFrFSv- Shoen Announicements are inserted iss ?? Cob7un at Siw for 1w Mines. 1 sueceding Line is chevred 2nc'ovence. I7 all cases these sjhoN rg WsXou e- mnenrs ?? be Pre-pcaij' PUAPE R-HANGINGS in every ?? Davis. 126 Abbey-street, near Liffey-street. G ENUINE Tobaccos and Cigars in every variety by GBowen and Co.'s, 15 College-green. PICTttRE FRAMES of every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITHOR T ANYNOUNTCEMENTS. ?? Announaftflltflt are iacfled is t~is wtaumsof Sieptwe for lio zine,& BRmrV nuetdittg Lire is hanjed TrMvrsc lea du oase taee jaos aswmosme. act rs ePre-yai&.) G NIE Tobaccos and Cigars in everry variety by Bowen and ?? 15 College-green. nICTRP. Framesof every d-5(ription Manrilaetured p onthePremises.Thomas H. Reilly, 24Graf ton-streetL fELAHUNrS. of 25 Wirkiow ...