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Freeman's Journal


... I . I Eero is a charming episode of Englishr don estic lHic- Extriordirraruy Cruelty.-At the Leives petty sessionls, Mrs. M~ary E. Chantrell has been charged, at th' in'tigatioll of the Royal 80ciet, for the Pre'vcutiurr of Cruelty to Anhiards, with ?? subjected 45 cats and 32 dogs to a state *f thu itmost miscry at her residence at Rotthigdearr. The defendant, it appoared. had formed a ...


... IRE TICEBORNE CASE It SPECIAL TELEGRAM e0 (From our Correspondent.) a. London, Tuesday Night. * rk the .NVioborbe ease a variety of evidence f favourable to the claimant was adduced to-day. A House Officer at Liverpool, named Lessware, trumpet-major in the Carbineers, felt convinced claimant was the offloar he had known in the g Dragoon Guards; recognised him by the heavy e eyebrows and ...


... THE TICHEO3E CS. : Is ' 9SPECIAL TELEGRAI (From our Correspondent.)' London, Monday. The hearing of this case was again resumed this morning, and amongst the visitors acoomodated with seats upon the bench was the Emperor of Brazil. The Lord Chief Justice said that he had re- ceived a letter from Lady Doughty in reference to the proposed postponement of the ease, and im- ploring his lordship to ...


... 1 -LA WCOURTS-YESERDAY. II; _ I -. I OPEING OF TERM ; Yesterday having jieen the first day of Michael- 'msasTerin the- cors of law and pquaty were opened with the accustomed formalities. - - COURT OF CA BCERY. Shortly after twelve o'clock Lord%'hiancellbr ?? kacconplanied 'by the V Cee-Chaniellor, and'the sterofe Rolls,-took his seat upon the benab. The purgs and train bearers tob1his Lorasbip ...


... i ; TOWN Or DiJROIAIDA. Yeteotday morning, the High sheriff, T. ielautl, FEq accompanied by G Batterly, HEsg, Suns)heriff, took his Beat on the beaeh in tbe - Crow$n Courb,1'in the Tholselg wien the following ge wlen, wor - l~f~lA n.he gran' Jury gentl~ue vee emparrilleas ,6au gad u , bv C;i'Mahon, Esqq Ckork of the Ce-own .- .Thies ?dsthewa3 forelun-n ?? Chadwick. Wim *Vhirer b, E B Daly, ...


... I A short time since we copied into oar pages an interesting article from a morning contemporary, drawing attention to the unrivalled beauties of Irish scenery, and to the fact that, while every- body thinks it necessary to wander by the banks of Rhine and to climb the hill-sides of the Trosache, comparatively few betake themselves to the valley of the Blackwaterorseek health andamusement amid ...


... CATTLE DISVASE PROSEOUTIO.e Yesterday, at the Blanchardstoptn Petty Sessioes (before Captain Thompson and Captain Brinkley), . Mr. Christopher Ne*man, valuator to the North Dublin Union Board of Guardians under the Cattle Disease Act, was sunmmoned by Mr. Ephraim G. .i Webb for having in his possession at Scribbles. town, on the 11th April, a cow intended for sale as humrn food, which was ...


... I LANVW INTELLIGENCE. I YESTERDAY. CONSOLIDAT E) C1AMBER. The Right Hon. JusticeBar.rysatto-day.t~oiea motions for the three latv couits. Briscoe v. the Gcenernl Fire and Life M Company. ?? This was an action to recover £103 Ds. 7d., tha amount of a policy of five'incurauce. *; x .- * - ! Dr. Houston, on behalf of the plainbtift moved for leave to. subsitute service of the summonq and plaint. ...


... I LAW INTEL L'GENCE. S AT UPDY COUI]iT WY CihANCERY.1y The Lord Chaucelloer bat anl disposed of a num- ber of lulacy and othel matters. COMIlSSIONliRS FOR TAKING AFFIDAVITS. On the motion of Mr. W. M. Johnson, Q.C., Mr. x Farrell was appointed a commissioner for taking affidavrts ill Youiha.I ut, tro ututiou of tr. M'Mahon, Q.C., Mr. I).'I1li4i. ?? zpoointed a oolnoinsioner fur taking a :oiBA, ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE..ATURDqY NORTHERN DIVISIoN (Before Mr. O'Donel.) THE CHARGE OF IaLLING A WVn The cabman, named Kavanagh, who is charged with having caused the death of his wife by kick- her, was again put forward. There was no evideng to show that the prisoner used any violence towaerd his ?? facts of the case were fully pub. lished ale inquest on the deceased. The accused, therebeing no ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CHARGE AGAINST I On Uondxa, at Droliheda eetty essions, berfre tlje Mayor, Axlerinan Geurge Emagga, AILdeiman R. B. Daly, Alderman P. Casey, Captain Keogh, R.M., Goorge Harpur, James Duff Matthews, and William L. Byrne, Esqrs., RM.; a very extraordi- nary charge of indecently assaulting a married woman named Bridget Kelly was preferred against two members of the Drogheda police ...


... WESTMEAT'H WILLZ ASS ?? The trialof the Wesiath will cas,'Long. un3 70rd ?? Puirdoui, W5 Irsre ye3t~day in th Cour~it Df probate before Judge Werrenand. a special city- Urr. Counsel for. pliintf, t ord 4Longford- Sergeant Armstroilgo Messrs. James Xupphy, Q .C., R . L. Damas, QC., and. T. P.Law, instructel by sereveS and Son.- Counsel for the defendants Dr. i charles Purdonj Frederick Purdon, ...