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... ABERDARE AND PLYMOUTH IRON. WORKS COMPANY. A statutory meeting of the creditors of Messrs. Richard Fothergill, M.P., and Ernest Thomas Hankey, trading as the Aberdare and Plymouth Ironworks Company, was held at the City Terminus Hotel, Cannon-street, London, on Tuesday; Mr. Robinson, of the Ebbw Vale Company, in the chair. The Chairman said he thought when they met on the last occasion it ...

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... A meeting of the Liberal par-ty was held the Corn Exchange at Leominster on T-e, Thomas Blake, Shafteskurn House, los- was ch is candidate, but the chairman and leading Li' rais withheld their support. FUNERAL OF Mit. J. P. COH;;OLI>.—The funeral of the late Mr. J. P. C,)u:,ol,l,,>I.l' took pi on Tuesday afternoon. Business was almost enti-1 ;y Buspended, and the funeral procession was a mile ...


... DURING the past week extraordinary baro- metrical changes have taken place, and a number of lamentablo accidents have oc- curred in collieries. We naturally turn first of all to the deplorable loss of life in our own locality. At New Tredegar twenty- three victims have already been buried, and the works may yet when fully searched yield other dead bodies. The explosion near Taff's Well, on ...


... r RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE.—The marked superiority of this Laundry Blue over all others, and the quick appreciation of Its merits hy the Public has been attended by the usual result, viz a flood of imitations the merit of the latter mainljcon- in the ingenuity exerted, not simply in the nintre shape but making the general appearance of the wra- pers resemhle that of the gennine article. ...


... ST. JAMES'S, HATCHAM. Mr. Tooth, the patron of the living of St. James's, Hatcham, having received the resignation of his brother, the Rev. Arthur Tooth, has offered the living to the Rev. Malcolm MacCoIi, M.A., curate in charge) of the district of St. Augustii e's, Bermondsey, by whom it has been accepted. The newly-appointed vicar was formerly one of the curates of St. Giles's, Camberwell, ...

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... The Church of SS. Peter and Paul, pharlton, Dover, has been broken into and some property stolen, Three soldiers are in custody on suspioion. At Portsea,Chief Constable James Jervis and Detec- tive-inspector Shore, of Scotland-yard, have ^apprehen- ded Thomas Hjslop, aged 19, and John Dinham,aged 18, on a charge of having committed a robbery on Blackheath 011 the 28th of May last. The ...

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... THE MIDLAND AND GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANIES. On Monday the Railway Commissioners (Sir F. Pee\ Mr. Macnamara, and Mr. Price) resumed the consider ration ot the application of the Midland Railway Oom» pany, for the settlement of certain questions Witt& regard to rates and fares between them and the Great Western Company. Mr. Webster appeared for the Midland and Sir EL ,Tames, the Hon. Mr. ...


... LORD DERBY AND MR. FORSTER, M.P. At a meeting of the Edinburgh Town Council on Tuesday, it was agreed to confer the freedom of the city on Lord Derby and the Right Hon. W. E. Forster, M.P. Mr. Forster is to oren the Edinburgh Philoso- phical Institution on the 5th November, and it is ex- pected that Lord Derby will deliver his inaugural address as Rector of Edinburgh University in the coarse ...


... THE (tVEMT-YEUT LIBEL CASE. The hearing of this case was resumed on Tuesday morning. Ib wa; an action to recover damages for alleged libels published in Vanity Fair in the shape of criticisms upon the performance of Vert-Vei-t at St. James's Theatre. Mr. Serjeant Ballantyne, Mr. Serjeant Parry, and Mr. Grantham appeared for the plaintiff; and Mr. D.-y. Q.C., Mr. Douglas Straight, and Mr. ...

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... The Lords Commissioners llf the Admiralty have ordered instructions to be issued to the various dockyard directing that the regulations requiring dockyard ship- wright apprentices to serve a portion of their apprentice- ship at sea, are forthwith to be rescinded. The public subscription fot the restoration of Warwick Castle has closed. A is to be held in London, at which a cheque for the ...


... OUTBREAK OF PLAGUE IN EGYPT. The Western Morning News correspondent at Alex- andria, writing on the 15th of August, says :—Great consternation has arisen throughout Egypt within the last few days in consequence of plague having broken oue at Leet and other places near Jeddah, brought on. it is said, by water used for domestic purposes being allowed to filter through an old burial-ground. Quar- ...

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... AUSTRALIA AND NEVV ZEALAND. Tha Australian and New Zealand Mail, via BrindM, Wat dowered in London on Monday morning. VICTORIA. tnewof papers are to 18. Parliament was to meet for despatch of business on the 25th, and a com- bination between the ultra-protectionists and the frea traders was considered possible, with the view of oust- ing the Government. The construction of the railway from ...