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... THE TUR1ISH BONDHOLDERS. Mr Sheridan has given nofice that le will to- day ask the Cheocallor of the Exchequer whether any and what steps have been taken by Her Ma- jesty's Government in its commnunications with Russia and Turkey on the subject of the Treaty of San Stefano, involving, as such treaty does, the alienation of lands at present belonging to the Empire, to protect the interests of ...

Published: Tuesday 09 April 1878
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 424 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON STOCK E T. e iuivuriu ale na latest q tatlowas e the T4 V ?? ?? Secuniv;ez co AFM ZG FI CIAL HOUi'hS W pt AD OOMAIrLXSQN WTSr XZSMT: TY'S PXiZQZS:- sb V Ri-sir. Lwr- di ;r Cow~nn tor Moneyr._ 95 . . - . ci IS io. Accoelt-._ _, Wo Now&Bed.botent&. 95 4 _ 22i ie Id4 erents. 10 ! _ n Do. 5 oer Centa. 16$3 .. . ?? tu D. M/ka;Siprlenlts 1)u _ *_ 7 QBank Sitocl ?? t j , - - do 'O ...

Published: Friday 25 January 1878
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 855 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... iMA3arE'ET LTVERPOOL COTTON, 1FTMDAI.-TIhe rarket for cotton on the spot is quiet, with a limited busi- ness doing at previues rates. The sales are estI- mated at 7000 Uales, of which 1000 are on spectla- tion and for export. Arrivals aremore frely offered, and we 1-32d lower ,haln at the close of yesterday. Delivery-Americ.., any port, L.MLO., March, ,5d- March-April, 5 id; Arl-iy, 5 31-32d; ...

Published: Saturday 23 March 1878
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 515 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... MAIL -AMND STEA 'S9IP NEWS. {Fssma Lloyds.) SLEZ CAwn, Aprii 17.-The Peninsular and Oriental Company's steamer tieccn, from London for Aden, Galle, Madras, and Calcutta, with the hnglish mails of April 4, and the Nederland !Steamsnhip C2om1pany's steamer conrad ?? for Batavia, lhave arrived at Bort-Faid. The luhattilo Loyal Mail steamer Assyria; from Bombay and Aden for Genoa and Marseilles, ...

Published: Thursday 18 April 1878
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 923 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... 'RADB BEPORTa AltDROSSAN, UxuaSAY.-The ?? are the Ship- menta of pig iron front Axd-owse ?? for. the vweet;-- Poreign, 41U tons; contwis 1046 tons-total 1456. TOON. SLSzRODAT.-Te following are the shirmatt of a coal fro Trmion' barbour for the week:-Oowise, 6as; foreign. 1099--to. 7135 tons. . GLASGOWSI{D %WOOL SA 3.-At~mesnaJI.W. GR ?? nhsot heep D&ss. behlspt awepig thetollow- tig ddebr were ...

Published: Monday 06 May 1878
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 743 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKBEETB LIVERPOOL COTTON, WEDNMDAY. -A fair business has been done in cotton on the spot, but the market is freely supplied at the quotations. The sales are esti mated at 8000 bales, of which 1000 are on speculation and for export Arrivals are quiet at yesterday's rates. Delivery- American, any port, LMC., Hay, 5-jd and o 25-32d; May-June, 5Hd ; June-July, 5 27-32d; July-August, 5id; ...

Published: Thursday 02 May 1878
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 351 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... MAIL AN-) SHIPPIN- Ix WS. te 1 > t§'~(rom~ Ulold's) a LivEROoT, January It--The Gion United States mail steamer Wisconsin, from New York; the Liverpocol, Brazil, and River Plate Steam Navigation Company's steamer Newton, from the Brazils, rio Antwerp; the Warren Line steamer Mionesosa, from Boston; and the Dominion Line steamer Borussia, frorn Yew Orleans, arrived in the Kersey last evening. ...

Published: Tuesday 15 January 1878
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1163 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... THE COhN TRADE. (Yzoa Oc- owot coB=SrsOsnDn.} I 1 a Mark Lane, Monday Evening. thn cold weather of the past week has given a decided check to vegetation, beft fortunately 1 the niiht frosts have not beeu severe enough to X ahect the young blds or plants, and it is to be t hopedl that ;o ?? will occur ineteor*gically to becloud the prospects ?? of the orchards or the ields. T.Ih re haabeen ...

Published: Wednesday 20 March 1878
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 573 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: Commerce 


... LIVERPOOL COTON, FanDAY. - The market continues heavy and depressed, and the business passing is limited. The sales are esti- mated at SOO0 blles, of which 1000 are on specu- lation and for export. Arrivals are weak, and prices are generally 1-32d lower. Delivery- American, any port, L.M.C, February, 6 1-32d and 6d; February-March, 6d; March-April, Gd and 6d and 5 31-32d coupled; April-May, 6d ...

Published: Saturday 16 February 1878
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 420 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... * - I GLasGow, Friday Evesing. THx Monar MARr in London has been rather calmer to-day, but rates both for short loans and for discount accommodation are well supported, and lenders of all kinds from the banks down- wards are very keen as to the class of security offered by borrowers. Loans from day to day on Government . securities and first - class - bills were in request at 4* to 5 per cent. ...

Published: Saturday 05 October 1878
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2084 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... 205IMERCIAL NEWS.,: GLASQOW, T esday Evenin. E MIosr MASZT presents a inrm appearance, srd accotakodation either in the way of loans for tb Bolrt periods or of discount has been difficult to c -btain below 5 per cent. The inquiry for money, d !as been chiefly ?? ,uneuced with the settlement oa the Stock Eachange, which comrenced to-day, v and an opinion ?? that on its termination the c carkec ...

Published: Wednesday 14 August 1878
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1633 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON MAR KETS. Fridav Evening. G-rmaLr inactivity prevailed in the Stock t Exchauge to-day, and the firmness noticed yester- c day gave place to a little dulness, due almost entirely from want of business, for there was a nothing new either politically or financially to exercise influence. The English Funds were unchanged. With regard ?? Goveripent a Securities, the principal feature was in ...

Published: Saturday 21 September 1878
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2171 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce