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Lancashire, England


Manchester, Lancashire, England

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BAnrRTe- 8wNL.-On th

... e 18th [mst., at St. Dvt Cu~h Chrh 8ue' Park, by, the Rev. itobert Mitche IJ MR. James Bouton, formerl Saffron-Walden. to Louisa, sixth dauighter~ of Mt. ThomasJomn, of Corporation-etreOt. BZAY9,17-SATCRZrjL-~On the 10th Inst. St Chrust Churcb. CIRCAgh toej by the Rev ir. liaee er jaley, of Hankoi~~lw l to Jane Elizabe onl, a daughter of Themes Henry roatchbii. BZIX-WODCOoL.-On the 9th lost. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -iUAREIAGES £sM ro)XL.BR..Law5he l., Mt the ChgeafelChurch. ,eRvR, Mitcheli. Benl BattIOy Ashton, of Quknfcrlko ?? Anoly daughter of the Into0 ?? Lamb, of Mount Plees&nt, Lockwoodt JohnkthreB~lt ,DAEEO.~V Es -on.O the lot lust.. at St JoMr. atits JBAKR-WLLIld -0 .Mr.Gloa3h4ll John, youniost, sn ?? irsoby the GluetrhiO ?? lyol Themas Baker. of Windeuch.GluetrheoElnLoyny ?? Mr. Williaza williams ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Als~l5l~b~ot~~n heU ' s REIAGES- Br' by he:nev. John Leei A,A.- ~ ark1B, Tollington Park, tv IT .E~hMAM. o 6 sta h Casitedia by the Rev. re An dauster.~ I n of Mr , ilia Cooke, ?? on Mar Roodae, theho .the 14t int, at Sthleent'rsh Church, m5 i. a ELvy nrc' -N Mlso, M.A., Mr. Jo ~t eta h ahdab he Rev. rB nn daughter of the la , - p WilliambrgCookie, o o Huiz, ?? 1* ETNS5NoKY-CouIN5O Mr. ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BSirtd0, IaJrtfageo, anb Meatb. BIRTHS. GAUNT-On1 the 2ild inst., at Stanley-street, Chcetlilan, the wife of Edwin Gaunt, of a daughter. Pnirps.-On the 4th inst.,at Clairville, Oxford Rood, the wife of G. Constmaitine Phipps, M.D., of a son. SKAw.-On the 31st ult;, Mrs. W. Shaw, Spring Bank, Fallow- field, of a daughter. WARaUIrTON-On the 16th (28th) January, at St. Petersburg, Russia, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AaEL~r-HINIBlf -Ou the 12h Inst.,at the Cathedral by theUeT. 3. L. iv'. r. ~wza ?? Emnms, elder daughter Of J.eS Elat r. ~W Rewne BJnime, c=m ?? age:1t, GU of this bity. ?? ear5. -On the 12ti Insh,. at the Independent Chael, Omavn tr eadly by the Rev. T. Willis James Wlepd, sorsenldetsnif l. JTames Beredard, to Ellbabtl1 Ann, elidest edaugte son Mr Ohin Rtoberts, all ot hIsI city. eldeshe ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I-~b0 BddSt0 Ulngs>;ab 3D2Ute35. ' thehe Sth nst?- at ,HrtlebuO Withibgton the wife of W. B, Bate6s3n.0 Of n-. Cenr.4February27tib- at 34, Herbert dteats Cheetham, the CLAfSe ?? Clark, of a daughter. ciiagoA.-O the 27th UIt.; it Palazzo Boccaglovioe, Foro Truaino, Rome, Mrs. 3~o1meo Galloaga, o a BOnL, tbe let March. at South Bank, Sale the porS r.OD the 2nd inst., the wile of J, S, Porzltt, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Birth :MllT109I90. aft Deaft BIRTHS. 33Oj,.-At Staiham, lymm, Cheshire, on the 20th inst., the wife of Dsra Boyd, of a daughter. jOnr.-_Nov. I9, the wife of James E. Jones, of Rochdale, of a soa. ACS!FNTOsil-At Vic oria Grove,1Beaton Chapel, on the 22nd iet,, the wile of Andrew Mackintosh, of a son. MARRIAGES. ElsnrrE-Sonmncomr-On the T~th inst., abt lighgate Congre- ational Church, by the Rev ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ; ktu, «in es AU3ntdt.b-- fir _ _ ?? -]BrRTHS. dei BnYAN.-On the 25th inst., at MIyrt1 Bank, Prestwich, the pr wife of Henry Barlow Bryau, of - daughter. Bsti5I.a-On. the 21th inst.. . Malabar Hill, Bombay, the wife of ?? BothoII, of pdaughter. h, GOODnsABryOiU the 25th iasj., at 205, York.street, Cheethansi be the wif of C. R. Goodman, of a son. H[OLNES.-On thc 25th inst., at Ashbourne ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * - . Jtirtb,_£11aritwig20, an ?zatbz. DION.Onth th B U S. ?? t~he 4thb irst, at Ridgefield Terrace, Failsworth, the wife of Marsh Dixon, of a, daughter, stillborn. WYArr.-On the oth inst., at 39 Union-street, Ardwick, the wile of T. Wyatt, of a son. MARIAGES. PArTftAAr-losuTsois-On the th inst., atSt. Pnul'sChnrch, t5. .Loons rd's-on.Soa, by the Rev. W. T. T. Vebbee, assi.ted byti f J.. J. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | 0 t iA.Tit MR. H. B. P9A0OC:K. Very many of our readers must share the 5retst ?? with which we refer to the death of Mr. HIon,V Barry I Peacock, a gentleman formerly well known by ?? 0ble F services to the Manchester public in the promotion Of I t~he muical and dramatic arts, and also as an acoen:- f ;plished criti and man of letters. Mr. Peacock had neurly completed his 75th year, a , ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 31fetbo, iun ialt, glib Ia atto. BIRTHS. ?? April lst, the wife of Abrabh Hamer, Stret. ford, of a daughter. PitormmE,-At St. Helens, on the lst inst,, the wife of William Procter, of a son. SiTrir,-On the let inst., at 235, 30adnor-street, the wife of Joseph Smith, of a son. MARRIAGES. BAIsE-CRorrias.-On the 2nd inst,, at the office of the English Consul, Calnis. and on the same day, in the ...

. 3 51%;xt eazvt ass

... Ontaft. Xicaum.0D the 21st ins, at Al Edgethe WIe o George licklsum, of a son. O9ch Seas, on September ImuJP6. -At Tatuila. S So% uts hilias, on Sepgtembe 2and, 1878, the wife of Bev. ?? a daughter, Wsm~r~'.-On the 2lat inst.,t 1105O5T ?? the wife of James Whittam, of a son. MAJI AGES- I[ llst, at St. Catherine's MANPAT9lOOM -On the 22nd thei ev. B. Hughes Chcao, Edgehil, ne0r Mil ,3 to Amy ...