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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper



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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper

Advertisements & Notices

... ZPFZPR ONTHER WAR. ANGD HE DESTRUC. R13IENTS USED THEREAT-Hr. Ceo eGrcos. ?? y uti Champion tine Same In enin the eriginot Warlock. Mr. T. Baumont, folrthe VW of MOODs, enet Li curious ftlasi-ropo Automaton. Mn nt &g Mr. ELD. Davies, liremleooutciloquist~isaaied ~~he ni Jenny Folksg. sdamefl1eolledreda Btatnaiy lai White Marble, ofteegarqv miy-liew Ghoet Entertainmneot. Im11110 ~ Wtch.and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0oz~.VZflNT' RNImItUTO zsooanz14-52~ret. Woorilld~ C ofin toand.9 01The xate elsejm N RENWu lortay Sains undter the Act at ISO8. ?V O diyfoteap . n n odyand Saturday deisusvarying fromn Also to 20,00 10idltoadvianc aleasehold Securities for fixed torma, T ?? ornopyablebyeai~iutal~tflmets. exten~dingoaver wrtees w.- N a F AVENOCEOFT. atoomeer odWVBT LOAN and DISCOUNT CoxI oN;DON sad d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =E=BODY T 8 WELCOME O 0f A MONTH'S Safety FIREE TRIAL ATE1 H Is the .. . THU Month's W9I;LLOX AND GIBBS9 : reo ~~yIL~VO1 ibID ?? . , ?? ' ~ : i SILENT EWING MACHINE. Trial. THE IAHINE, IS SE1;T At (ALAUGHE PAID Home. To THE NEAREST STATION; T BE RETURNED The fet .T THE END Guarantee OF THE MONER Of Quaity F NOT APPRoVED I., the 50 ?? WHIATEVER Privilese N 1.. _ ?? IN ANY ACCOUNT,' 'O a jNDER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? VG Hx BEST OFP ALL GfrIND. COMPANY. TA Seriesofayomoioe BLA 3AHDAY D ODLTO.Inrl'isda DIAh oio BAT WITH DISRAELI, Will WONeld four taei.mL ogefromtheMS. f otbhair.given by tihe autiloX. PC m INCH., ?? ISPNH DOOR MISS FINCH. rIOH MISS PINCH Is the' title of Mr. WILKIE COLLINS' P ?? ASSELL'S W. M COLLINS' Now StrPO ISFNH ZINE. remd uoe 0 price One Penny.tSo C'ASSELL'S MAGAZINE, No. 04. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TJMERE ARE BUT TWO SAFTE O1DES- E BUYINO A SEWING GIf ML ?? ?? thre Stachinosent TO voo omgi fory aienthj. TRIAL . Nar ?? AT. This tau mar.-dd fria ft rObt, ever r eairrge; Iby sen d aru 2rnor ew or, SECOND..I-(f derting with ?? inm pAY FPOnrTHE MACHINE WHEN 6RDERit IT. ON CONDITION OP OBTA1lNING ME DISTINCT GUARANTEE STAMPED ON THE INVUiOJE ThIAT SHOULD YOU FUOII AWY CAU~SE pBEEPER YJUR UONEY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIWWRECKED kMARI ege ' h SOCIET'? HECommittee beg mest thankfully to aeksoowlcdcO the yfctz X ofe~do~dinaldolth n seceetba o frmhero ao, gvn ythe 2fier and = oI ELH.&.S BULL' CHEAP WfcuaSION OPRSOT O TUE Iswu OW WIGHT IiWERY SATIjIRIAY. from Victoria 2,50 p.m.. Lonadonlhrldge .125 S m oe. n.. Kebte1tin 45 ines. rolling at Weet Breuptoa, Chel' Iea StaeaClpm ?? and Croydon : return, Bgthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P1GRATIONTO Q~=I&W-1SR&A ?? gtolt desnifintuthsoolquy fdraitou, tlzoAgeu- ap~sj ont nsertlse 11w mmistea sso IMPREPASSAGES tdA WaC TUdA iod mar rieE tdsuei. and toFEAED tis as o ~oags o and rV ?? ltANT Aepisted Passages to Agrioultunall Labourers Iaoewls, EVAIS!S Pasagesare granted O'e tems ndrndlleni apl inperon r b leter atbe olhan ,BAIN PASSAG77:Tocedoav's sailrngs, 15 And ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ln'tinh wr lO10~s.-17 75ner~ne-It.Otat £E52. EASE SI years. lnloudingD par$ of farriture for £l0o-aeommo0- L datlion for hadf at 6 per cent. if ?? on the pre- mlte., 2. Cewley-rtrert. Abingdon-street, Voatnanster (near tho Houses Of Parllamoentl. To Saddlirs and i garnosse Wakero. T O be SOLD, a Basiness, In the City of London-goodirill, steok- G in-trade. and tixtureo about C230-returne L80O ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - UOCOFLA! MENIER. - -- , - 8 R AOIAOORY MAMUPACTORY. - - NOISIBL-SU-E.HARNEnear PARIS.' TONDON WAREOSE - EHOUzSWF g1E.T end - , :--llT-v~oAWORCESTElt^BTNEET, BOROUG . W HOCOLAT MENIER FOR EBEAXPAST. - C AWARDED MEDAL at tho VIENNA EXHIBITION. ' - . - - Beware of- I mitations; - : Obearve Trade Marks end Beal Nameo. MI ENIER'S COCOA Sold In J and lb :sackets and lle tins. AWARDED MEDAL at he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P f L V M a M A a K E Approved by the Acaodemy of KedicliSe at Parie, and ethey ?? authorities In England and abroad. This Bolf-Applloable Physbeol Comodive, unike noxious drugs, is harfetmy ied of efficav vastly euarlfr t=oal ther ?? Toee. dies. ?? vto e ahysologal. phpeal, themial effneefa of the electricity they geuyn permanently impart intothe system, these ampv= exerolae an interissi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,&GRIOLTURiaL 551503 Oi. 8 'AM1LTON'SAIIERIOA AS IT XS depictingbms maegrent cenery Dns antargtdiirami Weds, the p n ea l lle it R ivers , Lakxe! Mouno, Peniri s, Plai tetio, o1 an Pacihs Ifai l7ay, a shonableife at Saratoga, Vewpor.eorN lork , en d Waaioiugtit o~iislndin %the bite-h ouse and a Preoldent ial Reces N tl~nsounaitd toytO ?? bf tceni Brtobthe Bobrs ifamilton ?? Cgborriadsba'.Odad ...