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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... APAM.~J~uuy s. t. 'frhe Aloes. Wlielbsm-rO1 tperlW 1, hu ife of IN. A. Ada,0 'udliiIS.o lil1.lEd. -JntY ,a j ~ts~ll~ the 'Wife of Liout,- CC i Iif. 1 ui~ic~ ,. at (rest-l'llrs WaoilOIl h wf i (CsLitfi Li; I t. oltle 1,71.e 'flgter. KiNX. JLIiiIL 5.a 110bat N.B., tho wife Of IV. J I LNY. -.ML I . iLL Li S I ). brtu 3Jt N11.1Y. ' soilY' ut1b0it~i et, the nion. Mrsl. .13011 1 ,l~i i iidagh. Ill1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ziRTHS. &RBBHD4LD.-At No, -% SW10tau~~lomesup]8 Holloway, o th3rd ineat, the Nwifo Mr. n bed J. of a eo. IB0LS.-November 2, at St. M1ar'Is Roottory, Vsrk the wite of the live. 0. M. Argl s of a daughte. e OAERll.-November 9,e I Bromley, Rent, the Wif of A. J. linker, ot a aon. BakrY-ofaBNrON..November 1, at Brixham 'Vicarge, the wito of C. CaroylBrontonf EN5q,, of HA's Jamaina CoU- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NOTICE. rRmTI MARRNIAGES, and DEATHS, notexceeding Mines. are 1 ,,menot at 8. ecach, or 3 times for le.; is. per line afterwards B3 I RT:S.1 On the 16th instant, at 'icehurst, Sussex, the wife of Williain Bennett, solicitor, of a eon. CogEN.-August 14, at The Paragon, New Eent-road, the wife of J. A. Cohen, Esq., of a daughter. F'glf'r~ ON E-August 13, at Itockingham-hall, Hagley, the vife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NOTICE& 3TrTTlf- - ATtR-TAGtFS. and DEA'TXS. notoxcreilinn Slines. aro jnstn1 at nSis. eaea, or 3 times fur lOs.: ls. pier line afterwards. BIRTHS. CARE1Y -Are ust 19. at St, Ippolyt's Vicarage, near nitchia, tho oif. lof tiRev. E. T. Carey. MA., of a son, CRrllfi.-AllRust i9, at Mtndcliife-house, Brixton-riSe, Mre. Ctpddh, of a son. s Wc; .-August 20. at Godalming, Surrey, the wife of E. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... VTMTHS, MAnRIAGES, and DEATHS, not eseeding Slines6ae inserted at 5s. each, or 3 times for 10s.: Is. par H5ue aftarwards BIRTHS. ALLEN.-FebruarY 5, at Stoke Nowington, lm. A. J. Allen, of a daughter. DENNY.-February 6, at Connasught-plo, the wifo of T. A. Deuty, Esq., of a son,. DOXAT, -February 3, at Hoflan-road, Kensington, the Wife of E., REq., of a son. Ao GltROSON.-February 4, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... inertda 3 ah or 3 ?? for 103.; 15. er line dafterwl2ards.e BIRTHS. ,& 1S(,-harch 16, at The Limes, A ahkhuroh-ark, Shop. Al1rd's bush, the wife of C. A. Addison, o n a son. 'UjSTlN.-M xarch 16, at RIigh-atreet, Ramagate, the wio of t J Austen, Es ., surgeon, of a son. JiUuMtoNT- iarehl 17, at Chesbam-place, Belgrave-square, v if e of F. H. Beaumont, Esq,, of a daughter.' gi~qUEND ,-March 17, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. D.tIMON.-April 22nd0, at Wlnite-otreet, I301roughi, the wife of C. Ammuon. of a ?? &N',VZ'3t.EY.-.Apri1 25, at Taotsolle fleotory, Wetoteham, the wife of thes 1ev. F. H., Annesley, of a edauicntvr. 1XAMILTONf. -April 25, at Weymouth, the wife of Captain Rt. V. Hamiltonl, R.N., of a daughter. IIODCHI-Apl 28 tS.Loar'-on.Sen, the wife of the Rev, .B. T odes, of aeon. ['ANSON.-.April 27, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NOTICE. BIRTHtS. WARRIAGES, and DEA.THS, noter.ceeding elines, aro inserted at 6s. each, or 3 times lor los.; is. per lire afterwardsl BIRTHS. ATNSIJE.-Soptember 80, at Ulverston, the wife of A. Ainslie E~q.. of a son. BOUSFIELD.-September 29, at the Vicarage, Andover, the wifo of th l Rev. H. B. Bouslield, of a daughter. BROI°ING.-September 29, at Chesbam-street, Mrs. Broolking, of a daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NOTICE. S-IRTHS, MARRTAGES. and DEATHS, nutexeedlng lnasare inserted at 59. eaah. or 3 times for lls.; lB. por line afterwards. . _ = _ _ =BMRS Ao.TWATrEm.-Sc-tem'ber 22 at Whielhham, near Nowcaotle. on-Tyne, the wife of A. %V. .kttNatt:r, E sq., of a son. BENBO W.-Septeniber 22, at Malcolm-.road, P1311ge, the 'Wifo oi F. Benbow, Di a daughter.. GRABHAM.-MSepieneber 22, at Pontefract, the wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... albt 5. each, or 3 ?? lea; s.arline aterwaebtgrds BIRTHS AW.Dg.-April 20, at EsaeX-vilafa Tcnslagtoi, the wife of C. Aldin, Esq., of a son. , AfON.-APril 20, At Hillbouse, Tooting-cCumfIO, Surrey, the wfe of . Di. Alston, Eq. of a daughter WAllBER.-April 21. at Ayneomb-housea, Orpington, tent, the wife of Mr. . L. Barber, of a son h SEY.-Ap M 21: at Perk-lane, the v ieofe fTW. Corasseyq., XSp. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE BISHOP OF CAPETOWN. gi Advices from the Cape of Good Hope announce a' the death, on the Ist September, after a short illness,of the S Right Rev. Dr. Gray, the Bishop of Cape Town and o: Metropolitan of South Africa. The deceased wps 63 years al of age at the time of his death, having been born in 1809 at Bishop Wearmouth in Durham. He was educated at b Eton, and afterwards at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. 4IRST. -JanunTy 27, at Castle Bar House, raling, the wife of C. T. Amherst, of a daughter, stillborn. jLR.-tT. anutry 28, nt Suthesland House, Balham, tho wifo 0f Dr. Barrett. of a daughter. a ?? llurY :B1, at 'oburg-plnce, Bnyswvatcr-road, the if, g C.. Clo rla, of ?? (bnoy ,td girl). SLpRIsTSTOE.-JnuoriaY 27, at Tho Giange, W imbledon, tho ,ijf- of B. IV. Elphinstone, Esq., of t son. ...