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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... NEWTOWNARDS QUARTOR SESSIONS. [F&OM OUR ONWN RPOBRTH?.3 NZWTOWMAaDS, FRIDAY. I Tnt 3 morning, at ten o'0o'ck, ROBERT JOHNSTON, 0 Esq., Q C., Chairman of County Down, took his set P in tae County Court House here, and resemed the e hearing of these Sessions. a WX. WOOLE3Y AND JON WOOLSEY V-. R. .v. Ii71 SReRIFF FOR COUMTY DOWN. This was a process brought to recover the sum. of £20, for that the ...


... COURT OF BANKRUPTCY & INSOLVE CY. DUBLIN, TUESDAY. [(ROM OUR SPECIAL REPORTER ]t IS BeNKRUPrCY. [Before JUdge MILLER] In re JOiN GALLAGER. 1 THE binkirupt was a spirit-dealer in the Main Street, Donegal, and the meeting was for final ex- amination. Mr. Davoren appeared for the assignees, and Mr. KeDny for the bankrupt. Mr. DAVOREN statwed that be was not instructed to offer any special ...


... ASSIZE NEWS, COUNTY OF ABMAG. [FRO M O3C 0 itY S REPO5T XIU] A:MCv oAE Ni. I Tnh afternoonfl, at three oc th, the gight Hon. Justice L 'wsos, who 1wal iccon panied by the High.Sheriff (Ralph Smith Obre, Esq., J.P4?, entered the Crown Court of the County Conrt House, and proceeded with the buainees of these Assizes. The Commission having been read by WILLIAMs DoBorm Esq., Clerk of the Crown, ...


... LEGAI NEWS. J U D G E S' C HI A M B E ke !DPruo, FtlrAY. m( I [PFOf OUR SPrCIAL REPORTSR ] JUDGE LA wsN sat to hear motions for the three WI L1aw Couns. Jo VALENTINE RYAN AND ANOTHER V. JOHN Cc 'PRAT1. !B Counsel applied in this case for liberty to renew tir a writ of kabere, on the gronud that the defendant's tenancy had not in any Nvay altered sirce the in, execution was issued. The hiaherc ...


... ?? Jmorning,st ten o'clock, JOHN HASTIXoS £ 1viAY, Esq., Q.C., Chairman County Antrim, took his Beat in the Town Halt, and proceeded with J rcv;sion of the list of voters of the Borough of I r. Jolin Coulter, ?? for the Con, lie following ward agents were also present:- M ,-rs. James Connor, James Larmour, Willtam . iy, James Blake, and James Clarke. I no Libarals were represented by Mr. John ...


... LE( AL NKEWS. COURT OF BANK£IUPTY & 1NSULVENCY. DnaBLie, TuESDAY. ?? OUR SPECIAL REPORTER [Before Judge HARsms,]. l; ,i. yROHBERT ?? The banikrupt -was a boot and shoemaker in Pe] fast. I'e now surrendered, and, on the application of Mir. NEILSOSv, an assignee was appointed. Mr. ?? appeared for the bankrupt. Iii re THOMAS MI 'LEE.R The banrkrup' was a merchant and ironmonger, residing at ...


... ASSIZEIN TELLIGENCE. COUNTY OF ARILAGH . [imra o0uR arPO3RTxR.] B1 ARnAGH, FRiDAY.-To-day, at two o'clock, the Grand Jury for the County of Armagh were sworn rg in the Crown Court of the County Courthouso of ,! this town, before Colonel TODD-THOBRTON, D.L., J.P., Hlgh-Sheriff of thecounty. ri Elugh Boyle, jun., Eaq., Sab.Sherlff; ;G. G. J. Tyrrell, Esq,, Clerk of the Crown and Peae;, and A ...


... - Of COUNTY ANTRIM. PI CROWN COUUR.T. L( Mr. 6ergeantt IOBtNSON took his seat yesterday ga morning at half-past ten O'clok, and resumed the th kearing of the following a. E5rECIAL JULRY 1R1CORD. te FIDDXS & CO. V. GAFFRI2N & CO. In this ow ...


... LOCAL COURTS OF B VNKRUPTCY (IRELAND). en' WH have to thank Mr. J. P. Corry, M.P., for the d ?? Copy of a bill intituled an Act for the Rute~blisineiunt of Local Courts of Bankruptcy in ta (lit B3a it enacted by the Queen's most ?? o Maji3sty, liy Prnd with the adfice and consont of the let Lords4 Spiritursl and Temporal, and Commast a,I in thiri presgent flarliamnent asseirbled, and by thre o ...


... CUSTODY COURT-SATUEDAY. [Before CIuARLDs DuFivu, Esq., J.P., And RonxT L HAMILTON, Esq., J.P.] A DISHONEST APPRENTIC2. Charles Marshall, aged fifteen, was charged with the larceny of half a crown, the property of his master. Mr. Hugh M'Cuilough, tailor, Rosemary Street, Bald the prisoner was in his employmnent as an ap- prentice. For some time past he had been missing money from hisdrawerand ...


... His Woxiisus (J. H. Otway, Esq., QOC.) took his seat in the Crown Court of the County Conrt6 house yesterday morning, at eleven o'clock, and resumed the business of the sessions. CIVIL BUSINESS. BILL V. 1IAGLONE. This was a process brought by Agnes Bill, Bel fast, to recover the sum of £3 i6s 7d from Rose Maglone, Nile Street, for goods sold and delivered. Mr. Harper appeared for the plaintiff ...


... :.ASSIZ% INTE IGEhigE:' ienI COVXTY,.Ojr R 4fl e [FROM OUR ImiPORTJLR.] hop ApisEAGH, RATURIDAY,-This morning at ;eleven o'clock ?? Jury I ogthe Countoyof Armagh T assembled in the County Courthouse, and resumed the transaction of the O tra FISCAL BUSINESS.wa THE COUlITY INFIRMARY, cow1 The following report', was presented by Dr. J. othe MANSERGH. FALnsce, the surgeon of the Infir. Rid* mary ...