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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , I= W~ M. MARC DE GOULARD, who was one of the chief ministers under the Y-gihne of M. Thiers, was born, at Versailles, in i8oS. lie came of a good family, and adopted the legal profession more for the sake of having something to do than as a means of livelihood. lie was not a brilliant advocate, and was never asked to defend great criminals or political offenders, but he acquired a solid ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I~Q~Obi~~u RdnJ ?? . = SIR AUGUSTUS WILLIAM JAMES CLIFFORD, C.B., was born in May, 1788, and had therefore nearly completed his eighty- ninth year at the time of his death. He was educated at Harrow, and entered the Royal Navy in 1804, on board the Tigre, and served wvith Captain Halliwell under Nelson. He saw some severe service, particularly off the coast of Egypt in 1809, when he was sent ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ROBERT NAPIER Dicd' Junt 23, aged 8g HARRIET MARTINEAU Died June 27, aged 74 OUR OBITUARY RECORD ROBERT NAPIER, the eminent engineer, was born at Dum- barton in 1791. He was the son of a blacksmith, who, conscious of the value of education, not only sent him to the grammar school of the town, but also had him instructed in mathematics and architectural drawing. At the age of sixteen he was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... CHARLES RICHARD SACKVILLE-WEST, EARL DELAWARR, whose death was reported last week, was the second, but eldest surviving, son of George John, fifth earl, well known as the school- mate and friend of Lord Byron. He was born in 1815, and like his father, was educated at Harrow. In 1833 he entered the army as lieutenant in the 43rd Foot, and in 1842 was appointed to a company in the 2ist Fusiliers ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OUR ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued front page 31,5) OUR OBITUARY RECORD MRS. CAROLINE CHISHOLM, better known as the emigrant's friend, was the daughter of Mr. William Jones, a philanthropic gentleman of Northamptonshire, and was born at Wootton in that county in the year i8io. At an early age she became the wife of an officer in the Indian army, and soon after her arrival at Madras she established ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE RIGHT HoN. STEPHEN LUSHINGTON was the second sod of Sir Stephen Lushington, Bart., and was born in I782. He was educated at Eton and Oxford, and adopting the law as his profession, was called to the bar in 18o6, and two years after became a Member of the College of Advocates. He was aspoclatcd with 13rougham and Denman in defending the un, ortunaS Q1ueen CgrQFUte, and'thoqoh ha 9051P Sd * ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGE. SANGER-BURTON.-On the a7th February, at St. George's Cathedral, Cope Town., Sooth Africa, by the Rev. Canon Lightfoot, Harry E. Sanger, Esq., of Klipdritt, Griquaload West, to Miss A. F. Burton only daughter of james Burton, Esq., of Bingfield Street, Isiington, London. DEATH. CLAYTON.-On the xgth inst., at his residence, Norbury Moor, near Stockport, Dayid Shaw Clayton, Esq., aged ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... T'1HE RI. IloN. M.R\RQUIS OF CLANXICARDE, Died April roth, aged 7z WViLILELM VON KAULBACI{ (P'aillter), Died April 7th, aged 68 OWEN JONES (Architect), Died April xgth, aged 65 OUR OBITU4RY RECORD THE Most Noble Sir Ulick John de Burgh, Marquis and Earl of Clanricarde, was the only son of the thir- teenth Earl of Clanricarde, and was born in I802, suc- ceeding to the earldom in ;8o8, and was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. VERNEY.-On Tuesday,1 Sept 9th zS7, at x6, Queen's Gate Terrace, S W., the wife of Commander Edmund H. Verney, R.N., of a daughter. MARRIAGES. COPINGER-STEWART.-On the 3rd Sept., at St. Matthew's Church, Landscove, by the Rev. R. champernowne, Rector of Darlinttton and Rural Dean of Totnes, assisted by the father of the bride and the Rev. H. E. Copioger, brothler of the bridegroom, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... M. JULES GABRIEL JANIN, the Prince of Critics, was born at St. Etienne (Loire) in 1804. He was the son of an advocate, and was educated at the public school of Louis le Grand, having Lerminier and Sainte-Beuve as his schoolfellows, but not greatly distinguishing himself as a pupil. On leaving college he lived in a garret with an old aunt, to wbom he was indebted for his education, and gave ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OUR OBITUARY RECORD SYDNEY DOBELL, the author of poems, most of which were published under the pseudonym of Sydney Yendys, was born near London, in i824. In early life he was a clerk in the office of his father,. a wine merchant at Cheltenham, and published in i850 a dramatic poem entitled The Roman, which attracted notice. In i854 he published Balder, and in the following year joined ...