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Pall Mall Gazette


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Pall Mall Gazette

Advertisements & Notices

... iiA lI AN OPERA, DRURY, LANE. 1i'EOSPECTIVE ARRANC\AEMENTS. 0'D-11ORRO: EVENING (Timrsday), Alay ii, will he her- oivl) tetl ?? t I-e fir]t tiie Oln the Italian stage) Carl 3aria von 'tV'elxrt O3peretta, in one Act, ABU HASSAN. 'fi. Lilirctto translated1 by Signer Mllar~Itesi; andll the I oiaiogtie set to Recitattive b~y Siguor Arditi expressly for the et~iss^lan, l ildnic. Trebelhi-Bcttinui; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tke ~~o ~ ~ - xcbas -Vin .ccud i;! / to the' Olice twjoi' -Ha(if'is in O'ACl.oen0! acu. ,i~yplg//n/'cat . ?? dayS to be sh~h d~'ould ?? selt om the h).VIOII iy //c TL Vaii\or vinn qf t/it P.SLf MI ti G,\.IZETTE' i to Dccent/or - i, 2869) i1' 7107 C~htdeldt'l, et14d V.W'aj Ix had, ?? lbowitd inl do/'b, p)ie-o:. Ie 15rezious TL'oumes uldform in6 styli 0;:dfiricc, an' (also eni sal. Cases f0r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5ntir&t itJ -hbtrtiszrst. i A dvertieenenns for the PALL MALL, GAZETTE s/wa/el fe see to she ctftce be/ore /a rf-4eest ugie o 's/ark on th se' ojfreiieatitfon:. A .ive-2r tioeetnt to b~e dis,,eleayed dstnd be sen e n the reseisas day. A ee Leree Etse irths, Meorrt~iae's, and Death1s are eese-tl li the PALL MNIA..1 GZr rI at a c/sarge of bse S/el//tags Tley asay be sents tlerogh atA ee'lseg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE BOYS' HOME CERTIFIED T INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS, For ?? Boys not convicted of Crime. Roes.P:;F P -ARIeA, .O.NDON, N.W. With which in associated TIH'_ BOYS' HOMEL CHURCH FARM4, EAST L's SNOT1, Hoc{1J Patron.-H.R.H. the Drichess of CAMoBRuIDGE. Previdrot. -Thle Lord Biehop of LONi)ON. 'rlls school is visited by her Majesty's Ilspector of Illdustrial Schools, a copy of whose last report triay be had ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gtfiitt I1D Mtrfdisteu' Advtt't~ft~rncSt for tihe PALL MALL GAZETTE saeid be sent t o thze O~e before Half-;astNine o'clock on the dfay of~bablZeation. Advertisement~zs toC boe displahyed shsoald be scat ON thle2Z IreiOZs day. 4fltO:eaf eteflt5Z of Birthts, Marrlapeo, ande Deaths arc inserted in thge PAL L MIALL GAZETTE at a chazrbe of Five Shzillings. 'They msay be senzt throa/g'I an; Adsert ...

Advertisements & Notices

... grofice to ghbefistrs. dverfiseinetifS for the. PALL MALL GAZRyTTi shonld be sent to the 0iFice before Haif-jast Nine o'clck onthe dav of,5tbiication. Advertleisements to be dt.tl0ed should be sent ott the frevious day. Announcefelltes of Births, Marriages, and Deaths are inserted en the PALL MALL GAZETTE at ai charge ?? Shillings. They may be sent trongi an advertising agent, Newsagene, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gotkc in 3.bbzrtiserg. ef$vertioermentn for the FALL MALL GAZETTE should be sent to the Office before Half-otse ?? ecoeC4- on the day ofylrblicatioa. Advertisemzents ro bedisphlayed should be scnt on ztletepre-,iores day. Annotunrcements of Birits, Marriages, atnd Deaths are inserted it thre PALL MALL GAZETTE at a charge of Five Shilling-s. They mnay be sent thro uxk on advertising agent, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ttlS6,50O PERPETUAL FIVE PER CENT. FIRST DEBENTURE STOCK, B3eing the Firet Mortgage Charge -upon the whole undertaking of the EAST AND WESTJUNCTION RAILWAY. The Directors of the EAST AND \VEST JUNCTION RAILWAY are prepared to receive Soltocriplions for 318,500, part of the imis sued balance of the 400,000 First Debenture Stock authorized Py shem inpursanc ofthe RaiwayCompanies Act, 1867i. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... idv -~e n~~eftejs foo the PALL MALL GAZET'TE s.-c d be sent to the 7O1pce ?? Hapf-aSast Nine .?lcock on the day of utbiiEcattofl. A dvertizenrenfs to be distlayed should be sent On the freetous day. _A nnoancemetsot of Births, Marriages, and Deatiss are inserted in the PALL MALL GAzETTE at a charge of Five Shizzings. They essay be sent ghrongh an advertising Agent, Newsagent, or L,'brarian- or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C OSTA RICA GOVERNMENT _ SEVEN PER CENT. LOAN, 1872. L2,400,ooo nominal capital, in bonds to bearer, 0edecmable at par by half-yearly drawings through the operation of an accumulative sinking fund of I per cent. per annum, commencing in 1872. Principal and interest payable in London. Price of issue, A82 per cent. Messr,. KNOWLES and FOSTER, of 42, Moor- gate-street, are authorized by his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AD VERTISEMENTS. MR. STREETER, GOLDSMITH, JEWEL- LER, and DIAMOND MERCHANT, m CONDUIT-STREET, BOND-STREET, LONDON, W. By the aid of MACHINERY in the manufacture of ?? Gold, and Gem Jewellery, Mr. Streeter is enabled to sell gold ornaments of this high standard at a saving to the purchaser of one-third of the price heretofore charged. Intending pur- chasers should obtain a copy of the new ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B11} EDINBURGH REVI`EW, 1T No. CCLXXVIII., OCTOBER, was pub. lished on 'Thursday last. I oe. CONTENTS, :1. Cores. 11. New Shalkspearian Interpretations II1. Memorials of Baron Stockmar. IV. Terrestrial Magnetism. V The Fiji Islands. VI. Henry Thomas Colebrooke. VII. The Progress of Medicine and Sorgery. VIII. Crote's Aristotle. IX. The Past and Future of Naval Tactics. London: LONGMANS and Co. ...