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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .55. och FUNEBAL, OF THE LION TAMER AT BOLTON. in On Saturday forenoon, Thomas M'Carte, better known as Massarti, the Lion Tamer, who was killed while performing with the lions in Manders's Menagerie, at Eolton, on Wednesday lest, and whose frightful death we at the time recorded, was interred in the Catholie portion y of the Cemetery, in that town. The procession, whioh 11, consisted of. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE FUNERAL OF MARSHAL PRIM. The remains of Maishal Prim, after being embalmed, were conducted on Sunday the 1at inst., with great pomp, from his residence in the Ministry of War to the Basilica of the Atocha, where they were to lie in state three days. With the exception of the funeral honours to the Duke of Wellington, I never remember (says the Madrid cor- respondent of the Timnes) any ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAG~ES. ARiSTArO'so-CAeVEfL.--Oii the 20th ioel., at the Parish Cherch of St. Baisobtti, lWectou, by the Ruv. J. Pille, N;Icar, Mr. J. H. Arm~trrng, .'TCwaetbuIupon.Tysse, to Ann., eldest dlaughter of RId 1,Gewrec Career, Huaceoodi Bridge. ?? IVALs~se,-On the f2rd inst., at the Parish Church, Lceds, byth Ruev. J. Loblcy, incuimbent of Beeston Hill, Mr-. Jamsoc ;truss, u. irousnioncur. to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... to iri e0 ea z a AJRWORTE-BADFOS3D. -On the 22nd tlt at;Bank-streetAltrino- he ythe Rev. Alexander M2Lsrz I.A.. Thomas Lewis Ash- MR w~o to Mary Keen. only daughiter o George Edwin Radford, of 00 BU5= ksaua.-0n the lath Wat., at All Souls' Chureb, Liver 0, pool, by the Rev. Mr. Huhs 'Mr. Samuel Bsnnett. of that town. 3. RtOL. . oth~ ldest dauzghter of thtflate loaam Fisher, Warrlngton. B ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. the 2nd inst., at 1, Hanlove Si ae Brsugto, Wife. the Fev. Chales W. Bardaeley, of BEzHRENSs-On thle 29th It., at The Oak, Falowdeld, th wife of Edward liebreus% EsFq, of 0 akson. ~ fel h BOOTU.-At Thorn cottage Nortleende.s o Arthur Booth, of a, ?? nue~.O 28th. nilt, Mrs. DrAz;,On th6 30th March, lt Whall View, ?? Sn gte- Road, Moss Side, the wile Of Thoms lley Vievv, Witlingt ?? f o ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 39%B. Jul ?? H ~A-UU -1ej~'S~a~ 5, Rle 3ondtrsa, Alea IDr ed ?? Ziif :F ?? Mancheste the wife of Xlev. Ewin Baer, d a aughter 3s~n,-Jnl,.2bt *,1S74a'st Eei Bauk, ?? New b oedt t eIN theeL A.7Mekw hb Ariit A Wg-d ter. : n . 4Ax~aeL-Oi,e 72b~~ztt i nit. Rt lat Villa BqwdouMrs 31lr5R14aw: of the 2l smfit., at Wesb View, Victowri Marb, the wife of Mr. Thedo10 Eilearainew *SOD.h., M'LARAsi.-BA' bR ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' I Bkttfifafavigeo, au i30at4 - I BIR~13THS. I DsvIa.,-On the 19th last,, the wife of Poroy Davies, 3 rE f i hsanksky near Warrington, sollcitor, of a son. k OVAGeHIIIAN,-On the 22nd inst., at 299, Upper BrcoC-fstrsat, the wife of E. 0. Oviaghiniiali, of a son.. REITSi3AW.-June 25th, at 04, Dover-streot, Oxfvod Road. the wife of Ralph Taylor Renshaw, o4a daughter. Soc]ETT.-OtO the 24th inst., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'Beo.0 th 2ld~lst. atont Bak, ldel~yEdge, the wife of. James Boy.d, ofao. Baeeewar.-Onthegir 'mt, at Gjargrave, the wtife of 'Co~eesra~-~i he 5t~h irst., at Glyne House,withlflgtoD, the wife of ?? S. Cottrill, of e. daughter. ypt-Ueero.!~01 jOi~ Ph ldtb Jlul, 187, at ShtamfOrd Road, MIOSS' Weslayice fhinidttof i. 'it Ldaughter. HnUlTF.-O0 the) 22nd ot., the ?? of Samuel1 Hunter, Iitiq., 0,Pt, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 336itbj, DRanfageo, anb 3Ueatbo, BIRTH. BrYTar.L.-On the 18th inst., at Malabar Hill, Bombay, the wife of J. IL Bythell. of a eon. CLMU HIxNDLE.-On the loth irsb., at New Jerusalem Chursh Accrington by Mr . J. BroaddeldB A,, enry Wiloa_ third son of the lae Mr. Joseph Cle beiay Dount. Newohurob, tC Matilida. only daughter of Mr.braam EHindle, Roe Bas Hasingden. D D W oLI-DS WoL.-On the 12th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATF, 'kR. B. ?? GREEN We regrets o hear of the death of Mr. Robert Hyde Gregs formerly M.P, for Manchester. In the early days of the agita. tion ne was one of the ablest and most earaest opponents of the landowners' monopoly, Wa&d some of the other reform movements of from 30 to 50 years back were indebted to him for energetic support. His father, Mr. Samuel Greg, had been ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... )EATE OF MR. JORX SLAGG. ,, regret to rndouneo the dreat, ei i h e o ~ObnSs~g, hich in~pstedI occurred on Thur~s- sor.frt jofn elgg whic unfotergdierit agohi resi ! bie C , ,,ing after a short iliness, nt hesideie n day Fai Rusbolme. In Mr. Slagg we lose another, the pnc-spired body of men to libral vit rtf the Anti-cornflalw Leagueanafouf5bsequnefteffOrts PO~ce in ?? solbtcvis muckin 1 h ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I DEATH (Jl;rTIHA.S. N. PREST.j I . 1 - - ?? I , , . _ I I . I ;,OziWednesiay evening, nt five o'oiols,.'on of~the most inflaential and laborions of the Englisi Wealeyay - nieinister8, 'Ret! Charles Prest, - G pyeasre, diedt his. residence. 1Iunpnerfield ViPa,. Iee may be looked upou-nas theifoendersof tbeomnodern Weployan Home Missions, wunch, at his instigationbaudthiougk, his' agency, ...