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Belfast News-Letter

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIETHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. 1ntcC5 ci Births, Mna'riaoeg, an Deatha cannot he agsefld unlesis tl/ parte se nding them ae knaos at p- offce, or t'oS thke anlCitorlOCCllUt fa atGthWicazC by :earl ot ozfr agents. BIRTH. £t'e.-M(S S. ait lilarllton Pines, Loudvn, the Countes of| MARRIAGES. 7, at St. Paul's, Dubltn, Mr. W. IL B3 l'iZr 'I,ml, :o 'ii's Marv Jane Hlmares, Eeltast. 'I - -eon-Ap~ril 21 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIB LHS, MXRRIAGES, AND DEATHS. B I R T: S. {',, ,-,FNbueSt 2, at Cosrrove Street, Belfast, the --e- Itob: 5. Cullen, or a son. -: -- .~sm n, at hli'lieent Terrace, Porte- t. - . wrie of H. Jl;arxris, Solijco.zr, of a daugh- [- N. diVwl-A-.l t 3. nt Rosereatlh Cottage, Armagh, ,: \iO off $:tnzd Menanry Esq., of a sOta 3rtf irrF-5.:nust 2, aat Moncreiffe House, Perth, S.:l. Lad'y Touisa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRfHS', MARMIAGES, AND DEATES1. B I R T H S, ATtEHESON-Seeptember 7. at Waterloo Street Dle-rv .vite tf 'fr. (eorge Atehes'n. of a: tiaughter. p r EYBS - Szrtjonher 7, at Strzutfor l, l vthgar, Dublin, . Slr;. Henry Ha:yes of a 4iaglhter. ,TtNEl> 17 temz ernS, aat 20. FreIerickStrcet, Eleitras. cao *4 ise ot the itvo . JTohn Wi , Jo les. of a. son. hxi I;r' -Septeber i;, at Otil ard Street, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. lI R TH S. i)ElTN --Augrst 2S, atEstwe1l,Lougbhreathe Lady Nlrn, of a daughter. DOTBS- --sgust 26, at St. George's Square, London, ra e 1':e or Robert Conway Dobbs, Esq., Barrister- i .Law, of a son. rEjlVPY -July 6, at Monte Tideo, South Anierica toe ZfC of Louis A. Fleury, Esq., M.D., of a Son. FRZOST-August 2'1, at Bindon Street, Ennis, the wife of John Frost, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRP0S, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS I B R T H S. 1, at Enniskiluen Pomt Office, the - t i;l. Ba'i, Esq., Postmaster, of a gon. -l A.;i L.V:tUg at 3, at PT l llahide, the wile of jok': Blakey, Egq., of a daughter. z-iS'NS-Septeinber2, at Grosvenor Street, Belfast, tiaO 'e tA t r. C. S. Burns, of a daughter. LoiiD- Serl'ei-nIr 2. at Portrs-h. tho wife of Surgeonn >w 7. C;. L o rch M.D., L.;M. Bombay A ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .i5l55i$, IMAIIRIAGES & DEATH& Notec ot Berths, Mlarriase, and Deths a w3nnot b tnoerred eonfes' the paf its snding thems are known at o.Er ocfie, cr' that the (3fniO - 4tZClC7t tsrt3 tsuthenicte 85052EomC o1 ouar o~rwei BIRTHS. BfltVARD-M4areb e, at Queen Street, Derry, the We of wauter 1irlsard, Easq. Ill1, tf a dauchter. il ieg,-Mal h 10, at Drimnrwillan Housener Bailycrstle, the oleof W;i ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF WILLIAM KIRK, ESQ, M.P. | FOR NEWRY. i Ws regret to announce the demise of this gentle- Man, which took place yesterday, at his residence, Anavale, Keady, at the advanced age of 75 years. i Mr. Kirk was a J.P. and D.L. of Armagh. He was first returned for Newry in 1852 ; he was de. fested at the election in 1859; but was re-elected in 1868. A consistent Liberal in politics, he never ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B1RI 'Es NIARRIAGAES3 & DEATHS. Xeoeau 3' Btrcna. &aj-)-iagea, and fleathj cannot be9 i ied U1 f-s Ve Jcif jendsng fAer e known at cw offie. th- t Vz ic a nneojnainnta are a ut kenticated or,-sonw of oul' a'iez.i. RlIRTES. Jsarc;i-h,-te. uber 4., at PeI'le Prr~aace of Ontario, Canadiacl-]e *n-r.f iv 2' rii Jettisotn, E-s., mnerchan~t, for- Mr -rig mc let..t. Ota :dugh:tr. Lcs--, lec tmli-r 20, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 9ITHS5, MARRIAGES & DEATHS.j F aJ @/ birth Alarriqtrc, and D=eths cannot be I ~ ~ send og the a,~ nown a: 9 or at te amnnounacemlen cre authenticated s re U oUr agentt.L BIRTHS-. (l' 1'! t .r t11, at Woodside, Holywclcid, Mrs. John Gilbert, .;. . , a .t (na]riw Crsecnt, Dublin, the lion. Mrs. usC7>1 r,fA a SOMt h :i1'' 0ab, Co. Down, the wfofJoseph 0. * x> 3iCr, azt LisdcO. Dundalk, the wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EL- JESt MA5RaIAGES, & DEATHS,I .- Ihrh-. 3arriageS an Deaths can-not be i j ,- ' tbt- pcrticJ ecndin them are knwsnn cl . i tc a. iounflttCfenls are a futlepiOcicrd BI r.TU S. *C i.'1 : rr.t c, C-anche-ttr, the wIft ;, ;ie .; it. h3e Ent-at sci.tnr, of a '-1 ; . t C.6%ccd;h Square, Luoidun, Lady .: otle Dianioid, Monaghan, the tb!e of . h O! arter, CrkrickIergus,the NVile of .,.bj., J.1., vf ...