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Belfast News-Letter

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTH IS. BELLEWE JanuSIY 23, at Elm Park, Liverpool, the a-ifs of Thomas Acheson Bellew, of a son. ERYKELEY -January 18, at Lyppard Grange, War- ceste,. the wife of Major Henry Berkeley, late 3rd Dragoon Guards, of a eon. COSLANr JanuurY 22, Mrs. John Conland, Courtrai, of a daughter. RICELARDSON-Ja. 22, at Poplar Vale, Monagban, the wife of Edward Richardson, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS, BIRTHS. DOWDY-August 13, at 7, Wellington Park Terrace, Blfast, the wvfe of W. .L Dowdy, of a daughter. GRIA-Augusu 17, at 61, HanoverStreet, Belfast, the w:;e of Mr. John Gray, of a daughter. LICV1 i-August '20, at 60, Winig Street; Belfast, thle wi. o; Jlenry Lewis, of a daughter. BCULLOUGH-Au'Jst 18, at Scotch Quarter, CarrickfS-rgus, the wife of Jamea ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF JOHN ELLIS, SQ.' [FROM OUR. 0OBRSPONDENT.J NEWRY, MOXNPAY I TiEE remains of the late John Ellis, Esq., were yesterday consigned to the family tomb in St. Patrick's churebyard in this town. The storm of the previous day had passed away, the air being mild and spring-)lke, and immense numbers congregated at Crieve House at the hour appointed for the funeral. This is not a matter to be ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. B I R TH B. B3N-ETT-August 2, at Lorne Terrace, Mount- 3c;ttilger, Belfast, the wife of James Bennett, of a son. JT2:- July 31, at the Vicarage, Towooster, North- .m;Iptcnthito, the wife of the Rev. W. Hill Lee, of a I *cg ::er. iJCIGITO)N-- July 31, at Holywood, the wife of S. re.ightctz, of a daughter. bvF'E1IliAN-Augumt 3, at 4f, California Street, Bel- i bt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .J r' MARnRIAGES,. ANi. DEATHS. SI BT HS. BrNNETT-J.un 5, at Eilroot House, Carrickfergus, *'he wir of Rev. J. Hanmlton Bennett, AB., Vssar or Kik-root and Ilaundnagee, of a son. CLIFFO(ID-JDne 3, at the Rectory Rouse, ltille. char-dre. the wiife of the late Ii. H. Clifford, Esq. (iagiatrate of the Bengal Civil Service, India), of a daughter. DA\VIS-June 4, at Ogle's Crove, Hillsborough, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... nlPI. MAIRRIAGES, AND DEATHS. DAIRD-January 3, at 9, Essen Street, Belfast, the wife of Samuel Baird, of a son. B3sWN-December 31, at 16, Victoria Road, Ol - Uharkton, the wife of Liat.-ColonelT. Brown, RBA, of a son.. COtQCOUn.-December 31, at St. Leonard's, gelAnOburgh, the wife of Major James Colquhoun, Hlighiard 13erierers, of a daughter. GU-NlNG-December 28, at 31, Kildare Terrace, Loedon ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARR]AGES, AND DEATHS. BIRT HS. _,tpril 20, at Sharvagh, Busbrmills, the wife 0,0gmes Macaw, N.D., of a daughter. p g ,pril 19, at the Mall, Downpatrick, the J5~ t Vgllisya iBride, of a son, fie ot Ap~l20, at 38, California Street, Rel go5itb fo M r. Alexander M'Connell, of a _1.pril 21, at 87, M'Clure Street, Belfast, i eof Bohert W~ilson, of a son. - MARIAGES. ISKNlIM lIN-April 19, at the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRfTHS, MARIAGES, AND DEATHS. B IRT HS. ZUSTACE-May 16, the wife of T. P. Eustce, Esq. t,_ls of i.jd.'a 49th, Princess Charlotte of Wales' Bogimuth DRegitirar of Cork Street Hospital, l)ablin, of a daughter. ?? I8, at Eri Cottage, Andersonstown, Blfastthe wtfe of Mr. Jams u ea hie, of a daughter. GL-AiS-Iay 17, at Alma Terrace, Portadowr, fte wje of Mr. Robert GUl, of a daughter. GRAY-V1ay 15 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BRTfHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. B I RT HS. EL ILK;-M1ay 26, at MarkethiUl, the wife of hlr. Y`bert };lack, of a daughter. DOWDING-51ay 23, at Elm Bank, Clevedon, the Wgic Of Frederick Charles Dowding, Esq., of a son ,:A! heir, lIAMILTON-Aplul 12, at Umballa, India, the wife of C. L. Hlamilton, Esq., 72nd Eghlanders, of a son. SE kTlN(;E-May 25, at her father's residence, 34, Cjiie.c Green, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r - p13 F' > '3 kPRT.- BS, AND DEATHS. 1' I T !I S. . .' a. 16, BeIsize7. Square, Lmpn E,. -t3, '.7, Ii. G. BagliwaweEsq., K . I ., * - :.- t Fiizzvy Terraco, Be'fwst, the ' ' 'S. 1b 1, of a daughter at ii.tih.x House, N ely TImp- U 1 Mt:^il S' Win. J. Croesley, Lcj j ti ig Of a So;!. r!. -';.'. '1* l)S T'nin, Luton, Chatham, the L' - t; n:r .1 IoIllex, late Royal Artillcry. ,; -A; * .'. vt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * MlPI'A t3 .) ])EAT>;:k.,- * £ I g I S. ,, . ,C '. (:e;',4 at UPi Uprcr Rutlandl Stiaet *E of Jol;a riveritIg, Rig., B.L., O! 80. at ABs1huy House. shrewtburx-Z IP , jr jt , Anse , Oa sorC. - ' 3. 9,- M-~ieo` venue, Kini-a- I ,,.rr 1. .sT 1, of a si Jn. °,III;.,11 f ,i- , TVo mPr Is* Z rih''!:ll Ilri-lrt Tyidte lrv. narr 7, ' .- *j h'e Co. t.~i Sina'ex'IS H, H~cl bs, of Z t rton-wOT li'oaj, ...