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Belfast News-Letter

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUSNERAL OF THE HON. JUDGE LYNCH. TFrz funeral of the lamented Eon. Judge LSnc' took place on Saturday morning at nine o'clock, when the remains were removed from his residence, Ierrion Square, Dublin, to Glasnevin. Amongst those present were-The Right Hon. the Lord filavor. the Right Hon, Lord Chancellor O'Hagan, the Right Hon, the Master of the Rolls, the Right Hon. tre Laid Justice of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. AIJ'L-April 10. at NuIsM muCstl, the msn&Ioasu at Atis, 0 of a amu CLAB:-ArU1S, uat Hadforb PI%, X , C. Meath, the wife of Jehbua Ulm, bq,, of adauthter. CL!XAGlHN-Ayll s18, as 19, Grss Sar*et, Bel. fus, the wife offr. Thomas Olenagban, of a daughter. DYAs-April 13, at l, Holles Street, Dublin, the wife of Jacob Dyn, Bsq., J.P., eatbtown Housr, of a con. SCOTT ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIiHS, AMARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. .C.cctl ii. I Jau. 20, lut 11, Fleetwood Street, Belfast, ! t. t a. i; .Henry Coultor, of a son, c ,;; bitt,- tso, a)t h},.sosJeoIge, 1'a'lyntfrl4h 1 ;th wife of Uetorgo L. Voartouny, oi a l'- - ' .'. l9, at Salndymount House, Co. Dublin, - e:e of 'lit' nas lillon, of a daughter. ';- u -Jci. 1Vi, it 3, Newington Terrace, Bel- i o i u f eo Vliania ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MI2rRIAGES, AND DETHS. BhitTilS.I ''JE-J:. L , as ., La.ia Siret CrI rt -u I -,!a wifej C~ Tlivs : _Ao k.1t.0 j,, ,;; 3 ~vitcCt i~'J''':'i lderl.:'e, o? T . T. r1.- T.? 1l o2 Oz:CSf J:cl. ast. ( ~~Jon 11I. st 23, . I onao ~c.-,ha .d C:rI. le, of dau0iikrs w ,.) - Jit.n 1'. at Lcvinsto-.wl 1iouen, Co. ;:.. ik f Joi,.-l ('.i:f.itld, ItS(, of a sun. -:.n 121, Cr X3 lds Root iv, Iniag' k he . :cf ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... nil 1S, MIARRIAGES, AND DE T S. B I T HS. , p. 4. ;t Church View, Rolywood, AlT-tderdi, of a daughter. ,- i-i ,t Ja:lson alNewtownards t 1| i! s-,tuew~e OF .lr. James Douglas of a ,1 at Elinton Stieet, Belfast, the wife of r. lee, oi a son. . St. 2, at Smithfweld HIouse, Creagh, ,ed 'wi O of David Ferguson, Esq., of .-:A, s . 1, at Aldergho , the wife of Colonel *w , . b; romndwij 35th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. B I R T S. ASaBURNER- Dec. 13, at Newbridge, Co. Kildare, tihe wifo of Francis Aishburner, Esq., Queen'. Bays, of a son. CAMI8BELL-Ozt. 6, at Peru, on board the ship Dallam Tower. the wife of Capt. Win. Campbell, Donaghadee, of a son. ChIAPMAN-Nov. 22, at Peshawur, the wife of Capt. Etanilton Chapman, 8th Bengal Cavalry, of a son. EGC4LETON-Dec. 21, at Silkeel, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IM!1IJII, M5ARRIAGES, AI'D DEATHS I B IR T HS. lIAwlE-Se1)temter 29, at The Cottage, Banbridge, i:e e of A4rthur Ha&ire, Provincial Bank of Ireland, of; i daughter. l;v:N iLD3-Septetflber 28, at 52, Upper Lson Street. Dublin, the wife of Professor 3. Emerison E ,VLol ls, hL I)., of a dau~ghter. SI~~ H RSVES-Stpteffber 27, at Montville, Upper Nt:aic ood, L~ondlon, S E,, Lady Sidgreaves, ot ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHES, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. B IRT HS. _GNEXY-Slay 7, at Falls Road, Belfast, the wife of Sarnuel 1. Agnew, of a daughter. BOT-RN E-May 5, at The Lodge, Tinahely, the wife oF J. Bcrume, C.P.S., of a daughter. CAITROiRPE-Blay 2, 3t Chesham Place, London, the flon. SIrs. A. C3athorpe, of a son. COLLIS-Slay 6, at Leeson Park House, Dablin, the resiulence of his mother, the wife of Robert H. ...


... ND DEATHS BIRTHS. BELLINGHAM - Nov 5 at the Tansey, Howth, the wife of Henry Bellingham, Esq, of a son. FULTON-Nov. 8. at Belmont, Belfast, the wife of Mr. John Fulton, of a son. GAULT-Nov. 9, at Whiteabbey, near Belfast, the wife of Mr. Samuel Gault, of twin sons, HANNA-Nov. 8, .at 24, Wellington Place. Belfast, the wife of W. G. Hanna, of a daughter. MACAULAY-Nov. 4, at Ballycastle, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... C- BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BI RT I H S. AIE-EN-Jannary 25, at Dundela Cottage, Knock, Belfast, Mrs. James W. Aiken, of a daughter. ',i~lfCRTSJnusary 24, at 3, Goffrey Street, Crumlia Road, Belfast, the wife of John 'lMurtrie, of a daugbter. DIELVLLE-3anuar 23, at the Long Hlls, Lnooln- shire, the Hon. Mrs. A. S. Leslie Melvile, of a son, SIMPON--JWuary 22, at St. James's Place, Fermoy, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGE OF CAPTAIN H. DRUWMMONP- MORAY AND LADY GEORG INA SEYMOUR. At St. Peter's Church, Eaton Square, London, on Tuesday, was celebrated the marriage of Captain Henry E. Stirling Home Drnmnmon(d-Moray (Scots Fusilier Guards), younger, of Blair Drummond and Ardoch, son of Mr. Charles and Lady Anne Holme Drummond-Moray, with Lady Georgina Emily Lucy Seymour, third daughter of the Marquis and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BMT , ANi DEATH& COLIIER-Aug. 27, at Lo*er Windsor, Belfast the i*ife of B. C. Cowlief of a -ter. DOWNING-Aug. 26, at 9; 1Uper Cresent Belfast the weif of .ose flowniing, of adaughter. : PRY-Aug, 23 at :COhw Rdow, Basex, the -,wife of,- W. StorkiFfy, Ba of a. S' LEGGE-4ug 9_'22athittingion, Lichfield, the Hon. Mrs. Okorge B. liegge, of a daughter. OXNCHAug. 23 at Grosvenor Square, ...