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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r ,XXA Q^ A 21D DA1'jrg must be fully a :5 2Aeanled by a rmittftuee ot 2s. td ?? > ?? f ~ d or each aditional 9 Wort _ ?? lunocasebeinserted. ~~ BIRfrJ. i iy.Dec 1- at BelsiZe-ParSk-grdens, South Ramp. Rebd-}, on the wife of Samuel Octavus Gray of d;u~t p- ;5*. ?? Albert Grey, Dorchester House, Gi E CIondon, o! a son. yvPs.O;_Mr, iS. at Thonastown, the wife of _ Id johnnton of a daughter. pc. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ;UNERAL OF THE RPE-V. ML BARLOW, P.P. The solemn Office and High Mass for the dead Were solemesised yesterday in the temporary Church of St. Kevin, HIeytesbury.street, for the ever- lasting rest of the abovenamed amiable, zealous, and most worthy Christian minister, whose early demise caused general regret to all who knew hin, as a Catholic priest or as a friend in private life. The remains ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHIS, MARRIAGES, AND DEAT;Is. Ciuter-Ds (o asntabuflctlfled- of N ?? ar lv,' . Kt:' ..i, nd~i De~tails, (i. ii. each; al:41 to t7wtre (i-ran :i- drneift muit, in a12 s-CLs, be ?? Clereb-3'1arch1 S. at 7$.Clld~lsr t hen :U UhrictolieCr l lC. cUlenlb, o tf al s- It. 3lee ?? 010, at Dullin -treet, ! ?? t~l2 a ?? of Mr. Joseph Miceriaa, of a -zli. hlA ?? ~ ?? E Beatty and Bea1tty-Mart i 1:3, a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS, C7&arge for anlaouncement of.XVareA, 2. 6d.. of Birthl and De=tk, Ia. 6d. each; and to insure irsertion thS e Snw mwst ins du Caes, be pr3ai BIRTHS. Bridgman-February 15, the wife of Joeeph Bridgaa, C. E., SO Great Britnin-strost, of a daughter. Coyne-March 5, at 9 Leimox, strect, the wife of .tJha Coyne, Esq, of a daughter. Shiel-March 4, at the rc.idence of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TEE LATE N. W'YM. M'EVILLY. On Saturday a sole0-n Hiigh MIass d- reyitee was cekbcra'etd, at II o'clock, in the beautifal new chaurchof Lcuimhurgh, county Mayo, for the repose of the soul of M4r. Vmn. AM'villy, who breathed his l-st on Thursday at the patriarchal age of 8d. Few if any in the ?? were more estsmeed, or have Lorne with them to the grave so large an armouant of the regretfal ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... eEATH OF MR. MARK LEMON. V.- :iak Lh-non dibd at his country residence, (-rNbsYE. Susisex. ona Monday morning, about o'*Aolok. M1r. Lumon had been out of health vne eiko, and hail been desired by his medi- i ;;leisor to abstain fromt business, but there had cneo anticipation of a fatal result, and on Sun- ?? he wrote and dictated letters, one of which -,iininvitation to a friend to visit him ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MAEIAGES, AND DEATHS. Chargesfor eanyoncemaw of Xerriogee 2& 6d, o Eqrfa- and Deaths, le. 6L eah; and to insure. *nion amoeun ,aus in aU cases, be prepaid; ~BIBTHS. Blennerhassett-Aprtl 14, at Munich, Lady Blennern hassett of a son. Fenton-At Clogheen the wife of Dr. Fenton of a son Gore-May3. at KilmoN Ian, the wife of Dr. Ggre, Sur- gcon34th Regt., of a danghter. MARRIAGES. Fisher ...


... MD DEATH&, Chargesfeo- a*ouwnemnt of Marriapes, 2g. 6d., of Bifr and Deathc, I8. 6d. each; and to insur6 insersion &U amunt must, in all cases, be prepaid. BIRTHS. Garvey-April 26, at No. 3 Sorth Earl-street, the wife of James Garvey Of a son. aLuigsn-April27, at Ardtona, Dundrur, the wife of Stephen M. Lamugan, Esq., of Glenaquie, countyof 11p. perary, of a son. MRRIAGES. Cormac andHird ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... N7tices of dBirtU Marria.a, dnd iaea.hs : i ja b anthttics tod by l-he gla~tnr~e of ?? : eo They cannot otlsr vies be inserfed. Charge6 for alnorlnemone-tt ot Mmiagexs S.,c i irheo atndDeaths, Il(zidi ansd. to iii ar ; or, thtamoct muoit in all c-sr- be nreraidl. Do. e ond MARRiAGES. Do-. le ard Farrell-Feb. .2 at the Catholic Ci'urch o the Assumption, Thoma town, county Kilkenny, by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF REV JOHN O'LOUGHLIN, P Pi TOBBER, KING'S COUNTY. Oa the 25th instant, Father O'Lougblin, aftere only a few days' sericus illness, passed outof thim world to receive the reward of a long life of labour in the vineyard of the Lord. He died at: the patriarchal age of S5 years, ten years off whioh he spent as C C of Kilbride, Drumraney4t Clara, Kinnlegad, and Dunshaughlln. He becam6 P P ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | THE LATE ARCHDEACON TIERNEY. I (From our Correeponrdent.) The obseqeial rites connected with the inter- ment of the venerable and lamented Arohdeacon Tieraey, VG, of the Primatlal Diocese, and P.P. of St. Peter's, Drogheda, evere celebrated yesterday. The funeral, In th esolemnlty of its erblimo religious ceromonial as in the largeneas of the proceesion and the Imspreseiveteeii ol its public ...