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... ust 24, at Walpole-houte, Chiswick, the wife of T. C-Ma, of adaughter. AS0HAW.-August 26, at Belize-equare, Hampotead, the wief of W. H. 0. 1agshave, R.I., Q.C.. of a daughter. ?? 24, at Uigay, Burgess-hlll, Sussx, the wIfe. of F. S. Champion, of ason. t GABRIEL.-Auguat 2e, at. Harley-street, theo wife of M3r. 3M. Gabriel, of a son. GRATTAN.-Aqust 24, at Stephen's-green, Dublin, the We of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, ASSIX-October 12, at Vernon-housO, Bolton-le-MoOrs, the wife of the Rev. B. Casein, M.A., of a eon. DlCKMSON.-Otober 13, at Hurst-dale, Altrincham, Cheshire, the wnteofu1.1. Leifl8oO, offlao. tLoB IfY.-Oetober 13, at Ukeldleld, Sussex, the wife of tho Rev. H. Hopley, of a daughter. RAURML,-Oetober 12, at Gloucester-crtsent, Hegtent'-parl4 the wife of W. R. Kahrol, ?Aq., of a eon. XIa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ti iTzy-.JUno 27, at .,'llhison-placo, Newcautle-ou.Tyne, the Wife of II. Bitdeley, Eil e., olf aeon. Upof El,- B2Junfls, Bt cyfora-lodge, WIinaCtoN, 8omotu Di )ifofJ iru~daglg, Ea ., of a daughter.01)AO 1 .P D.TGOfJ.JL Ti 27, at hpl' t-lbfl, the wief AOr AD Dtrumo, Of a 80orI C*U~lN~fUGIIT-p6uno 20, a1. Chepatow-pIco, Twfikdhrap, the wife of J. W. Cnrtwriaht, of a. daughter. j ?? 27,NV ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. -'ovember C. at Oloucester-pleeC, Portmrsan-uare, of C. Ashtol, )Iallc7 ell, Leicstershire, of a dauc hter. BELL -On NIov. 7, at ?? IOo'erftaci-teraec, flmpetead, NW., ,he Ty'O o' Charles lIel. A a daulhhter, b ,1h iuoyibcr 7, at L'clsizc-park-gardena, Mrs. A. Bird, of n daft.u 8ONelntcr Ct, at Talbot-road, Pysyewater, the wife of . . C lu;upbC! Et.q, a son. COCIcjIUN.-;Ic ber rS, tlte ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -&$GU&-May 25, at Jeiauxad, Nolwastle.onTyro, the wife of J. . ua, of a daughter. 33UND.- a 25, at Belqgave-road. S.W., the wife of J. W. W. Buad, of Wiek Episcopi, Woreestershire, and of Lincoln's-inn, barrister-at-law, of E son. CVIAM3l}I&-Mx.y 24, at Ileaufort gardens, the wife of J. F. Chalmers. of a sou, stillborn. OU{ -M ay 24, at LBromley, Kent, the wife of A. A. Clark. of seon F3lL.- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. BALTHAfAAR: - August 20; at Baatxow-btil-plaee, Hegent's- flk, the wife of 0. Balthasar, Faq., of a son. BILAR.-Ausuut 19, at the Trcssarlh Hotel, the wife of A. Bldr, of a won. BUTDT. -,Auust 19. at Cambridge-rood, Kilburn, the wife of C. B. Butt, of a daoghter. CASTLE.-August 19, at Emrsworth, Honts, the nife of W. H. B. Ca tle, of a son. ?? 19. at flrehado-honus, Ravensourt-pnrk, W. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *BIIwI&H. MAR ES. -January 14, at Hammersmith tho wife of Mr. E. E . Barnes utgeon, prematurely, of a son, stillborn. 13OURCHER-January 13, at Birghton, the wife of Major- General Sir G. Bourchier, ?? of a son. CAWSTON.-January 14, at Hirkdale, New leclrenham, the wife of S. Cxwston, of a daughter . )IXON.-January 18, at Sheflld, the wife of J. W. Diun, ?? a son, ANiRSON.-January 14, at Halley ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. ,ALL ..-August ST, at BSlaiam, th-o wife of W. Allen, Yenns, of a ~.Ou. FISEfIUl.-On the 28th Auguat, at Cleetherpee, Lineolashir%, the wife of J. EI 1sher, t.1 ,, of a daughter 'ltYN-Au8Wgt 7, at the Squarc, lloirnemouth, eants, the wife nt J. N, lryo, of a son GRAHAM-August 27, at LdeeIsboturiuterraoo, Lavender-hill, S.W., the wife of if. 11 OGrlam, of a son, JENNERIt-Augusto2 at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. &NNETT.-On the 27th inst., at No. 7, Hornton-street, Kea- iincton. the wife of Alfred L. Annott, of a Hon. iDURNIITP -June 25. at 164, Urper Brook-atreot. Mlanchceter, the wife of Arthur Wildman Burnett, Zeq., of a daughter. ABIIOTP. June 25, at Magnus-atreet, Newark-on-Trent, the wifo of T. Abbott, of a non. &VRLAND.-Juno 27, at B2grave-square, the Lady Aveland, of &.daughter. DAlLER. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * BIRTES. ATWEIL.-June 4, at No. 107, Woodstook-road, Finsbury. park. the wife of Qeo. Atvwell. jun., of a son. BOt3IS; -Juno 1, at Brixton, the 'wife of W. Boute, of a son. .£ANIUItY.-On the Srd Junoe, at Ashburton-house, Croydon, the wife of Thomas Hlanbury, of a eon. ?? 2, at Cheap-etreot, Newbury, the wlfq of S. flemeted, jun.. Esq., of a daughter. HtfNl ?? 6, at Lingdale, Biicklay, Eent, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fno Rev J. B ere COLl.AlDO.-owXuAry 28, aS Dang Johzi, Cantesbvvr, the .wlfe et (Coar. IRotasi rE '8Etn-#19 at Lowood, ii . soadBade~W~, hbwi eotg 8. Creewe~lI da danhtOr. !WRE8-4s e, atqombillF4qqero,*. thowioe of NX-1 ?? 28, at' olowesqnex .LW.,tho sflefia IUeut..CoL, P. W. egory, H.P., 44th e1mntl, of a l, ait Lhee. 43rowe,. ewh fn Of Hile l Li% oadgbtbr- . ' ' ' - ' I 11BGM SB.-Febr ry ...


... tober 20, the wife of G. M. B. Arnold, Esq., M.A., F.R.Hl;S of Essex-corrt, Temple. of a Son. BROWNE.-Oatobsr 10th, at Farnborough (Warwickshire), the wife of the lbov. Mamraduko i. Browne of a son. (ARPENTE R.-October 20, at Park-cottage, Lower Norwood, the wife of B Carpenter, Colonial Bank, of a son. 'OSS.--0ctober 19, at iMordeld, Bolton-le-Moorn, the wife of J. P. crone. Eas., of ...