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Advertisements & Notices

... P f L V M a M A a K E Approved by the Acaodemy of KedicliSe at Parie, and ethey ?? authorities In England and abroad. This Bolf-Applloable Physbeol Comodive, unike noxious drugs, is harfetmy ied of efficav vastly euarlfr t=oal ther ?? Toee. dies. ?? vto e ahysologal. phpeal, themial effneefa of the electricity they geuyn permanently impart intothe system, these ampv= exerolae an interissi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MZZ3 ?? TO NEW ZAAD Z'O Married and Single Agrioutura1 Laohouers, Alecto 0INGQLE PEMALE DOMESTIC SERVANTS5 WsCo Hoks, Eosesnae, Nurses General Smrants, Da.itymaide, go I5ar terms and eendltlou.s, apply peerrmally. to the qn-irrafr1stw Ze&aland .7.Wetaeur-eh eembrer. London S.W. ZZ1ZRAON To ADELAIDE, SOUTH .AUSTRALIA. The government of the above Colony Sranl ASSISTED PASSAGES Emigra o hepamnts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... w8 ll'anagtue D -aaers, Psaxmemr, Private Fur.~ .c0agem, and Otherr-. FRD.HOLLOWAY will SELL by AUCTIO1- withou~t g o ueslgtst eere uo te une known as 'Fir ?? presolythosrirole of the 0Aoittal wn eadoliodohka ishtura, Wm srissngfealkeir beds asued beddingoosss us hn glev glaso nd T.he usual items, together withiso lfiv5 atci -ond Vtrriug W three cows Itwo in calf), Wolsh Poyvillst tunsness ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W. H. LEB AND CO., Coal Mereliants, Contractors, mud Coitiery Agents. Ofilocs. 12 St. Pa nras-road, N..W. PPESENT PRICES. One Ton. *TwoTons oud 1N~sND W mels d.s. 22 ~ Upwards. 5NLcAND ?? d, . r 23; 6d ?? .-saod' Seconds ?? o ?? 220 id Kest01,8ilkstone, ?? ilss oa ?? 22i66 6eeond quality ?? 22 Cd ?? 28 Gd Od Barnsleylorss Large ?? 220 8d ?? 1is od Derbyloase Lsrg e ?? 1 6d ?? 21 oed Best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P.-U!LIC AM S.MENTS.. -rim ROVAL, ST. JAPMS'S TMMATIro LmosszA .551 MdiAxeoa.3Me. JonoxlVooD; Production of. The Vandering Heir. written by Charles Beside. of Philippe Cheater.~chaacte VWERY evening, at 8.30, P1381oed Aill 6RTNG netR. The EooerIFanUSai IlAMl~tY n Wis~ Itaixsl-. RowMi.e Herbeat MedalyesAtnonie Lafiine, Ada TergaCn P ;d, andrhre. ohn ood eveningic a o% 1.3. ar thed Sood 1i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GUArsD. Yvouk r aux. 65O YARDS Tanned Nettiog (mended) for £2 2q. fiJ Drst Qr.: lltv, 200 varde, 1 U. Liberal terms to counbtry derlers. Cooh with order.-EtDPON B119S.. I , Wharf. City-bam. r Army Bilaneit, So dozen paLra, IiAH£.As ( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... trcrfl aenoreo servdft jOlTD,. ID ogI befoor e mng. or Se O Servan g~~gm/or11 oaod ?? 1onob A Ig0ouemraid lb0ge ablo to We tat -wlid I;Xfa. r uro - A y keprt . to ed Whdperk. BrOle yg, Hot A StoadW W0mafi ANTE ol BrvntdxI am~_woh ,onDg (lonerohDdri,-OSAntODtD.W.* s ep actablkO Totiag air, &,aD~rnt-str~oad Blss-roa~d, A Glenn AttiVe (1II1 a Girln yMTED a ?? Soeraut in a privates famil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rj~i RELATVE TO11MERATRIo To *0sejquence Of deepatches recently reovlvod from KM.'s t rnnr at ?? Cemmissionoret laea treed ie Storetar of Slate'to ~olnt out to poresne Vrlrt~ hArgetine, Republic, that several j~elrnsand other foceigaeus in tha ecoun e ~4ybcD snudeted and that Do efreotnal selps hckol.eentaken by tim lal Govermentn either to brine h udrr ojols Agrotoat the eurvivors. Emnlgropo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,Owing ete smeofete-ohadan'efs eas Recei~ved. Corresponidentsr itird in no: case eend oftigal doOft.*t an oteld 6arselves 9uaw laber their 'wile: ?? ~by bis 'A O~sl55 ?? say. AWoui~ Mal..Thsandordhas no powerto raise e-threut.' Hecau,balel'nte, put an adoto thd tenancy, And.1cxeatea rs n onsc em sa * be agreed upop. Ifyou do not thanacethitem youa must-quit, four' teinpby having ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Dot take undr thbarwim, t~dal g iteidancaer- I 118o.T~dstne rom, LondorxgetuPt4 v ?? Oa,4K oat4OaA~ .Tulw..Tflii farce niuiet ?? P i-awod Owy' % 't,6 th: MonDI!tet~ctt ~Em~GA~0iff3~isp d I tp opery;the orderdedi byia tl to th cbfdren f# .. B. w tlh1'cf 'tetnanUdy, FIiriaB ms6t law. TOearttrl o euimpke ofls11 g'tdl~eAsiy.;t. =-6,60ydd WMVA hewie s ttt oftrothimcn ?? :t, inna IIf M. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EV1SRMNT O N ii TI Au S %,V. a, E MGAINCOMMISBSIONERS grant FREE RAS- IfSGSto BYDNBY. New SthWedeZ6 to Single Foluale 3eOtie srgonup .ota sotadsmn xperiencedinatrool, the dl3 aor y respectesblemari= 18 sod ~~eotin sa othspO3 to be~h had of the Cornn -ForW- ~ ?? at thin office. 5000 By order of tha oard RICHARD B. 60OPAR, Asnistant Seoftt&i3 ,UOvcroe0f Emigradion Office, B, Park-street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'a ZasU4C~ Ctsanw yeils . jhlhkee-~4ve ?? nor ' c orahn tho conoB 8a -iifARll~l^O ftaoet ian'llt ote eoi meat, and sayes It) tfmo h e u eI .7fdfo.dauthenti c X~u r BatiAO2 dhetfil ?? Iidirc , .dya, habit o(a e d.rhwa o . - FBVBBSt1datle Wu, WIaIB at) n9oi ?? tih roete iedaoa rrbo.oda oufr godnii ?? in 1 othehadneee oletatno, borlatc V unrtiee raof the bl el aecta. BAltltYea.x,,eccrftoblt ...