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Examiner, The



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The Examiner

Advertisements & Notices

... RICHARD BENTLEY & SON'S I ANNOUNCEMENTS -0- FIELD-MARSHAL SIB JOHN BUl2GOYNE, Bart.. Il3S LIFE .md CORRES'31ONDENCE. ComprisinglExtracts from his Journals during the Peninsular and Crimean: Wars; Letters-of the Duke of Wel- lhilton, Marquis of Anglesey, Lords Har- dinge, i'almerston and Herbert, Sir Robert Peel, Lord Raglan, Omar Pasha, and many other celebrated Men. Also the Private and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (MiJTLERY, Warranteui.-The most C. varied assortment of TABLE CUITLER'Y in the world, all warranted, is on Sale at WILLIAMI S. BURTON'S. 'fTable, Dessert Carvers The Blades are all of Knives. Knives. per Pair. the finest Steel. ' - - 3St-hich ivory handles, s. d. per dozn14 it 6 15 pe ozen ?? 1 . ll6 ?? .S4 do. balance do . ?? 15 6 12 6 5 4do. do. do ?? 2:3 . '17 . 5 9 4-itec fine do do. , 27 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRINTING DECORATIVE DESIGNS On Walls, Ceilings, &c., in Gold and Colours. EDWARD LEE'S PATENT. Architects sould find this process cheaper, far superior, and more durable than hand painting or stencilling. PATENT PERMANENT GLASS TILES For Church Decorations, Walls, Flower Boxes, &c. 10 FEATHERSTONE BUILDINGS, LONDON, W.C., 23 SOUTH CASTLE STREET, LIVERPOOL. ClUTLERY, Warranted.-The most varied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TADIES' EDUCATIONAL L ASSOCIATION, LONDON.-A Course of Thirty Lectures on the STUDY of ENGLISH will begivento Ladiesby ProfessorlH. MORLEY at University College, on Mondays, at six p.m., beginning on October 14th. The Courses of Mathematics, Mechanics, Physics, Practical Chemistry, Physiology, Psychologry, Architec- ture, English. French, Italian, and German Lan- guages and Literatures, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P I A N O S BORN & CO. Beq to call attention to their IRON CO rTAGE PIANOS, celebrated FO:):1R ALL fortheirpowerand beauty. These Pianos are unsurpassed in elegance of desion and brilliancy of tone, are fv T Tl\/lr A Ah nunequa~led for the excellence of CLIM ATES A vtheir construction, and for the musical effect which they produce. AT The manufacturers pay special at- tention to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... qE NATIONAL BANK of SCOTLAND. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Established, 182.5. H-ead Office :-Edinburgh. CAPITAL. 6.000,000 PAID UP, 1,000,000. C tESERVE FUND, M30,000. LONDON OFFICE. Nicholas lane, Lonibard street, E.C. CURRENT ACCOUNTS are kept agreeably to osca1l clnstOil. DjjEPOSITS at interest are received. CIRCULAR NOTES, and LETTERS OF CREDIT available in all parts of the -World, are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPERFECT DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION. SAVORY and MOOPE'S PANCREATIC EMULSION and PAN- CREATINE are the most potent remedial agents. They are the only remedies yet known for effecting the digestion of Cod Liver Oil and pre- ventinlg nausea, while they also efficiently supply the place of the oil when rejected by the stomach. These facts are now attested by the published records of numerous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws high govern the operations of digrestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, fr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately favourede beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' ?? Service Gazette. iade simply with boiliug wrater or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flIBBERT TRUST.-Two Scholarships will be awarded on this Foundation after the next examination, provided that two Candidates are declared by the Examiners to be duly qualified. The next examination Will be held at University Hall, Gordon-square, London, on three consecutive days in November, 1873. Candidates must furnish satisfactory evidence of age, graduation, and other points, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISSUE of 696 EIGHT PER CENT. FIRST MORTGAGE DEBENTURE BONDS of /ioo each, Being the balance of 100,000, constituting the First Mortgage, and secured by a First Charge on the entire undertaking and property of THE CADIZ WATER WORKS COMPANY, LIMITED. The Bonds are redeemable within three years, namely, on 1st October, 1876, at 110 per Debenture of 100, being a bonus of 10 each. PRICE OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE. LIMX C:3FW INX Ma Xu M33 S. ABERDEEN. MrsCruickshank Miss Macdonnell Mrs Garden Miss Rodger Miss Me CombieI Mrs Spalding Secretary: Mrs Bain, Ferry-hill Lodge. BIRMINGHAM. Miss Albright Mrs Ashford Mrs Breakspear Rev. H. W. Crosskey Mrs Crosskey Mrs Grenfell Mrs G. B. Johnson Dr'Lloyd Mrs C. E. Mathews Mrs Middlemnore Mr Rogers Mrs Rogers Mrs A. Southall ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE - NEW AND BEAUTIFUL CANDLES. Made of' this mineral will be found to far surpass any that have yet been introduced, possessing marvellous brilliancy of ligh, a bring to the end without bending, though placed in the hottest and most crowded rooms. They resemble in appearance the very whitest bleached beeswax, also in odour, whence the name, from the Greek Ozo, I smell oft, and Keros, wax. ...