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Portsmouth, Hampshire, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... is. her to DEATH OF THE QUEEN OF THE NRTHERLANDS, Mies of The Queen of the Netberlauds, who for some d(aY3 past BrC bed been in a precarious CoditiNon, died at a quarter to thei twlv n u-lyforenoon at The Hague, and wo aroe i- tbr4 0 weepresent. The late Queem wee well known in the wit, is. higher circles of FEngligh society, and paid frequent visits of peel laet years to this country. Her ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRI6AGES, AND DEATAHS ' Notices of Birth and Marriage are charged for at the rate of 2s. 64. for forty words, and Gd. for every additional eight words. Simple announcements of Deith are inserted free of charge, but the words Demply lamented, or any. similar addition, aubject them to payment as for an advertisement. In all eases the arnounoement must be authenticated by the name and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... at. fl 19~ ABRIAG-ES, AND DEATHS. t t BIRTHS. lA SrTo--On the 1t inst., at Ballywalter, co. Down, Ireland, the wife of Navigating Lieutenant James Walter Ashton, B.F., of a sou. BASTABLE-On the 3rd inst., at Belgrave House, Land. port, the wife of Mr. E. Bastable, jun., of a son, still. born. CUeNINGHA3x-On the2ad inst., at 1, Wish-street, South- sea, the wite of Mr. It. J. Cunningham, ot a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... f-- r BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. b ftl No announcement o births, marriages, or deaths can be in- serted unless received within a reasonable time. BIRTHS. I, BAYEny-On the 7th inst., at Aldershot, the wife of W. H.. h Bayley, solicitor, of a son. y CnoFT-On the 5th inst., at Great Cozens, near Ware, the e wife of Lieutenant Richard Benyon Croft, R.N., of a e daughter. e HAWKER-On the 3rd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ue, nd 13IRTHS, MARIIAGES, AND DEATHS. le- .- as No Notices of Birth,- Marriage, or Death, can be inserted .to unless authenticatea by the name and'address of the sesder. he The words, IINo cards, .Deeply lamented, or any similar addition to the simple announcement of a marriage or death, nt subject it to payment as for an advertisement. - 4ts No announcement of births, marriages, or deaths ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHIS, MARRItFAGES, AND DEATHIS. BI1RTHS. BijLnOCE-On the 17th instant, at Magadala-house, King's- read, Soutlisce. the wife of C. F. Baldock, of a. daughter FLowEtcs-At 33, Sydney-place, Flathouse, on the 1d4th instant, the wife of Albert Flowvers, coal merchant, of a daughter. HAY-On the 12th instant, at 11, Gloucester-place, Green- wich, the wife of W. D. Hay, Esq., RIN., late H.M.S. ...


... An amusing entertainment, entitled Snperba, and consisting of magic, music, and ventriloquism, was given in the Grammar School on Thursday evening Mr. I'ann. The weather was very bad, and consequently the audience was small. The ventriloquism was remarkably ° Petty Sessions. —At the Droxforu Court House, on Thursday last, before R. R. Goodlad, E-q. (Chairman), and G. Atherley, Esq., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B1BTHs; MARRIAGE, AND DEATHS. d e cr Announcements of Mlarriages can only be insertead when authenticated by the yarties themselves or their parenta, a whenthey come through our recoagnsed agents. ''NO 14otlceo of Birth, Miarriage, or Death, c~a be Laaarts4 unless autbonticated by the name and addreas of tbo seaur, r The words No cards, IDeeply laniented, or any similar D, addition to the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DBEATUS. Announcements of Marriages can only be inserted when authenticated by the parties themselves or their parents, or when they come through ciur recognised agenlts. 'To Sces« Or ilirts,, A arrnae, or D~eath, can be saerted uniea authsenticated by the name and address of the sendr. The words No cards Dseeply :ameated, or abny sim~ilar addition to the simple ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Notices of Birth and Marriage are charged for at the rate of 2s. 6d. each insertion. Simple announcements at Death are inserted free of charge, but the words Deeply lamented, or any similar addition, subject them to payment as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. APPLEBY-On the 19th inst., at Fareham, the wife of J. H. Appleby, of a daughter. Blessley-On the 18th inst ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGE AND DEATHS. ' Notices of Birth and Marriage are charged for at the rate of 2S. 6d. each insertion. Simple announcements of Death are inserted free of cLharge, but the words Deeply lamentid, or ani similar addition, subject it to payinent as for adivertisemnent. BIRTHS. CIrEsTLE-On the 26th ult., at Southsea, the wife of Mfr Thomas Chestle, of a son. COLLINGS-On the 29th ult ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... h BIRTHS, XARRIAGE, AND DEATHS. or Announcements of MIarriages can ?? be inserted when authenticated by the parties themselves or their parents, or when they come through ur recognibed agents. * Nto . ioticee0 ot rirch, farriage. or Uein., can be iaftud t unless authenticated by the name and aadress of tne sender. The words .No caros, Deeply :ameeted, or any similar addition to the bsiple ...