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... WORKMEN'S INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1870. President: RT. HON, W. E. GLADSTONE, M.P. (To the Editor of the Monmouthshire Merlin.) SIR,-The Council of the Workmen's International Exhibition, to be opened on the 7th of July, 1870, at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, has determined to hold a Conference of Delegates from the towns of the United Kingdom, and of other countries, on the 10th of ...


... THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY. ITer Majesty, Alexandrina Victoria, born Mav 24 1SW succeeded her Uncle William IV., June 20, 1837 crowned June 28, 1838 married Feb. 10, 1840, to her cousin. Prince Albert of Saxe-Cuburg, who died Dec. j 14, 1861. H:is issue— I Victoria Adelaide Mnry Louisa, Princess Roval, j born Xov. 21, 1840 married Jan. 25, 1858, to Frede- I rick William, Crown Trinee of ...

[No title]

... THE MINISTERIAL CRISIS AT VIE*' VIENNA, December 29.—The Minister not viewed with any serious alarm here, a fflajo- tions in dispute are to be decided upon J^rtinflP jiim- rity in the Reichsrath. Count Beust« e* self to procure a settlement in thia in nun, yevipirt,, Saturday, Janvnry ^JUCITIRW Printed and 1 ublishe.i at the AM General Pn»tinK OH'co. N. 1 ■>, C ™ u.h, tM Borough of Newnnrt, ...


... CARDIFF POST-OFFICE TABLE. LETTERS MAY BE POSTED— With lee, extra fee. To Bridgend, Carmarthen, Haverford- west, Llatielly, Milford, Narberth, Pembroke, St. Clears, Swansea. Tenby &c 8.2 a.m. 8.30 *.in. „ Bristol, Chepstow, Gloucester, aud Newport 9.10 a.m. 9.15 a.m. „ Aberdare, Merthyr Tydvil, Moun- tain Ash, and Pontypridd U. 0 a.m. 11.10 a.m. „ London and Newport, (Mou.) 12.15 p.m. 12.20 p ...


... JANUARY. CHANGES of THE MOON:—New Moon..2nd, 12-5a.m. First Qrtr .9th, 9-2 p.m. Last Qrtr..24th, 11-22 a.m. Full Moon.. 17th, 2-45 p.m. New Moon.31st. 3,40p.m. Sunlliise :Scts. 1 S Circumcison 8 8 4 0 2 SECOND AFTER CHRISTMAS |8 8 4 1 3 M Josiah Wedgwood born, 1795 8 8,'4 2 4 Tuj Amazon steamer burnt at sea, 1852 8 8|4 3 5 W Edward the Confessor died, 1041 8 8;4 4 6 Th EPIPHANY. Twelfth day 8 ...

[No title]

... SECOND ADMINISTRATIVE BATTALION MONMOUTHSHIRE RIFLE VOLUNTEERS. ANNUAL RETURN FOR TIIE YEAL ENDINU NOVEMBER 30, 1869. Wo. 01 Points in Name of best shot in (vicli corps. 1st and 2nd Classes together. narasjpiBpj jo -o^ I Per Centage Rate of Amount of the First Period of 20 Rounds No. of Men in each Per Per of Capitation Capitation each. j Class at termination of Centage 'Centage of Attendance ...


... Shillings ty qr. Wheat, Essex and Kent (white), old 47 to 52 Ditto, ditto new 40 49 Wheat, Essex and Kent (red) old 46 49 Ditto, ditto new S8 45 Wheat, Norfolk, Lincoln, and Yorkshire (red) old 47 49 Ditto, ditto ditto new 89 45 Barley 27 42 Beans 86 46 Oats, English feed 18 21 Flour, per sack of 2801b, Town, Households, 87s. to 483. WREXHAM, THURSDAY.—The following were the quotations: White ...


... TRANSFER OF SHARES Oil STOCK. £ s. d. Bank, not exceeding £ 25 0 9 0 Hank, exceeding £ 25 0 12 0 East India. 1 10 6 Other Companies as Conveyance duties. Charter 0 5 0 Release 1 15 0 Affidavit, 2s. 6d. Proxies to vote in Joint Stock Com- pany Meetings, 2s. 6d. APPRENTICES INDENTURES. When the premium is under £ 30, and under £ 50 2 0 0 50 „ 3 0 0 100 „ 200. 6 0 0 200 „ 12 0 0 300 400. 20 0 0 ...


... BILLS OF EXCHANGE (INLAND) Oil PROMISSORY NOTES. £ s. d. Not above 0 0 Above £ •> and not above 10 0 0 2 10 25 0 0 3 25 50 0 0 6 75 0 0 9 75 100 0 1 100 200 0 2 0 200 300 0 3 0 :f)O 40 0 4 0 400 500 0 5 0 I GOO 750 0 7 0 750 1000 0 10 0 1000 1500 0 15 1500 2000 l 0 0 2000 3000 l 10 0 3000 4000 2 0 0 4000 for every or part of £ 1000, thereby made payable. 0 10 0 ...

,-.------.---'L 1 L-Jirtclligiimit1

... THE ACCIDENT AT BRISTOL.—Mr. Jones, carrier at Weston-super-Mare, had two daughters in the crowd at the theatre on Monday. One named Ellen was killed on the spot; the other, Mary, was seriously injured. She was carried to Weston, where she died on Thursday morning. A shocking accident happened on Monday night on London Bridge. Two youug ladies (sisters) engaged a hansom about half-past ten ...


... THROUGH COMMUNICATION between the Norw Eastern Counties and Midland Districts and So at* Wales via Gloucester. JANUARY, 18 70. UP T#*tip -UATB. ilasgow via p.m. a:m a-ni. a.in p.m.. p.m. t Ingleton.. dep. 4 0' | ••• i' •• 1 Bdiahro'd* 4 15| .} •• Jg; jlasgow via York. 4 60' ] ••• Sduileit>'ditto 7 30j j ••• ••• Berwick 9 5 ••• ••• slewcafctle 11 23 5 2\> ?*w south Shields ..10 20 5 1#| 8 0 7 0 ...

[No title]

... LONDON RAILWAY SHARE LIST. I .business Shares. Rail-way \Paid. Closing Prices done. Stock. Bristol and Exeter. 100 74 —- 76 Stock. Cambriau 100 15 20 Stock. Caledonian 100 76 — 76^ Stock. Great Eastern 100 384 38j 333 Stock. Great Northern .100 108^-109^ 3tock. Do. A Stock 100 109 —110 Stock. Great Western ;100 f6^ 57j Stock. Do. South Wales !l00 5S 60 Stock. Do. W Mid. Oxfd 100 34 ^2 36 Stock ...