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... L IT B R A T U R E. Af~t ic'SOiif Sb'GCO'CoSyj itcilair, Burt. of Ulbster,. BY JAMES 0 GRANT, Author of ''Tue Great Metropolis, &C. it] London: Tinsley Brothers. I IT appears to uss that, for a considerable period, the highest I clazs in Scotland have produced comparatively fow men' that C have acquired for themselves coy personal eminence. Among the nobility there have not, we think, been ...


... A1 T1 M)A ff~ FOi~AP_?IL I6 O'Dowd nods over several subjeeft, includitg a review of foreign politics, which h i dedign-tes ''Dull. as Ditchwatdr, Ia'title'iot altogether t ?? i Jlr, dq-& )kp on tyte II ' Ari . ess. es.8Jsis~'.a- Fla~ni6'ilayed i aniampoi;' tant prtin Spanish affairs durmi g tile reign of '15hLip V., and whoiinWr6kn'riab% carederis dividbd ?? portionsi,.. ginning with'the ...


... SOMIRES, CONCERTS, LECTURES, &a. LANG1ANIC-SOIREE AND PnESENTATIONS.-A co01- gregational soiree in connection with the Langbank Established Church was held on Friday evening last -Rev. Robert Crawford, the pastor, in the chair. The secretary's and treasurer's reports for the past year were of the most interesting and satisfactory character, and afforded clear evidence of the increas- ing ...


... ,SOIREES, LECTURES, CONCERTS, &a. Psrnr~v- FREEE MIDDLE Cnunoa.-The annual congregational Soiree of the Free Middle Church was held on Wednesday evening, in the church-the Rev. ,Wm. Fraser the pastor, presiding, supported by a 'number of clergymen and office-bearers of the con- gregation. There was a very large attendance. After tea, the Chairman referred to the progress of the congregation ...


... AYRSHIURE AGRTICULTURAL ASSOCIA- TION'S BXHIBITION. - - The thirty-fifth annual spring show of tho Ayr- shire Agricultural Association was opened at Ayr an, yetrday. Although an Occasional shower of rain H. yfeillt throughout the day, the weather was upon the whole fa~vourable. This is now the second year on the which the show baa extended over two daiys--the iful, implements, machines, and ...


... SOIRV ES, LECTURES, CONCERTS, &a. ST VINOENT SiltETuT U.P. CHURCH.-The congre- gationalichoir of St Vincent StreetU.P. Church (Rev. MrRennie's) gave their first annual concert, toa large audience, in the halt under the church, on Tuesday evening. The programme consisted of selections from the Messiah, and a number of secular pieces. The solos were, on the whole, very well sung, and the ...


... Boston (Massachusetts) has a sensation story. Recently, i a town hard by a public ball was given. The daughter of a couple who keep a boarding-house set her heart on going, and in company with one of the boarders, who is designated 'J. The girl's parents objected to her going to the bail, especially in company with J, but she said, that she was de- ternined to go, and that if she could ...


... LITEBA TURE. (,Or LAND TENURE 1N VTARIOUS Co.UNnieEO. London: Macmillan & Co. ?? volume, as its title indicates, con- . a series of eight separate and independent aise en various national systems of land tenre It has been published by the Cobden lub, ill the belief that they could not better ote the objects which the great anti-corn P, champion' had in view than by collecting f competnt ...


... THEATRE ROYAL-OoEprA-BOUFER. To serelyelassical minds the highly-seasoned dish presented Inab night by the French Opera- Bouffe Company, as Orphde aux Enfers/ must appear exiremely distasteful. Hector Cremioux, the author of the-libretto, has ruthlessly trampled upon all classic associations, and has kroduced a piece abounding with much ingenuity and ability, but at the same time, ...


... THE, ROYAL ACADEMY EXlIBlITION. The Pall MCLU Gatette describes some of the prin- cipal pictures which will be shown at the Royal Academy Exhibition:- The oihibition promises to be one of more than average interest, although certain favourites of the public-notably Mr Leighton, Mr Sandys, and Mr Erakine Nicol-have been prevented by illness from contributing to it. It is understood that Mr ...


... SOIREES, LECTURES, C'ONCER'TS, b. TESTIMONIAL TO MR R. K. M)rcLER, 3A.- szecial meeting of the Natural Phlilouspisy CM iiI teheuniversity waslheld yesterdayficrenmr)n,A ?? .o'clock, forthe purposeof pre..enting ?? a tangible token of the esteeim in which he ioL, by the class, and the appreciation with whikh L, lectures have been received during the present . Sion.. The chair was occupied by ...


... SOIREES, LECTURES, CONOERTS, &c. PARTI`cle Fn ?? CjIuiiou.-The annual soiree of the Free High Church, Peatick, was hold on Wed- nesday evening in the Princess ]Rooms. There was a, large attendance. The Rev. R1. J. Sanderoan ocuid the chair, and after tea delivered at short adrs. The various ?? were afterwards read by the teasurers to the udiferent funds, from which we lear that there has been ...