Amateurs at the Queen's Concert Rooms

... Amateurs at the Queena's Concert Rooms. A concert was given here early in the week by a number of ladies and gentlemen calling themselves amateurs, very properly because not dependent for a living upon the exercise of their talents, but who apart from this consideration proved themselves capable of very good and solid siniog, Their exertions were given in favour of a Maternity Institution, a ...

Published: Sunday 22 May 1870
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1306 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... cOURT AND FASHION. OSBORNE, SUNDAY.-The Queen and Princess Louise drove out yesterday afternoon, attended by the Hon. Caroline Cavendish. IIer majesty, Princess Louise, and Princess Beatrice, with the Ladies and Gentlemen in Waiting, attended Divine service at Whip- pinglim church this morning. The Rev. G. Prothero preached the se1IiO1. To-day is the anniversary of the birthday of his Royal ...

Published: Sunday 08 May 1870
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1518 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

H BANDMANN in Sydney as Hamlet and Narcisse, for a Month Running

... H BAINDMANN in Sydney as Hamlet and Narcisse. for a lxonth Running. (The Sydney Morning Herald, Monday, January 31st, 1870.) TiE PRINCE. OF WALES OPERA Housn. - A German by birdi, l ad with such knowledgeeof the English language as he acquired during a few years' professional residence hi America, he made his appearance in England a comparatively unknown performer, and at once took a ...

Published: Sunday 01 May 1870
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1847 | Page: Page 6, 7 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... pistol SATURDA T, MA Y 7, 1870. I is gratifying to observe that the events the last three years have not been without their suggestive lessons to the leaders of the .English Church. The day of apathy and indifference seems have disappeared with the destruction of Establishment which long laughed contemptuously from its legal fortress at the public opinion of the age. Enlightened clergymen now ...


... (2edl-aq' PcIanill o'v 7ktyln yn gyficithiad). Craig yr cesoe,'d, ynot ti, itwygwyd drosok cutdia 6; Ieru, boed i'r cfiirr a'r gwaed, O dy sanctaidd ystlys gaed Okchil' beiaa mawr i gyd, -dfY nddii rag dy Udi Trwy dy angan bywyd gaed, Eiriol drosof werth dy waed; Deddf cyfiawnder ye dy iawn Gafodd daledigaeth lawn; Dy drugaredd, Arglwyld yw, Gobaith fenaid i gael byw. Nis gall sel na'm Hafur i ...


... I Jmlsis . ROYAL ITALTAN OPElA. of The ioeporteait events of the past week have we been the return of Madame Adelina rattio and the re. eras appoaranice, after two years' absence, o f Signor Mario- Alsoc both which occurrencesl took place on Saturday. Ea2chRa event hadl bean postponed, the one from the previous , Thursday,,iunsonequence of Madame Patti having beenBU unavoidably delayed in her ...


... THlE MArA ZINES FOR MAY. FR.ASaR'S. -There is excellent reading in Fraser this month. The opening article by the Editor, Mr Froude, is a vigorous criticism of Father Newman's able book entitled An Essay in aid of a Grammar of Assent-a work which, with all its logical acuteness and persuasive power, will have little rower over those minds which it is specially meant to influence. Pro. fessor ...


... THE. SPRING BALLOT., The Spring ballot of the Birmingham drt Union took place yesterdaiy at the Rooms of thei Society- of Artists, NeS Steet. Dr. Bell Flotoherprealded Mr' 3. H. BAKEu,' hon. iecretary, read the following report Your comittee, adhering to the plan-adopted fn the spring ballots of former yearsa,ihave confined their opera- toens to the town and neighbourhood, reserving their more ...


... MA(GAZUUS FOR MAY. The Cobnhill this monthi, is again enlivened by one of those racy:sketches of modern French life, which have con- tributed somuch to the interest of recent numbers. Prince Maleskine's Conspiracy, thouph professedly the history of a Eussian socialist bubble, is really a satire on French -evolutionary schemes, the prime mover in the conspiracy being a harebrained French ...


... I ZESIC. SE1W PHRhHAIRMONIC CONCERS The fourth concert of the'season took ?? lost naight, when St. James's-ball was filled, as it could scarcely fail to be, with the combined attractions of some fine instrum~ental* performances, and -the singing of Madame Pauline Luacca, who made her first appearances in the concert-room, this year. The programme was as follows; PAflT L Overtuce ~ee dour ...


... aI 7 ?? - -.En- - -. - 1 - . Prof. Seely's lectures on Roman History to the large class o- of ladies (over two hundred), at the Kensington Museum, 1s- are to be published. en M. Delorme, the author of a work of much merit on political philosophy, lately published at Paris under the title th of 'Les Thdoriciens au Pouvoir,' is a mulatto of Haiti. He r s was once a ' theorist in power himself, ...


... THBE LONDON MUSIC HALLS. THE CABIBRIDGE.-Mutuea service, such as is frequently rendered by Music Hall ?? to one another at benefits, shows the existence of a friendly feeling among the members of the Pro- fession, which is highly creditable to them. Miss Annie Adams, who, as we have often witnessed, is one of the readiest to give her valuable assistance at such times, found a large number of ...

Published: Sunday 15 May 1870
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1759 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture