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... LITER~lTURB. r Bv tie liglht. Ilon. B. Disraeli. l.ordotl PI1igulls. [..EceeNl) NxovrittE. trust that wec nmay be forgiven by a public ri We have learned from an authority a5 rlmlber of the Qrrarrterly ?? that evild3 tie1Z courtesy are on the increase, if WC nl a loving and gratefull spirit to Mr p raelis latest triunmph. The cares of life steo runny areotig Ues, and it is something to eW that ...


... =E C O PU. PE;FORMlANCE, OF ST. PAUL. rj'ssp. pel forifltta1Co of this oratorio caine off in the Music Pr1on1i iday evening, and. formed the last of the snookt qf tile Choral Unless for thle season 1869-70. A more 'ts-irsacol 1ierforinance, onl the whole, has never been, A is i Is bcd oii ny presiions occasion. The artistes Di remiT' '1 Ocie Madae Corri-Gilhiec, liis IHarrisonl, Mr tli i' ...


... I . LiTEBRATJB. ENnLANnl) TO DELII: -A Narrative of Indian * Travel. By John Mvatheson, Glasgow. Ldo- don: Longinano, Green & Co. (Pp. 539.) Tiues bulky volume is the work of a business ;man, and its appearance at sa tiple when the question of infusing more of the commercial ole- ment into the Government of our Indian empire is receiving so large a share of public attention is peculiarly ...


... JT.ERAT'UB .-O nC OF T11E FREE CHURCH oI0 1*.nI~ DIPs Origin, Objects, Methods, and lleslts. A paper read before the Statistical Biety of London on the 15th March, 1870. By 1ev. Dr Robert Buchanan, of Glasgow. J41,IAT VOLUNTARY IhBERALITY HAS DS AW DLEFT UNDONE FOR THE MINISTERS OF 9 ?? C TREC~I OF SCOTLAND. Fourth aitioo By the 1ev. James Mi'Naught, Mait. land Free Church, Glasgow. are ...


... CHRLTJNION CATHDRAL CONCERT. The Glasgow Cihoral Union Concert ia our venerable Cdathedial on Saturday afternoon draw together a very numerous audience. The music consisted 'entirely of selections from Mendels- sohn's Elijah, the performance of which, on the wholoe wee regret to say, was far from satisfactory. This result must be attributed, inL 'great part tq the music presepted. The ...


... THE, Du'rIJ OF ARGYILL ON Art. ' i The annual festival of the Artists' General Bene- it volesit Institutions was held in London on Saturdayi 10and was very largely attended. The Dutke of Argyll we who presided, took occasion to point out that per- P-sons of refinement and education, when reduced to poverty, experienced a degree of misery to which e, the humblest classes of society were ...


... THlE MArA ZINES FOR MAY. FR.ASaR'S. -There is excellent reading in Fraser this month. The opening article by the Editor, Mr Froude, is a vigorous criticism of Father Newman's able book entitled An Essay in aid of a Grammar of Assent-a work which, with all its logical acuteness and persuasive power, will have little rower over those minds which it is specially meant to influence. Pro. fessor ...


... LITERATURB. - CHRISTNnDOa: IT.R UNrrY ier DIVlRSITTY, A Sermon Preached before the Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. Edinburgh, May 3, 1870. By the Rev. Jardine Wallace, B.A., Moderator. Wl illiam Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh and London. 1870. SERMoNs printed bear so unmistakable a general resemblance to sermons preached that the readers and writers of week-day publications have con- siderable ...


... |THE IWNTBRNATIONAi EX ldITIO'N OF - I . 1.L - On Tuesday a 'number of gentlemen interested in the woollen and worsted trade met at the Society of Arts' Robins, Ldndon, to make arrangements for the exhibition of 1871. -Lord Halifax occupied the chair, and explained the general regulations under which the annual eihibitions are to, be conducted, and which have-been already published. Mr Wren- ...


... LITBRATURE. TeY LIn AND LEVT.15t OF FARADAY. By Dr Fence Jones, Secretary of the Royal institu. tion. In2vols. Secondedition,rovised. London: Longloan, Green & Co. wr was fit that the biographer of the great physi- cist should be a man not only of eminent attain- mnents in physical science, but also officially connected with that institution in the laboratory of wicch Faraday made that long ...


... .LITERATUBE. rARlArIVE LoOX .VITX IN MAN AND TI!H LowER ANIMALS. By Is. flay Lankester, B.A. London: Macmillan & Co. (Pp. 135.) Tins is a valuable contribution to a department of knowledge which has been strangely neglected by scientific investigation. Practically we know little more of the facts bearing on the duration of animal and vegetable life than 1Baeon has made us acquainted with, anid ...


... L I T E RA A '1 U R E. Logic. By ALEXArcNDER Paix, LLtD., Professor of Logic p05 in the(, University of Aberdeen. London: Lenginins, ca CGreen, Reader, L& Dyer. oudtir Tue restless activity osf our Professor of Logic has foundi of vent in a book-his Irienirial work, as we may call it-, for Irsetc genius serems, like seine tires, to hear fruit every -second oft year. To say that, a work fromt ...