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... At meeting of the Jockey Club, held on Wednesday, after the races, was agreed to grant a committee of inquiry into the abuses the Turf. Eleven members were selected, but their functions are not to extend to anything in connection with betting. Fuller Pilch, the well-known cricketer, died of dropsy, Canterbury, on Sunday •Tening, in the sixty-eighth year of his age. His greatest achievements ...


... From Comie Pap and ctKtr ttvtretJ.} Imaginary scholars—The pupils of your eyes. Why is two like vice? Became it ends in we-e. When is a newspaper the sharpest ?—When it is li Transported for life—The man who marries happily. The prim-evil forest was situated in the Garden iWkm. The movement that was 44 on foot has taken a Why ii a key like an hoipital ? Became it's fall of lards. Wise men ...


... MR. DISRAELFS NEW NOVEL- LOTHAIR. Lezgues poet intercallum, the author of Con- I ineby and Vivian Grey has launched another barque upon the crowded waters of fiction. Lao- ttair will puzzle many and disappoint more. t Stories were currant as to its political character, E and some of Mr. Disraeli's contemporary legisla-t tors must have felt not a little nervous when it was boldly announced ...

Gentlemen, desirous of having their Linens dressed perfection, should supply their mJI dresses with the STabCH ..

... parts a brilliancy and elasticity gratifying alike senses of sight and touch. . J L. L. and really good old Whisky are synonymous terms. Until the Kinahan introduced their delicious old mellow it was impossible get good old Irish Whisk J m England, but now the ''I+l*. be obtained its purity in every town throughout the t well-known red seal, and pink labelled bottles. «.« ...


... From Cmsm nwmi.] A 44 Noiseless Sewing Machine.—A good wife. Song for the Postman.— 44 Oh, letters, be happy together! m The woman question —Where did you buy your hack hair —A merican Paper. The fellow who broke into a hospital and stole couple of case-* of typhus fever has been finally detected. UwPorCLAR Personages.—A fat man in an omnibus, a tall man in crowd, and a short man on parade ...


... THE DAIRLI.NGTOY CHlORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT. TO Tlal EDITOR OF THE zNORTHERN EaO.' Sac,- I am solry to trouble you again on the above subject; but it seems that my explanation is not explicit enough. There is a good deal of what is termed legal acumen connected with the society, and it bas been suggested to me that in order to be clearly understood, I should have said, '1I did not write, or ...

The Lambing Season.—Those famous London preparations, called Day, Son k Hewitt's Red Drench and Gaseoua Fluid ..

... to a httie mora generally known to be in the possession of every farmer, for they are the true safeguards to health against all desciiptions of disordeis in animals ; and during th« lambing season especially, flocknuuter should be without them. Natuie gently assisted by the balmy and easy aperient influences of the Bed Drench, which removes all irritaut matter from the system, while the ...


... Tie third ace between the Sappho and the Cambria has resulted in the victory the former, and, as the cop for Saturday's race has fceen awarded to her, the American yacht carries off the prizes in all the three races. Tha»grand chess tournament Baden-Baden, which is to- commence on the 15th of July, promises to eclipse any tonrnament which has yet taken place. Among many distinguished chess ...


... Lord and Lady Muncaster reached London on Saturday. The Lord Lieutenant left Dublin on Tuesday morning on northern tour. he lates't accounts from Frogmore state that the Princess Christian and her child are going on well. The Prince of Wales will hold levee at St. Jame*' Palace, on behalf of her Majesty, Monday, the 30th. Lord Chief Justice Cockburn was sufficiently recovered take his place in ...

A singularly important statement appears in the latest edition of the Encyclopcedia Britanuica, 21, page 87. ..

... the Lancet 29 different samples of Tea, discovered that the Uruccnled Teas of China were perfectly Pure and Genuine, but goes on to say that the 12 Samples of Scented Tea, as mixed with the Tea usually Sold, largely adulterated with Paddy Husks, Black Lead, Indigo aud Turmeric. Such testimouy is, in itself, sufficient recommendation of Wainw'fl Tsui Un- TIAS. ...


... Mr Robert Swinburne, of Esh, a well-known huntsman, died suddenly on Wednesday, aged 84. The Rev. Augustus Campbell, rector of Liverpool, died on Sunday morning, at the ripe age of eightyfour years. Lady Louisa Kirkland, wife of Sir John Kirkland, the army agent of Whitehall Place, and the A«ent- General of the Recruiting Service, died at Beckenham Place, Kent, on Friday. The death is ...


... FURATESS, pAST' ANVD PRESENT. ~- -- Fonnsas. PAST AND PsiEsMsT: ITS HISTORnY A&D ANTIOUITIES. By GEoRGE MAIIRKHAM TWEDDLE. Barrow-in-FiMness: J. RIClIArD- SON. Judging by the first of the twventy parts in w1hich this local historyis to be completed- and the first number is perhaps in this case a fair criterion, containing, as it does, a preface indicating the scope and design of the book, and ...