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... MAK LEMONx. DORN NOVEMBER so, I1OD. 'Di n Mr.AY 23, 1810. Bo bad been absent: but weawith tu still In letters, messagse of wanted ehaer: We drank a quick recovery from - li, Il; -iked, and were aniwered, He will eoon be here, -fTl kindly eyes looked 6n us from the wall: LI spirit at our board he seemed to sit, Bock into bounds too recidese fimlth to coil, ;To quickon seemly fum and decent ...


... POETrIt Y. I N M EM Nt O R I A M. For that is nit a common chance That takie away at noble mild.'' All ! sad fir EnIgland that she monis to day The gonial tcndter helart, the roastor tejud That Spenlt tholselveg iora her ! t irXlorC ehll ncw finl One let like hillm )h>oil GOLI IlAo Called away? Who now shall wake ole laughter and our toars, And teach ns hollnill for the good aind great, Shall ...


... t I T E R A '1'U I E. ro; Among thie Gothis citi l'ttilitts. By Jorme BLAuTKE, author W of The Old Times and tlie New.'' Lortdots Tinsiey rca Brothers. Aberdeen: D. Wyllie & Son, of Mr BLArcsr'S second work is much mocre attrcetive than o his first. It is a picture of Sweden, mode Interesting to Sootclitscen by contrasta and coumpirisons, suggested by tire writer's habit of judging everything ...


... THE THEATRES, ThEATklRE-RnOYate STEtATUDI ORE. Dr W~estlend Marston's tragic play has been the leading attraction at the Theatre-Royal on Ithe last two evenings. Mr Dillon, as Jiatbert Serothvzore, may be complimented onl having as- isumged another character, in the pourtrayal of which he displays much fine acting. The attrac - tion of the piece lies in the farce and beauty of the writing ...


... ITElE HIGHLAND) SOCIETY'S SHOW AT I DUMFRIES.i Yesterday was the lest day for receiving entries for the forthcoming show of this society at D unmfries; and Mr Menzies, secretary of the society, attended in the King's Alns Hotel there to receive the names of competitors. At two o'clock a meeting of the Local Committee of Supervision was ?? Dudgeon of Cargen in the chair-when Mr Menzies laid ...


... TlHE UOPYRIGHT OF THE WAVERLEY . NOVELS. I I I I - - . - Lord Jerviswoode heard part of a debate yestrday in the Outer Rouse of the Court of Session in an action raised by Messrs A. & C. Black, publishers, Edinburgh, against Messrs Murray & Sons, pub- IsHherH, with regard to the copyright of the Waver- ley Novels. Damages to the extent of £2000 are asked, as thesunmnons states it, inname of ...


... £I.TERATUB1?. YeCC5BELF us HIS PUCEI. By Charles Reade. SD ¶jlirC Vol8. London: Smaith, Elder & Co. ':st newv novel by Mr Rondo has just been put ?? the ILondonl stage with consaderable snecess, at 1shieh We do0 not wonder, for it contains Borne 5ljl~ing ?? scones and several characters selflitted, in the hands of good aoeltrs, to bring dw the house. ''Put Yourself in Hiis Place -s a story ef ...


... AW- :RICl7LTU.RR WHITBURN CATTLE SHOW. The eannual exhibition of farm stock and dairy HIEbey'wdia held yesterday. The cattle, horses, . 3toue iniicowiectiou wiith the Whitbudrn Farmers' anti poultry were exhibited in a field adjoining the e village, belonging to' Mr Gallowity and the dairy i prod was shown in the Town Rall. The day' -bgeing flne there was a large Atssemblage of specta- e torm. ...


... POET -t Y. C1llAILliS DICKENS. DOtUN PEilttuAtRY 7, 1812; DiED .tttN t, 1870. W1 1ile lis lifc's hlaito, seeedlic elaesltt, IlloSt illtellse, A light of svil tidt hoVe to groaZt ,ILI sm1ll, ,v tihc lark aniigel 1, is sntmlnuicl lience, To solve the tiightiest miystery of aill Ilearilng thIat 1li has palsseit tIIcvoil thc veil, Jie61i1 the J tlige IVsto Iti-ts to 1ia-n11 their dim1es, Neilt , ...


... A pleasant and pathetic story comes all the way rorn San Francisco, and all about two dogs. The people of Han Francisco, it seems, are proposing to erect 1 a memorial shaft over the hitherto negleoted remains of poor Bummer and Lazarus ; and the story of Bummter anud Lazarus is as follows :-One day a shopkeeper in Sacramento saw a miserable vagrant dog with a sorelv-wounded foreleg crawl- ...


... AGRICULTURER RIRKINTILLOCH CATTLE SHOW. The annual cattle show under the auspices of the Kirkintilloch Agricultural Society, took place yes- terday, in a field in the vicinity of the village. The weather was most favourable, and there was a large turn-out of spectators. Although the entries were not so numerous as in former years, still the animals brought forward were of a superior kind, the ...


... POETLR Y. BANS SPERlLING'S DRIEAM. Slilcclin sic vol)l,-nicill ni1utter sa-t Al dani loil vout tzoo bctt,- . I N'her die tzooper in die stlosaclt- ilait ralder tzoo mooch) veilI lt ;lcin (lott !-sin awfnll p)owr dat hatt- I at made mile shlor coat dlecam, VWsa ich katlnj ls ieit obnoobilat, Zo giob ich here elo Ti(h)ecm. Ich dec10, ich an derm Iselies shtcodl, V0nilng illdil uas l'reosiivht ...