... I YESTERDAY. BEFORE MB. A. P. ADAMS, Q C., BREORD pearl; A DISHONEST WOREMAN.-Willm Baker (37), button maker, Smith Street, able to read only, was charged with stealing, on the 16th May, one thousand butten blanks and several iron welights,the property of Thomas Webb, Mr. Roe prosecuted. On the day in question, the prosecutor misned the. property, and on the ?? MondikY his son accused the ...


... CROWN Ceo U R T.-YgTERDAY. BEFORB MIt. BAROq PIGOTr. FELOasNIOt ASSAULT AT BURSooM.-nd tepben Travis p37), ptter, Joseph Heat ?? potter, and William Proudove (27) Potter, all on bailt , were Indistscu for hav- ing, on the 31st MLay last, at Bu,,ILer, feloniously assaulted Ehiza Blood, and ravished her against her will. Mr. Har- rington appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Young and retr. ...


... UN AUTHOR ISED POST -ORTEM i EXAMINATIONS IN mOSPITAL5. 'At the Southwark Police Court, on Saturday,-Mr. John Charles Steele, Ki.R.C.S., and Superintendent of Guy's fibapital, was summoned before Mr. Benson, under the Anatomy Act, 2 and 3 William IV., cap. 75, zoo. 7, for unlawfully causing the body of. a certain deceased person - to wit, that of otatuel. blilbourne-to undergo anatomi° eal ...


... The police are now in possession of duplicates relating to babies' clothing which has been pledged at various Kwnbrokers, and which weighs several hundred-weight little servant girl O'Connor, who is only fourteen yean of age, has stated the police that she upon one occasion pawned a quantity of baby clothing for 355. Mrs. Ellis ana Mrs. Waters were always sending her to the pawn office with ...

DEATH OF MR. SERJEANT KING LAKE, M.P. We record, with unaffected Borrow, the death of Mr. Serjeant Kinglake, ..

... place hid town residence the evening the Bth iu*t., shortly after returning from drive the Park. Hid dcain was iu some decree ! .sudden ; but his fliends for some ytars past had perceived a visible decay kis constitution, ami ex! perienced great reluctance to take part Parliamentary proceedings. At the lost session was cum! pelled to solicit the services of Mr. Edlin his j tattve in the ...


... LEGAI NEWS. J U D G E S' C HI A M B E ke !DPruo, FtlrAY. m( I [PFOf OUR SPrCIAL REPORTSR ] JUDGE LA wsN sat to hear motions for the three WI L1aw Couns. Jo VALENTINE RYAN AND ANOTHER V. JOHN Cc 'PRAT1. !B Counsel applied in this case for liberty to renew tir a writ of kabere, on the gronud that the defendant's tenancy had not in any Nvay altered sirce the in, execution was issued. The hiaherc ...


... LE( AL NKEWS. COURT OF BANK£IUPTY & 1NSULVENCY. DnaBLie, TuESDAY. ?? OUR SPECIAL REPORTER [Before Judge HARsms,]. l; ,i. yROHBERT ?? The banikrupt -was a boot and shoemaker in Pe] fast. I'e now surrendered, and, on the application of Mir. NEILSOSv, an assignee was appointed. Mr. ?? appeared for the bankrupt. Iii re THOMAS MI 'LEE.R The banrkrup' was a merchant and ironmonger, residing at ...


... I Lea CHARGE OF INDECENT ASSAULT AT PRBSTON. to William Dorlin, 50, miller, on bail, was charged re- with having indecently assaulted Emily Poulter, a girl h of 13, at Preston, on May 20th. 'or Mr. Byles appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. he Mayd for the defence. tbe The prosecutrix is niece to Mr. Henry Harris, Preston iny Mill and the prisoner, a man in his employ, went into go, the house ...


... I SUIe M ASSIZES. II COUNTY iZP¶BDL Re Se at %krrckiSkannon,'Tdy Patrick bl o set;l anli ...


... 5 Last evening an is quest was held at the Portsmouth e Arms, King.street, Southsea, before W. H. Garrington, i Esq., on the body of Alice Bowen, the widow of an engineer in the Royal Navy, who was found banging to the door in e a bedroom in her house, No. 6, King.street. The CouONm told the jliry thefirntquaftlon they would have to determine was whether the deceased committed suicide; end, ...


... I ?? ?? , - __ ?? . . is . _ _ Y, These Sessions took place at the Assiz7e Courts, Reading, leon Monday and Tuesday last. The county fiance, police, l and other business occupied the Court on Monday, and on ?? the following prisoners were tried:- Daniel Curtis, charged with unlawfully refusing to assist AP.C. William Seagrove in quelling a disturianeo at 1.Farinxgdon .-Acquitted . ?? Smith, 4 ...


... BUUIGHAM- POLICE- COURT. - . 25foe Mesrs YE.TEDAYr News. 0. fuer 0i, RetcIW(O H. Cookwy; and ?? r2. MM ?? C ONEALXENT, OF BIRTH.-AM&t 4e Qwo, (21) otic s ervan was 6ioght up under remand -hargc '.with'jenoeaing-; i brth of erchild. X The evidence given Bat the ffinueat on-the prevlons day, and reported tn yeater- del's Poet, was repeated. The verdictlofth ' ?? Jnyaa StSill-born,end ...