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... PO0E T IY. C A 1f E. On tho head of thic savage. alikee with the sage Res.ts the pollledrous burdull of care, Alnl though less ol the yoiuthtLal thanil thosc of fall age, Its pressure is felt even there. Exemption exists not in csnutry or climne, From the celaseles ijt rusi on of car e 'Tis permittili by leaven, thrloigh the cycles of tinme, To peI ieate uverywshcre. While it farronvs the broh ...


... STRANRAEI AND REINS OF GALLOWAY-' CATTLE SHOW. . The thirty-seventh annual show of the Stranraer and RhinH of Galloway Ngricultural'Sdiclbt# wai beld on Friday last, in a field adjoining the burgh of Strauraer. The show of stock was considered fully equal to former years in point of quslity, although the animals were not so numerous in some of the classes. The weather was unusually fine, and ...


... POETS Y. TUIE FISIIERMAN. IN C W (1Fioo thn Go,',ian of Goethe.) i The 010000s rii hod, tlie wittere swoli, A fislici sntt fthoeibi, Thought oin us hocie ih th Iis hottot whole- IHis sIni w itt' 'at oii tighi. Aind iwhilo hon oat andi whiile lie g-tzetd Andl t riaist Nvtier frizo, Thi An trog~i e ootn Ia ivl~t' raisedi port A lovely WNVIlititl ronnSe. andi She silg, ito hi al - she spokle to ...


... THE MAAGAZINEI4. Blaekwood this month throws no such bomub- co shell into the raunks of its political frioels as sig- V nalised its lastnhllelication. Its liglitlillg3 are b more properly reserved for opponents, and in an a article entitled 'The Lords and the Irish band o Bill they Iare made abundantly visible. hlere is P tI the selimittion of the wvriter's vieows f We regard it (thn Laud ...


... 1I1[OTICULTURiAL EXIIsTION. ;C first ehijbition of the Amalgamated Royal ,! I Srociety and Amateur Hortu.s Club. It was, I , g good and suecessful show. WC have seen wbere larger pliuts were shownw, but we hve e :. to where there was greater unitf tility among .. 11 iln mcpect to growth anld gelneral 1llltbthiness. ub e anid Stove Plants wen leoticad particularI . li Ioruiitiun Tenax ...


... THtEAT'RE ROYAL. Following the rule which Mr Yonuge has so far adopted, of continuing each play for a week, Caste was withdrawn on Saturday night, and School was produced last evening. Like all Mr. Robertson's later comedies, School is de- pendent for its attractiveness rather upon the thoroughly artistic way in which it is carried through than on anything very striking either in the ...


... LITER A TUBE. ?, Tus LAXV OF JOINT-SIOCIt ConrANia:s AND ? A?ociA'rioN?i 115 ?? in the with Nota?s. By Pa? asard XV. (Xix, Sergeant-at- lAiW, Ilecoilict al ?? rt?iitnii t h. 5ev iatb EcU- lion. By t'harh 3 O'iMalley, LLII., 4 the ?i1ddle 'lenaple, ha' l;ter at Law. 1870. Lois- don: horace (baa. 2. Tias; t'OStPANti'i' A. ro, lStit?, iSII?, with Ana- lytica] hcfercnee si copious IILIIOX, &c'. ...


... .ITALANOPERA IN LONDON. I-- a . . .. 0i ' f rodisirsndenL) ?? 'G s ?? in, 1I~ndon,~ now last drawing to a close, h8a bee a, somewhat eventful one. Musically speaking, it may be considered sue- cessful; but it is to be feared that it hsa been far from finflancl~ly tatiefavtory-to'thc managers and librarians who buy tickets on speculation and in advance, or indeed to any one connected with the ...


... THE, lROMA'NC1V'OF CRDIE. * , T0onY Of A, GLASGOWSWINDLEU, That truth is stranger thauwfction' is a trite axiom which has been many timnes illustrated in the world's history ' once mare roptated in the career of a Glasgow man whose story we are noJW to relate, In the outoet wq may pay that names are withheld in cases where mention of them. would only add to sorrow already great o ...


... in~t numnber for the CUtliS4 tztnbth opens wt ~eaticle on 4lCatbolicisĀ¶i Bavaria,l by-a t s1;etch of. the Fe~ogiouS ltisatory of Bavaria ie ge B~O rfrnl~to and an''doc'ount of the labours l inleuen of Dtilling&, l im~ber, and Froh' jcla tumer, jl their 'warfafe 'With Ultramaontanie lcpo* It formsa an interesting supplement 0 }atcein last mnouth's number onl Three Breild church Catholics. ...


... PAIsLEY ANNUAL FL OWER SHOW. Thea nnual exhibition ofi flowers, fritsit, vegetables i and greenhouse plants was hleldl yesterdlay in the Driii H all. The show genserallywvas very fine, nod, esanudm the gardenlers of Sir Peter Coats of Wondaside, of Mir Thsomnas Coats of F'ergualin, and of other gentlem~en, texhibited large and splend~id collections ofJ hothouse E plantsi. r'lbs nlumber of ...


... .TOIINSTONE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S ANNUAL, OATTLE SHOW. The' twenty-fifth Annual Cattle Show, nuder the auspices of the Jobostone Agricultural Society, was held yesterday in Ludovic S qesare, which was hoarded in for the occasion. The weather during the forenoon was all that could be desired, and the turn-out of spectators was very large-larger possibly than at any previous show. In almost all ...