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... THEATRE R.OYAL. The Peep a' Day is still drawing good .houses, the attendance being larger nightly. It .-is neither founded on, nor an imitation of, the L Colleen Bawn, but taken from the Tales by ;te'Era Family, the joint authors of which 1tales were the brothers Jolhn and M~ichlael Baniin. It seems that during the life of John, the story was given to the world its John Doe, and ...


... The seventeenth season of the Saturday Even. ing Concerts was opened in the City Hall on Saturday night. Conducted by the directors of the Glasgow Abstainers' Union, for the twofold object of providing a counter attraction to others of a less innocent kind, and partly of supplying at a small cost an enjoyable concert, more especi- ally to those whose occupations deny them the opportunity of ...


... | tITERATURE. CoL~I.ERY MA NAGEME.NT, w~ith Ill ust rations. By Jonathan Hyslop, Civil and Mining Engineer. Wishaw: David John stan. 1870. Tmn surprise with which maany will learn that any good thing-especially in the way of books- has come out of Wishaw, may be somewhat modified by the explanation that the book in question is a treatise on the ordinary employment of the place. On reflection, ...


... T. s: rupee culrrency is to be.~I fi31ytend# to Ceyolowftomn the beginning 61 nexnt year,'. ?? 'Soara cdaes of snake-bites have bcen' treated by ?? of ammonia wvith success at Melbourne. Tara great Chemical Laboratory at Berlin is doing no work at present. All the assistants and almost all the atudents have goqee offo tleth war. A ?? of wvarming. railway carriages' by means of hot air has been ...


... ROYAL WEBT RENFPEWSHMRF I TIORTI- ' CULTURAL SOCIETY'S. EXHIBITION. The autumn show, iunder the auspices of the above Society, took place in the Greenock Town Hall. The weather was very unpropitious, consequently the attondnlce of visitors was ver smalln whthetr the influence of the weather had likewise an effct upon exhibitors we cannot say, but the show was, both as regards quality and ...


... Tits: Asitumin Show of the Royal Horticultural Soc'ety of Ab'rdeesn sid Amaiteur aorttus Club was held on Friday li dud Satuirldsy, in the Music Hllm Builditngs. The exhibition | aNs a sislost entirely devoted to cut flowers, fruit, caid vege- S tabhls; plan's in pots being almost entirely confined to V suchl as wielr sent in for show, rather than for cempetition. al Tl, show weas undoubtedly ...


... PAIS1.B.Y FLOWE1U SHIOW. Tire Paisley Horticoltural Society's second grand e3rhibitioao for the seaton of flowers, fruits, arid ? vegetables, was held yesterday, in the Volunteer ?f Drill lulL On rio former occasion have we ever ?c seen a better September show. The first table wee ?f. entirely filled by a collection of !elirrrtr from the ? greenhoinres of the president, Mr Thomas Coats, ?f of ...


... GLASGOW MORAL JMION-C{ATHT4,DRAL I SGW CONCERT. 1--- On Saturday afternoon the. Glasgow Choral Union gave a concert of sacred Music in the 1!7v of our'venegrable' Cathdral. Tle'glorioui aff k |'boon and the.,absence of an orchestr may havih kept many people away for, though theassem- blage -was a very large one, there' wae a falling- eff froim lst concert. We are glad to find that the ...


... TIUE PlUNCE OF WALES ThEATE. ICElNSED CHANTED TO MR COLEMAN~t. A Special Justice' of Peace Court was held yester- day in the Court H~all, Brunswick Street, for the consideration of an application by Mr John Coleman for a license for the Edunce of WVnles Theatre, Cowr- caddeus. Councillor Mitchell presided; and there was a fudl hench of Justices present. Mr. Spenh, of M~eassr M'Grigor, ...


... LITBRATURB. I SUs=m.TU lYRsrNiG L=Tvusess. By George Cron. Glasgow: Tomaas D. Morison. Belfast: Jrkillips & Sous. IS70. Tuesa of our readers who hare not found ib oftienient to assist at Sabbath EVelliig estutres, 'winch they have s1een adevrtijod Ader peculiar 'titles, will be thankful to ,ir Cron that he has in this voluime given hens the opportunity of becomini.g acquainted Yith a ...


... P 0 F, T it, Y. I KISS FOR A BLOW. I' O1M 'THE. GERMAN.) Io love (I S 3 oystor, Ow);. h oLdl gleesl Sen; VLL -I ,Igh. ;tkiss iiorn pearlly lips '1'.:. Oreltest bhiss woultl be. B-.t '.nc nvstor she was Coy I A Ld lleno; left hel ll,1110 k1tLhouIgh tbe hern I isg llg Iunl sigheil, ZU, 'c:g allt sigheLd alone. At last, Oi:0 1mortI, .Sho pirtc0l I ler two IL' lI fmLIL e and111 white; ShI' i','L ...


... [ THE BIRMINGIAM MUSICAL FESTIVAL. I - .- ?? - .- . ?? - - - - _ - ' , . I 'fLrom our Special earrespondentj Birmingham, 31st Aug., 1870. TIM town is gay in its holiday attire, and' is fast fillingwith strangers. . The festival promises to be highly successful, both in a musical and pecuniary respect. For. this morning's perform- ance, Elijah, tickets are all sold, at Xlils each, while, for ...