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... 86OCIAuISm IThD PA~tRIOTISM.,~ s snlvY age as Riehl days, shan its own' r 'ghost.l The terrorof our age is Sociiaism, with its sister the Red Republic. Shortly before the ncommencoment of the war the stream of Social- * ist principles was in full flood. The Emperor of- France, in order that he might unite the proletariac of Paris the more closely to his stan- . dardihad calledtogether an ( ...


... IR HENRY BULWER'S LIFE OF LORD FALMERSTON.* 'A very imperfect biography may be a very fi 'delightful book. Of this obvious truism Sir v MenryBulwer's Life of Lord Palmerston-the n tret two volumes of whioh everybody is finding ti time to read, qven In the nidstiof the abeorbmg bU agitatipns of the present day-furnishes a singu- s larly complete illustration. - For of a biography,lh this work ...


... THEATREROYAL ' MISS HELENF AUmue p lt in on no ordinary occasion that we permit ourselves, in oar own name and in that of our readers, to welcome one of the most distinguished of living British artists to Glasgow. For some time it has been feared that, in Scotland at least, where Miss Helen Faucit's merits as en aotress 6have met with the warmest and most cordial lacknowledgment, the stage ...


... L I T E R A TI1 U R E. MUSIC. C'hlnich I1soi aol, with approipriate Tuanes. Chanioit, A ncientl eind 11Odern, Responses, CC-C. Dublin - Thle Association for promioting thu Knowledgei and 1'ractice of the Christian Religion. -WE do not knew if these companion volumecs can be ac- counted the principal and most popularcollections of Hymnn Tunes and Clnietts in uisa in the Presbyterian Cliurchos ...


... LIBRATURD. TIE BlRITisil QUARTERLY REV-W. No, C1V, Oct. 1, 1870. London: Hoddor & Stoughton. T,,g number begins with an interesting paper the Traces of Affinity between the Bretons and the Cornliah, which is followed byan artiole 5 Dr Stoughton's Church of the Restoration. prom the general remarka at the close of tsis psper we extract the follow ng:- Next, itisa serious disadvantageto ...


... ,, JOHNSTONE POULTRY AND PIGEON I . i coRPETITION.': Th6 third exhibition and competition of poultry and pigeonswas held on Saturday in ?? Town Hall. Ther were 323 lots exhibited, andtheehow ait gether- was a very' superior one. The Judoes ?? Thomnas Williaimson, Grangemouth; Mr Alexauder Paterson, Airdrie ; Mr William Cre-l- an, Kliluarnnk; .and Mr John Green, Glasgow, in the ?? department; ...


... POE T R Y. a 11 E 1 O 1 0 It L O F F. si -- it (Traoslateil from the Germnau). Li 1. if HIere Orlefi rideth so frt all late Si Th'i g- tas to ikil to his bridal's state The Lives they loitice wii the grecn-rohed lasin The El f-Kiiig's dla li itcr she reaclieil hint the fiend, Weleome, Il l er i h11h'! wihy hence d.U'st thita flee ? To the rlog file thee hither nLt deicwo svitfi Lme. i it. It I ...


... TEB M, AGAZINBS. ?? has a most interesting article On The Poetry and Humour of the Scottisb11 Language. It starts ia astyle which should gladden the hearts of every member of the Scottish Rights Association:- The Scottish lanibuage? Yes, most decideldly a language! and no more a braneh dialect or corruption of Eaglish than Dutch is of Danish, or vice verv.'; but a true laRLguage, diflermig ...


... I NATIONAL DOG ShOWX AT 13LRMIINORAM. The great National Dog Show for which Dir- rmingihsir is celebrated, and which attracts once a year a larger competition than any similar exbibi Lion in the three kingdomns, was opened (for judging only on Saturday. Several hundreds of entries had been refuse(1, and every inch of space is talen up by not less than 865 dogs and bitches. Sporting dogs number ...


... SiP Disaporlotinent dogo your btop3 It's hard to help repining, Buet nsmau philosophy It ssowo To go for oecr wvhining. Hlaving eoco all that mancan do To mske or win occasion, Come I foot without too moth concorn. 4rccXpl Ike eiluaaion. -Whether from Pleasnuo's jauntin ract Yen happen to ho tilted, Or whether by a handsomo girl You happen to be jilted, Don' t dodloate your tlme a~nd lungs To ...


... 6'RCHESTRAL CONCERTS., Again the directors of these coneerts presented their subscrib'e last night with a selection of ,music that refi >cta great credit on their taste. I The novelties, thong gh not so numerous as before, were of unusual int,'rest, and the performance of familiar and favoT rite works rendered last evening's con cert all th,' more enjoyable, Such high class selections of mt ...


... OPBRA. IN LONDON. (From our own Coripuadaeut.) t London. - The announcement that Mr Santley would appear at the small Gaiety Theatre in the olina mrater of ZAmpa, supported by English vocalists, caused for some time prior to the event a con- . siderable amount of warm discussion in musical Ecircles here. A number of Mr Santley's friends were inclined to think that he was making a mistake in ...