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... ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS niilA Tn AM-Ti m s It would be difficult ton the musical public of this con t - debt of gratitude as to Signor Mnarie, adc indeed delightful to be present lastev e the Queen's Rooms, and Witness tho est 3 f reception awarded him on his farewdll r4 t inGiasgow. Whothathasseenthis great tr FauSt, as RaouZ, and as the reprsen tativetk e elsa other rolec, can ever forget ...


... SIR TENNYSONAS NEWV VOLUME, (Fiom. the Eis.') I The new work by the Poet-Laureaote, which s be published on the 15th irit,, coulybtsd of tj ,songs, in various metres, a1nid is entitled ,A, were written fou y crsego!a the renoI~ Arthur at the ?? of U musicr heuhadvan, osaki f librettofo 4 8 muic e ha inContemplotieu, 51 In general htyle, in s c-pe, and variety of nelre; t as well as from it, ...


... Llllt,,'II A TURB. Asl RIVIERA: . ?? Sketches from| Cannes to Genoa. By the Dean of Canter- | trury, With twelve chromo-lithograpliio ilustrations and numerous woodcuts, from i drawings by tho author. London: Bell & 1Daldy, York Street, Covent GardenI and Alexander Strahan & Co. Ludgate Hill, 1870. Ws: are indebted to a six weeks' holiday in-the early spring of 1819 for the chrmbing book with ...


... M TiI'iURE. Tim LivE Fs 'Il '-iru C!.ANCELT'ons AND KsIEPES OF I'ill. 0!\v 1;AF:. or IINELAND, t FlW1: THE EAFF,.i F; ' ?? TO TiHE 1hi3GN % OP QUEEN Vlu-rol I 1 By J. ?? l O'Flanagan, Al. I I ., Barrister- at-Law, f. author of flllit tiusis of the Irish Bar, ii The Bar Lifo of (lUonnell, &o, In two , volumes. Loudon lUnigutnso, Green & Co r 1870. Mua O'FLANAC(AN ?? dio his best to render ...


... r 5E FIELD CLUB CHRtISTMAS .L .L. SHOW. (- reno oun sraimAL conREsPrNDVxrNT,-)- ?? L6ndonj M'osid'ai Avenslig. ' TJI 'aniiual' show ofi' the Smiithfelid club opened this (Monday) morning under unusually favourable auspices. In numbers the exhihi- tion exceeds that gf many previous years, while in quality no former fat stock ?? has come up to the one which will occupy the attention of our town ...


... iMA 0IO FERSTI41, nth anurtal fectial Of the SI _ ,A-. -9M Ad rag - ^- i 37 ; Thomias flalket, 1iiT1Xlx ?? 44t P Thos. Granger, 117 ; Robt. lihil ~ner h M'Iutyre, 333; Ge, Iha1100 I 3 3s 408; Jas. M'Leod, 465; Geo o C1 Mathieson, 178:--fav id a l 275; John Miller, 413; A ML2' ' Wilson,'441.ndi'' - -,ord JtosarlvN (who was rreeW plause) ?? I had the h enawith Ilif tion to preside at this ...


... ITHE POLYTE HRII GALERTES. - . . I . U . aO _i AA Mr Anderson, of the Royal Polytechnic Ware- house, in accordance with a custom adopted by him with great success for several years, on the approach of the Christmas and New Year holi- days, has provided an exhibition which will be found t2,equal, if not to eclipse, any of those pro- duced on former occasions. The exhibition, which may be ...


... LFTERATUBE. THE Tflsno'v; on, TiiH Lovs or FRn WuRENS. Music by Arthur Sullivan. Words by Alfred Tennyson. London: Straban & Co. 1871. IN his deprecatory preface to the little necklace of love poems which he has otrung together, Mr Tennyson says- Four years ago, Mr Sullivan requested me to write a little song-cycle, Ger- man fashion, for him to exercise his art upon, Hie had been very ...


... iN'EW BO6OKS,.AND NEW- EDITIONS. Edfidational *orks, varied and i miprrved' con- tinueo 'to p.ur 'from the' Zress in ?? with. .the spirit and poliy of, the time. Parliamefl; and the generlr mbliec.cei z a e' ' to , 'promote sqts~tically qnd vigorousy thy e cause of piputiar' educiatibn'..Aii a 'the6aucthrship'and publishing interest of the, intry are responding to the call. Class books are an ...


... FOUITH L.R.V. VESTIVAL. MUS AN5DERSi-ON, i.P., ON ARSRY 19?0515. Last night, the eighth annual festival in connec- tion with the 4th Laisarkahire Mide Volunteers (Ghtagow First Northern) took place in the City Hall, which was well filled on tbe occasion. Major Geo. Anderson, M.P., occupied the chair, and was supported on the platform by the Hon. the ord Provost, Major Hannan,4th L.RV.; Major ...


... EXHTIBITION o0 FrAUY 1~t'ULTRY. The first annual exhibition under the auspices of the Scottish Columbrarlian Society was held yester- day in the Musie Hall Edinburgh. In every respect the. show Was first-class, there being no fewer than five hundred entries, and about a thousand birds. The great feature of the show was the peuters, and in the young classes par- ticularly all the standard ...


... FASHIONS FOR THEH NEW YEAR. From Le Journal des Alodes we learn comct I thing of the fashions designed for January, which we give for the benefit of our fair readers. As regards evening dresses, silk tunics of all colours Ewill be worn over white tulle or muslin skirts. i For instance, for a small and early party a silk tunic of any colour, even black, with a low square body, will he ...