Advertisements & Notices

... m-pltoayand Sons, OioLET,, thle Swiss cottage Waterisngbilry,. Kent :a etlmnsRESIDENCE, with orchard, stabllng,auid0 #oilghfu pleaaureogrouinds. Bent, £120 per ?? to pay and Sons estate agents, Maidstone, JiIO b LE5 a eight-roomed HOUSE, fitted-with every JL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOLDEN AT PORTSMOUTH. 1N the e be Sr t dayo I Amp BEbtrrE, JWORTIH, of 2, East-strcet and 10, Union-street, Fareham, and Golden Canister, Canal Walk, and College. s of street, Southampton in the County of Southamptond ying Wholesale and Retail Tea Dealer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Doniuiou, are unrivalled. No Canadian Oils mnneufaoturad by the common pro- cess can compete with them. Their Crarbon, Golden Machinery, and. Dark ?? are the bestmaunufactured. and the cheapest in the market. The residuum, to the extent of 40 per cent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J. JALFON. k1r. W. Boots, Swan-street, Landport, Portsmouth. St. Margaret's Bank, Rochester,- I9th August, 1869. Mr. Skinner has to express his entire satisfaction at the U manner in which his furniture was removed by Mr. W. - Boots, on the 16th June, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... brewery tap -low ?? Office., above. C juntry Public-Tvic Acres of Land. f7Af,]70 All at-100 can remain-hbeatifully situated in Kent, , jQ aV on the banks of a river-full licensed-low rent-an in. dootriouscouplo must do well in ?? n Offices, above. Compact ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ilosnionthshire RailwaySCotu- pony, Ewell, Surrey. ENOcINHERl. James Livesey, Esq,, C.E., 9, Victoria Chambers, Westtminater. BAKEnts. Union Bank of London. 2. Pelnres Street, E.G., London. BaRescaR. Mesons. Sutton, Miller. and Co l, Royal Exeitange, E.G., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... instructions from the Executors of the late Mr. ROBERT MAKENS, to SELL by AUC- TION, on Tuesday, March 28th, 1871, at the Golden Lion Hotel, Ipswich, at Three for Four-o'clock in the Afternoon precisely, A commodious FARM HOUSE, with drawing and AL d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ships. I Captains. D3ock. Depart, Adeloide ?? Mury. - ?? _April 25 Port Phillo..Macidufft. . T. S. Watson. ?? April 25 BYdney. Golden PlJeee.. ?? ?? S.W.1..Arl Callos . Cordellia .i W Symons, London eitin up Val I ..aso. River Thames, I. Perrin . S .. S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... London.-Addrers L,. S. D., Mr. Monias, news- agent, Cambtrwell-Vark, Carnberwel-, S.E:. 1- T~ARTIALBOARD ad RESIDNCE, in the boot part attnl .iL of Brixton.-Olooseto omnibus and rail. Good society, musical, Terms inset liberel and ?? Alpha, care of Mlessrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE1NRY HESKET, ( 62, CUolrHsREET, PRESTOK. PAYMFTS BY IMSTALMENTS. d ' _ * JOHN gOR . BOOT AND SHOE It NA 6, LuNR-aTaRT, AND 12, psRAneATm, Would call 0cal att.nti pr ?? Boots and Ahoes, onnllthe host appove Spaerins ftork the 1, aproaching sel'allson.atoedatnsote ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J. JALFON.- llr. W. Boots, Swan-stroet, aandport, Portsmouth. St. Margaret's Bank, Rochester, 9th August, 1869, Mr. Skinner has to express his entire satisfaction at the manner in which his furniture was removed by Mr. W. Boots, on the 16th June, 1869 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 115, Tottenh~um-court-ro' a, los Iustoa-o 8, ~~~COUNTRY BRAnCi . n-rad Bradford, Yorkshire. Jr TADIES' BOOTS for the SE ASON.-Rad Walking le JLA Boots to button, or elastic 18s (3d., enamelled kid beautf- fully made, 21e.: i oft and pretty house 6oeas, ...