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Ipswich Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... CHERRY BRANDY, from tothe fine Kent Morella, is the most delicious Liqueur, and a general favourite. A good remedy for weakness. It may be obtained throuch any Wine Merchant, or di- rect from T. GRANT, Distiller, Maidstone, at 42s. per r dozen case. ELKINGTON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTT'S BILIOUS and LIVER PILLS, tI Rprepared without any mercurial ingredient, from the Recipe of Dr. Scott, of Bromley, Kent. These Pills will be found invaluable to all who suffer froe Bilious and Liver ComplaintsIndigeStioD, Wind, Spasms, Giddiness ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Patent Village Cart, nearly new. ., 161. An Elegant Pony Phaeton. ;, 162. An Albert-shaped Pony Gig. ,, 158 A light Sulky, with Boot. ,,154. A light running Single Phaeton. 155. A capital Luggage Cart. 150. A Waggonette, with moveable head to hind part, complete ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHERRY BRANDY, from Gthe fine Kent Morella, is the most delicious Liqueur, and a general favourite. A good remedy for weakness. It may be obtained through any Wine Merchant, or di- rect from T. GRANT, Distiller, Maidstone, at 42s. per dozen case. Charrington ...


... Fletcher. Highly commended, S. Matthew, Silver Cup, or £5 5s., for best pen in classes 9, 10, 11, and 12 CLASS 9. 21amlburghs (golden pencilled). - lot prize, H. Pickles, Skipton, Yorkshire; 2nd. H. Beldou, Highly com- mended, F. Pittls, jun., Newport, Isle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... instructions from the Executors of the late Mr. ROBERT MAKENS, to SELL by AUC- TION, on Tuesday, March 28th, 1871, at the Golden Lion Hotel, Ipswich, at Three for Four-o'clock in the Afternoon precisely, A commodious FARM HOUSE, with drawing and AL d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o'clock precisely. Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneers, Ipswich. IPSWICH. To he SOLD by AUCTION, By GARROD & TURNER, At the Golden Lion Hotel, Ipswich, on Friday, } 16th June, 1871, at Six for Seven o'clock in the Evening, the following Desirable & Excellent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... de- T voted to the disposal of Sheep and Lambs, and the Auctioneers having a large connection amongst Gra- ziers in Essex, Kent, Cambridgeshire, and other counties, will use their best endeavours to obtain a good attendance of buyers. Early entries are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS and LIVER PILLS, prepared without any mercurial ingredient, from the Recipe of Dr. Scott, of Bromley, Kent. These Pills will be found invaluable to all who suffer from bilious and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Wind, Spasms, Giddiness ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Waistcoats, Pilot Jackets, Counter. panes, Blankets, Sheets, Drugget Carpets, Hearthrugs, Travelling Rugs, Men's and Women's Boots, Carpet and Leather Bags, Pormanteaus, Hat Cases, &c., &c.; also a large quantity of Miscellaneous Property, con- sisting of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... application as above. Grant's Morella Cherry Brandy Supplied to Her Majesty the Queen, VHIS 5delicious Liqueur, from the famous Kent 1 Morella, supersedes the use of Wine in many I Households-is much favoured by Sportsman, and is also recommended by the Medical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Safron J. Newman, Bures. WPaldem, Essex. D. -Minter, Boyton. S. Whiting, Reack'S Camn- J. Taylor, Leiston. bridgeshire. Alfred Kent, IN'eedhain Market. Suitable agents will bh appointed in other places on application to the Proprietor, JOHN LIMMER, C O hEF ...