Advertisements & Notices

... half-yeariy, on the ost of June and the ost of December, and redeemable at par within ?? years, by means of an accutmulative Sinking Felnd of IfS per cent, per annuem, to be aplied in half-yearly drawinlgs, on the e~tlt of March and msth of September, co ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at. 7-50 A. t, 7,55 AM. I, 2, E 3 Cl I A 2tt53 A.M. J1.20 AM. 2 & 2 Class 2.13 P.M. - 4. 5 P.MA. i & 2 Class} 7 M At. 4.53 r.M. s. o aPt. n&l Cl.,Ex. 7J. RETURNING from Newmarket to Bishopsgate and St Pancras, at 8.39 A.M, and 32,28, 4.23 and 6.o ratr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... length. In conformitty with the above, the formation of the Atlantic. Mis- ~virlJ. nd Ohio Radilrd Company was duly accomnplished on the o goeme.1870. By vlxtuo of the mid Special'Act, the Atlantic, Missieeippi, and Ohio Railroad Company has been empowererd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1570. 'i o company po-saeses large rtation grounds, workshops, and LFuppir g arceonmodatiol it ort Rolle, from rlhnocear tmn rm(uas nlinantity of pawn lumber and thubar, brought down by ?? lire, ie shipped to Osrwego for Albany. the great hiuabir marklt) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Steamships- OOEANIO, ua ATLANTIC, I ANTARCTIC, BALTC, IIIEPIOIO. i ADRIATIC, Sailng o Thuadas frm LIERPOL, and railing at Qusenotown on Fridays to embark Passengers. Will Sailt nos under for NEW YORK. via Qosevptowrn: ATLANTIC . Sep.. t.28I ATLAN'IC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In conformity with the above, the formation'of the Atlantic, Mississippi, and Ohio Railroad Company was duly accomplished on the 12th November, 1870. By virtue of the said Special Act, the Atlantic, Mi- sissippi, and Ohio Railroad Company has been empowered ...

Advertisements & Notices

... half-yearliy, onl let June and let December, and redeemable at par within Twenty-six years, by meanis of an Accumulative Sinking ftund of Itter rent. per aunnume, to be applied in half-yearly Orawiugo. on I March and loch September. corsmmencing on l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... andlthe reat Swn SATeRDAbov Lo, ndon AUR-bridge)ctbe, at 10,.am wat0rprit ting.,fm Weturning aton from Terc PeGavmesdamth (Th p rm.,)calln 12.13TEN ALWY P-..eunt0at26,etrmtntZ8 anhe h LAST SuAbi ton WEYMOUTH a ?? Bournmoug from Hamp- sonhire0. Tooayl, oymn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dboo what b ill be the outh-est,hadta t eimeiat rprorirmit~~t thre maisn thdeouwitaeo th iy rm east06est. Wo grouda of adequat dmensions t~ en sh errthe ce~rm ntre ia In Liverpsty.ataytin benporoash and hessme picie;ad oatdouah thierei thepi sariose aitoebs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1904, by means ef a minimum Sinking Fund of I per cent. on the Bonds issued, acouomlating by the interest on the re- deemed Bones. All the proceeds of sale of the mortgaged lands. are, however, to be devoted to the Sinking Fund by which it is expected ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Great Landing-atage,'Prince's Pier- bead. Ibis Day (Thmosday), the 22nd iastant, at Eour pn.'4 preoseoly. d ANCOLRP LINE. ATLANTIC SERl.VICE. -~The Steamer ACADIA is intended to be leopaele ve for HALIFAX, N.S.. and ST. JOHN'S, NP.o ue~,the 27tIh, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rusisien Governosent, dated 1.0hSpebr 1871. ISSUE of £210,0,00 SIX PER CENT. ODat0 e cent,, redeemable within twenty yeare by ?? Sinking Fuand. Mesrs..7.HENY SUROiERandCo.beg to announce that the ar AUHO~IISD t REEIV SUSCRIPTIONS for the abov LON a th prce f ...