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Literary Selections

... diffusion of thought, and intLietlaouble; where anxiety seeks to remain in suspenes;.it hurls the mind down headlong. A knell speaks to ealh ow min the sense of his own grief or his own trouble.' Tragib bell! your voice sounds warning to all alike. x a I ...


... the g ratifying circumstance that elenhentau'y science classes had recently ?? commenced in connectioiin ith thiel hall. Speaking of an observation whicli, he said, was made ait the recent meeting atthme Royal Institution, wvith regard to the formation ...


... The carol in questioln, ,%iibch is in prose, breathes a most devotionaispicit, expressed in language simnple yet refined. Speaking of the origin of crosses the writer says- There is sometaingivery touching in the thought of the cross being the sanctuary ...

From Punch

... the Man of December, and Man of Sedan. For misfortune, perhaps, more than fault they've maligned Ihim. As the song says, we Speak of a man as we find him. E DUCATIONAL QUESTIONS. (Prize Questions and Answers: Dedicated to the London School Board.) Q. Who ...


... what do you want to be, Richard P I said I did not exactly know, but thought I should Like to be a merchant. She did not speak decidedly, but conveyed that to get into a merchant's office required a very high premium Now, in some book or other-I ought ...


... sleep I What a mockery all the tender house- hold sayings had been to her! None knew of her grief, for Rosie had been shy of speaking of her scarcely-foand happiness. She felt as if the past and future had been blotted out, as if nothing ever could happen ...


... Princess Louise the opera-glass of fasshion uow, because she intends to make a Lorn-ette of herself. Mamma, can a door speak I Certainly not, my dear. Then why did you etll Anue this morning to answer the door 7 It is time for you to go to school ...

Art and Literary Gossip

... have prosen and be wholly credible, if he desired it; this I lay at the door of our spiritual teachers (pedants mostly, and speak. ing an obsolete dialect who thereby incalculably rot the world; making him whto might have been a soldier and fighter (so ...


... to enter into anytbhng like a minute description of the various articles with which the stalls are furnished. Generally speaking, bazaars are very much like each other in the description of goods offered for sale. There is an almost endless variety of ...


... c test monarch In the world. Hle ba8 'b hosest man' writton upon his faoe, said a friend to the late Douglas Jerrold, speaking of ii persoa in whom Jerroldu's faith was liot great. IBunipl, replied Jerrold, then tin' pen must have been a vorv bad ...

Literary Selections

... however much your eyes may covet it. Have the cotrage to speak your mind, when it is necessary you should do so, and to hold your tongue when it is prudent you should do so. Have the courage to.speak to a friend m a seedy coat, even though you are in ...


... todinburgh paer states that an American has invented a Amach whic disto be p driven by the force of circumstances. A cuntrypaper, speaking of the funeral of a suicide, says ?? contry. isy buried the weoman like a dog, with ill hor ?? on a o cl atyes hav lai th ...