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West Midlands, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES, AT THE DIAMOND BOOT DEPOT, CONSTITUTION B1.11. 1OH GRAY will SELL by AUCTIONTIDY arlstuvay), and on MONDAY NE XT, als above p- the solole of thle imnsuense STOCK -IN -TRADE, of MEN'S, WOMEN'S. ani~r CHILDREN'S BOOTS anail SHOES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW STREET, adjoining the Mazsotir Hall, and opposite the Society of Artists. JOHT 1FTNISTER, Manager. BOROUGH OF BLEMINGHAM. KENT STREET BATH.E T O 1 A I N T E R S DFIERSONS willing to TENDER for the PAINTING, A. CI5IAIDRING and GLAZING required to ble ...

Advertisements & Notices

... moot thriving towns In the Black Country. Proprietor going abroad.- A. B. C., Pout Gfflcoe D u dley. o 15 0 beDISPSED F, ?? Boot andI Shoe HULSINE1SS. Coming-in low.-Enquire, 35, Disbeth. u349 TOY mud Fancy IIUSINESS, in a central thoroughfare. Low T reastect ...

Advertisements & Notices

... situation of trust. Nine- teen years with present esoployesr as leading hand in a firet-class ?? L. 27. Brewer Street, Maidstone, Kent. C2119 T ManufacturiN Jewellen.-WANTED) a SITUATION as T Clerk or Town £raveller.-Adclress, 440, baily Post. c22128 ('LERK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Doniuiou, are unrivalled. No Canadian Oils mnneufaoturad by the common pro- cess can compete with them. Their Crarbon, Golden Machinery, and. Dark ?? are the bestmaunufactured. and the cheapest in the market. The residuum, to the extent of 40 per cent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ilosnionthshire RailwaySCotu- pony, Ewell, Surrey. ENOcINHERl. James Livesey, Esq,, C.E., 9, Victoria Chambers, Westtminater. BAKEnts. Union Bank of London. 2. Pelnres Street, E.G., London. BaRescaR. Mesons. Sutton, Miller. and Co l, Royal Exeitange, E.G., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stourbridge. 19 BOOT and Shoe Trade.-WANTED, a Young MAN, for the B~etail D~epartment. as Salesmanm. Most understand the above thrnsoughly.-Addrtse, ?? salary kequired, and giving addree of last employese, 379. Diy Pest. ellIS the Boot Tradle.-WANTED. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Gotes Inn, Stneth- wick, THIS DAY iTuesda, at Five-FREEHOLD MV5S46 and1sHOPS. -1Y J. BAKER, THIS DAY (TUESDAY), at No. 70, Golden Hillock Lane, Small Heath (adjoining the Sa nharm Bed lathes, Gan Fitting Kitchen' iquiaites, and a variety of useful Effects ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to make Gente' hest-ettched Boots. Constant Emuploy- meet and host price gisen.-APply, & Miltord, O~ldbury. c113? 0 'tho Boot Trade-WATD &ots cHmIINIST. Con' T3. sant ?? 0,NwJisStreet. Aston Road end. 02018 110 Ohs Boot Work.-WANTED, a good Mows's and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and reepectable TRADE. Very convenientprmsshego sltuation.-Addrass, II. 03, 56 NOld-eatablilsled first-class Oslo Boot andt Shoe ilUSOEpSS Anand, Fixturce to iso DISPOSD OF, in a leadling thocoughf are. -Adcdress, S. 72, Daily Post. c879 11/ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ontl-e-Addise8. KA,. Post OC.Mce. lialey Road. o58S8 -!SUTC0EP,'S SHOP Slanghtor-hoooO, lostreired Yard, Com- Bi pany'a Watol't kent low. Apply, Dr. 2 ndy-s, nrxt H& dichael's 8chools, Hfandmort, -5St5 3be IET, DoulPte CO ?? GQrden. 4d. lay Pnes.e, 1 Oughton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Colmore, h' e LET, No.0 Al6 ?? e Rooms, ~three Ground A~ier~oma l~tchusStable, and Coaoh-hoese. two Green- houses, and larlT Golden, kent £50.-Apply to LEaundy, Harrison, and Barns, 25. ?? 553 VT ILLA RESIDENCBS, utear Monument Lane. -Not rentals £79. T Price ...