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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Yorkshire, England


Middlesbrough, Yorkshire, England

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- EDUCATION. rFHE Seminary, 1, West Terrace, New- -1 port Road , conducted by Mrs S. Mills and competent -;

... PAIRS OF BOOTS AND SHOES ! CONSIGNED FOR POSITIVE SALE, UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, by order of Mr J. Walkeb, Pawnbroker, York. AESO, the STOCK-IN-TRADE OF boots and shoes, the property of Mrs Gibson, Market-place, Middlesbro', who is giving up the Boot and Shoe ...

gPTJOATIOIT. rtPHE Seminary, 1, West Terrace, New- Asrigtants, is admirably situated to promote tbe health nsd ..

... PAIRS OP BOOTS AND SHOES ! CONSIGNED FOR POSITIVE SALE, UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, by order of Mr J. Walkeb, Pawnbroker, York. Also, the STOCK-IN-TRADE of BOOTS and SHOES, the property of Mrs Gibson, Market-place, Middlesbro', who is giving up the Boot and Shoe ...

EDUCATION. TBV, Seminary, 1, West Terrace, New- poet Re u>. conducted by Mrs S. Mills and competent assistants is

... PAIRS OF BOOTS AND SHOES! CONSIGNED FOR POSITIVE SALE, UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, by order of Mr J. Walker, Pawnbroker, York. AESO, THE STOCK-IN-TRADE • OP BOOTS AND SHOES, the property of Mrs Gibson, Market-place, Middlesbro', who is giving up the Boot and Shoe ...

■* education. r|iHE Seminary, 1, West Terrace, New- I ?? instants, is admirably situated to promote the health ..

... PAIRS OF BOOTS AND SHOES! CONSIGNED FOR POSITIVE SALE, UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, by order of Mr J. Walker, Pawnbroker, York. AESO, THE STOCK-IN-TRADE OF BOOTS AND SHOES, the property of Mrs Gibson, Market-place, Middlesbro', who is giving up the Boot aud Shoe ...

— EDUCATION. » rtPHE Seminary, 1, West Terrace, New- I port Road, canducted by Mrs S. Mills and competent ,

... PAIRS OF * BOOTS AND SHOES! CONSIGNED FOR POSITIVE SALE, UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, by order of Mr J. Walker, Pawnbroker, York. AESO, THE STOCK-IN-TRADE OS- ROOTS AND SHOES, the property of Mrs Gibson, Market-place, Middlesbro'', who is giving up the Boot and Shoe ...

MDTTG A.TIOH. THE Seminary, 1, West Teiulack, NeW- pokt RoAD.amducte* by MtsS.Miias and competent Assistants, ..

... Elvas do. CBYSTALIZED FBUITS Comprising— Apricots. Golden Chenois. Green Chenois. Greengages. Dried Cherries. Crystalized and Preserved Ginger, Sec , See. Choice Figs in Layers. Finest Almeria Grapes. Kent Cobs. New Chesnnts, Walnuts, Ste. Oranges St Lemons ...

EDUCATION. EDUCATION. 'I^HE Seminary, 1, West Terrace, New- £ F okt Road, conducted by Mrs S. Mills and ..

... Elvaa ao. CBYSTALIZED FBUITS Comprising — Apricots. Golden Chenois. Green Chenois. Greengages. Dried Cherries. Cryatalized and Preserved Ginger, See., See. Choice Figs in Layers. Finest Almeria Grapes. Kent Cobs. New Chesnuts, Walnuts, See. Oranges Se Lemons ...

BPUO/ATOOM. THE Seminary, 1 . West TBn__ta.CE, New- port Road, conduct r 4 by Mrs 8. Macs and competent Assistants,

... Elvas do. CBYSTALIZED FBUITS Comprising— Apricots. Golden Chenois. Green Chenois. Greengages. Dried Cherries. Crystalized and Preserved Ginger, Sec, See. Choice Figs in Layers. Finest Almeria Grapes. Kent Cobs. -New Chesnuts, Walnuts, ...

gPUOATIOK. THE Seminary, 1, West Terrack, New- port Road, conducted by Mrs S. Mills and competent ..

... Elvas do. CRTSTALIZED FRUITS Comprising— Apricots. Golden Chenois. Green Chenois. Greengages. Dried Cherries. Crystalized and Preserved Ginger, Sec, Sec Che ice Figs in Layers. Finest Almeria Grapes. Kent Cobs. New Chesnuts, Walnuts, See. Oranges Se Lemons ...

?? EDUCATION. f T , HE Seminary, 1» West Tereace, New- •*- port Boad, conducted by M« sS. Millt and

... Elvas do. CRYSTALIZED FRUITS Comprising — Apricots. Golden Chenois. Green Chenois. Greengages. Dried Cherries. Crystalized and Preserved Ginger, &c, &c. Choice Figs in Layers. Finest Almeria Grapes. Kent Cobs. New Chesnuts, Walnuts, eke. Oranges & Lemons ...

SDUCATXqV. ■* — - -- — — - — THE Seminary, 1, West Terrace, New- port Re_u>, conducted by Mrs

... Elvas do. CBYSTALIZED FBUITS Comprising— Apricots. Golden Chenois. Green Chenois. Greengages. Dried Cherries. Crjstalized aad Preserved Ginger, Ac, Ac. Choice Figs in Layers. Finest Aknaria Grapes. Kent Cobs. New Cheanute, Walnuts, Ac. Oraqges A Lemons ...

EDUCATION, '■I HE Seminary, 1, West Terrace, New- M. port Road, conducted by Mrs S. Mills awl competent ..

... Elvas do. CRYSTALIZED FRUITS Comprising — Apricot*. Golden Chenois. Green Chenois. Greengages. Dried Cherries. Crystalized and Preserved Ginger, Sec, Sec . Choice Figs in Layers. Finest Almeria Grapes. Kent Cobs. New Chesnuts, Walnuts, Sec Oranges Se Lemons ...