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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... 115, Tottenh~um-court-ro' a, los Iustoa-o 8, ~~~COUNTRY BRAnCi . n-rad Bradford, Yorkshire. Jr TADIES' BOOTS for the SE ASON.-Rad Walking le JLA Boots to button, or elastic 18s (3d., enamelled kid beautf- fully made, 21e.: i oft and pretty house 6oeas, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAPER ois this SELECTION and PREPARA. as TION oi SUITAB3LE LAND, read at 'Maidstone, Nov., 1070, by I; Mmr. BAsLiSYDesNron, CE, One Chilling by post __ E . 13. Smith, Maidstone Journal Oi ice, Maidelene. New Editiois, mtuch enlairged, with ecases, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 731, Tanupatead. road. ntear Totteiihamniocrrt-road and Gowfer-otreot Station, Estaib- lished ISlE A detailed Catalogue, the boot furnishing guide cc- tent, poet free. The Establishment is vieiblo from Tottenham. BOOM UITE. hadsomly ?? wiolnutwood, sovored ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STRAND (OPPOSITE CHARING-COSS~ STATIONI,-PRIorE MIT POST FREE. WILLIAM T ARJN~tW A ND r CO0.9 NEWINGTON-CA-USEWAY, AND NEW KENT-ROAD. They have just purchased several hundred pieces of BRUSSELS anid TAPESTRY CA.RPETS, -which are NOW ON SALE, at greatly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOVER- ESSltochilaren nderl4. Aoquirements-Englishl, Musio, Frenh, and Draving.-Salary £18 per ?? B. P., Postaofflce, Maidstone, Kent. AID to an elderly Lady, not an invalid. Six years good character. Wages £22 and all found.-IL ., 6, orence-cottages, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ld rod-sree, 1.0,labflu MatCity' ?? Dago HoelHerfor; te SarWorestr; nd ol Mesrs.Chnnok nd o. lad oens ad urvyes, IWater- Old Bermnondizey, Lambeth and Norbiton E. FE IKNS wilf SELL by AUOTY6N, ait th~e Mr, Tokliiliouee-yard. flank ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £100, reau I ojs. et £1,4 peor annusun, Semi view.-Ad%, Burfordl.- Vila, onkou~tretRyde, Isle of Wljht, ?? L~bLE atBELVERDERE, Kent, near Abbey- ttnVILLA, RESIDENCES. Six bed and two sittig roms, wo w's, ant] usual offices. Rent £2-5. One with T~ PESONSof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Gentlemen's Attire, from the age of five to ei oeverysg oonve Ri~oaxumds ainvd~itting Rooms, 100 feet deep, Departments for Boots amd Shoes, Hate, Caps, Hosiery, Shirts, Ac., adated to ech styleof Suit RDERS FROM THE COUNTRiY 0. RYAM and Co:, 30 and 67 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , afterwards of Ingraincourt, Feachurch- street, in the Cit of London. printer, lint late o! Forest-hill, in the county of kent, gentleman (who died on the 21st day of March, 181, and whose will was mved in the Principal Re- Mistryof her MaMests Court ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Coutts and Co,, Strand. GEORGE WITLLIAM BELL, Treamurer. ROYAL ALF RED AGED MERCHANT SDIAMEN'S - _LjINSTITUTION, Belvedere, Kent.-The Committee hoer to ACKNOWLE DGE, with grateful thanks, the following COLLE C- TIONS made by the undormentioned. Captains ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ment for ladies' belt, trusses, &o. Post free on recoipt of PFst. office order.-i20, Oxford-strect, W. T HE AlJTUMN.-LADIES' BOOTS for COUNTRY AL WEAR.-ild, double soles, elastic or button, 185. ad.; Levant Morocco, cork soles, to resist damp, 21s.: Soft ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CENTRAL ESTUISHaMENT AT 29i, HIGH HOLBORN, 295, Assortmentlarger; quali tyof goods better; accommodation greater than ever. JL~J Boots to button, or elastic, I6e d. enamelled hid beanti. fullymade, 21e.: soft and pretty houseisooots, so. 6d.; Moroco sippers ...