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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MAEIAGES, AND DEATHS. Chargesfor eanyoncemaw of Xerriogee 2& 6d, o Eqrfa- and Deaths, le. 6L eah; and to insure. *nion amoeun ,aus in aU cases, be prepaid; ~BIBTHS. Blennerhassett-Aprtl 14, at Munich, Lady Blennern hassett of a son. Fenton-At Clogheen the wife of Dr. Fenton of a son Gore-May3. at KilmoN Ian, the wife of Dr. Ggre, Sur- gcon34th Regt., of a danghter. MARRIAGES. Fisher ...


... MD DEATH&, Chargesfeo- a*ouwnemnt of Marriapes, 2g. 6d., of Bifr and Deathc, I8. 6d. each; and to insur6 insersion &U amunt must, in all cases, be prepaid. BIRTHS. Garvey-April 26, at No. 3 Sorth Earl-street, the wife of James Garvey Of a son. aLuigsn-April27, at Ardtona, Dundrur, the wife of Stephen M. Lamugan, Esq., of Glenaquie, countyof 11p. perary, of a son. MRRIAGES. Cormac andHird ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE EARL OF DUNRAVEN. We deeply lament that we have to announce the death of the Right Honorable the Earl of Dan- raven, which took place on Friday night at Malvern in England. Having been visited with a pul. aonary affection the earl proceeded, by medical advice, to the place named, but he did so with forebodings of its inefficacy and ad much depres- sion of spirit as the deepest ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BLRTHS, MARRIAG-S, AN]D DEATHS Charges for aenynnetfll ts of Marriages, U . at Births and Deaths, l s. 6d. ach; and to insr £Aew thae amont vst in aa eaes, be prezai MARRIAGES. Sherwood and Mjurray-Jan. 24, at the Church of the Three Patrons, Rathgar, by the Rev. Father Denbans, assisted by the Very Rev. Father Pancras, Pa'siomnit, Joseph Sherwvood, Esq., of Derzille-sreet, to Mary Josephine, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LILIATH OF 31. HM. :ROUHEFOIT. A t-elgtu from Paris informs us of an event svhEoid, at another time, would cause the pro. freud-axt sensation in France, and which even the ?? calamities of the last few months have cot roliqrd of all interest. The famous editor of thle U t re, the beloved chief of the Parisian i:£dS, hti great high priest of revolution, has sur- .ived b'it a few months the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BrRTHS, MA RIAGES, ND DEATH& Cwkgefor enno ndcirt of Ha'rrawe.& 28. W., of BirW and DeaUW, I. 6d. each; and to insre insertion tu atoW m8t, in a aueas, be prepaid. BIRTHS. Duga3-fay 1 , at 2 Abe r con-ter race, Sydney-parade, taewife of John Duga2 Esq., of a son. Pickerng-May 7, at ?? residence, 86 Amien-stree, D the wife of Saorned Pickeding, Esq., of a daughter. Webb-May 7, at 12 BeWlravey ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGEF, AND DEATH-E. Chaares for ansouncements of fer:oes. So, ;tt 0 Births and Deathe, la. d ecck; and to errY. t. y th amount must. ta isal cases, be BIRTTb. Gleeson-Feb. 8, at 2 North Sandycove-avennue Kint- town. the wife of Patrick 31. Gleeson, Es', (,f a daughter. O'Donoghue-Feb. S, at .34 YorLk-.treet, the wife of Wv1j. Power O'Donoghtie, Mus. Bac., Oxon, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 7 BIRTHS, MAR lGES% aND DEATR& Chasz r w for ganset ma t .vf.r7ria, 2L &d., of Birk . and De4164 k 4dL ea,&; and to insun- intion as ?? t s ain acse4, be prepa.l 3 ?? . Green-May 2z at 2 Ulverton-terrace, Dalkey, the wife . of ArustGreenlof a ao L ?? 22, at 15 Westland-rows, the wife of Dr. P. J. Hayes of a daughter. MARRIAGFS. r Monant and Hayden-May 23, at St. Peter's Church, 0 Dublin, Wrm ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LAU VEfl R2EV. E RYLAND, O. D.. Yesterday the remains of this Veaerable and faithful servant of God were ecasigned to their final resting-place in the vaults beneath the Church of St. Teresa, Clarendon-strme, after the solemn office and High Mas fo- the dead had concluded in the sacred edifice where he had so long and so worthily ministered. The coffin con- taining the remains was composed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Buchanan-March 11, at Fintona, the wife of P. B-u- nan, Esq., of aeon. Carton-3Sarch 19, at No. .5 Rutland-seuare, the-We-; Richard P. Carton, Esq., Barristerat-lawv, of a -Ott Cudd-3March 15, at Delrry, the wife of Sergeant I :ad, Royal Engineers, of a son. Duff-March 20, at Corrig Castle, Kingt-van, th,- tie of C, De Courcy Duff of a son. Fegan-March 18, at Weestport, the wife of Y. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Churgesfor announcement of Mfarriaes 2. 6d., of Biris and Deathsw, Is. 6d. each; and to insure inoene ad amount must, in ?? cwse, be prepaid. BIRTH. Wilkinson-May 5, at3 Royal Terrace, North Circua lar-road, the wife of Mr. James Wilk-inson, of a son. DEAH. Brereton-May 4, John Brereton, aged 82 years, after a long and painful illness, borne with Christi patience ...