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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t{ ri igrxt to ~ounca the death, at Ber~1 Iyving, on Sunday last, of A. Johaso Esq.; LL.D Geographer to the Queen for Seo0 |and. -Fron a brief biographicl notice in AIe i 'eohs TimeJ we Idarj that DrJobnsto was born !t Kirki nOrc4 Edinburgh, December 2S, 1S04 eddoated at the High Schoolwij7 a view to the mindscie31 profession, became apprentice to a iengraver, and acquired that artistic sliill ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 2 M3orris Place, M~ontoith Itlo, on the 4th inst., Mr~s IV. N. M.IAC(AIIInYn ; a dau cieter. A~t SG Ronaldl Street. on the 4thinilSt,, D. SIuT!{1rOLAND; a son. At3 H Eoluead Street, on the 4th inst., Mn,~ \V.\ At 2 Newt~on Place, on1 tle, 31i il: .t., .MII JAMEY ;NEILSON, of Il!IO~wld;l :I dsught5er. At 120 TOnd(oL iload, on thc Sd ?? 31rs Ja~E in. MIAOTHIi ;l a dan~hter. At 12 Canmden ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At43DalhousieStreet, on the 27th inst., Mrs PerPETER BARRIE; a daughter. At Cleland Place, Ibroxholm, on the 27th inst., Mrs A. BAIN; a daughter. At 6 Regent Park Terrace, Stratlhungo, on the 27th inst., Mrs ROBEa'r DAVIE; a daughter;- At 165 Great Eastern Road, on the 27th inst, Mrs JAMEs BARR; a son. At the Reformed Presbyterian Manse, Paisley, on the 27th inst., Mrs CLAZY; a son. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE?ROYAL MA?UEAGR? ?j Ci~si~w~eOorporation atrraoeihi#' Tuesday next- are now comipleted. The'~i-i'u in the City HailL will ibet tirat in order'of timie' The Lord 'Provost wi~ll take thechair fat seven o'clock. A~fter 'tea, an eelnbmusical pro. graninta mwill be ent~ered osn. In accordancehrwith -aresolution of thle To~wn Counol,..a.'eertain1 niumber of tioket's have bee, sent to--the various ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At.3 Parl Buildings, Paisley Road, on the 16th inef., Mrs ROBERT P. GmIBB; a daughter. At 71 Abbotsford Place, on the 16th inst., Mrs ?? S. GLASS; a daughter. le At-2 Craignestock Flace, on the 16th inst., Mrs a JAMEA WHITE; a son. c At 6 East Park Terrace, 1aryhill Road, on the ,. 16th inst., the wife of CHARLES IFGLISlEsq.; a il daughter. m ; At 628 Gallowgate, on the 16th inst., Mrs WiL t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 5 Morris Place Monteith tow, on the ' st inst., Mrs WILLIAM BUC1NANAN; twin sons. At the Original Secession Manse, Polloksbawa. on the'ilst inst., the wife of the Rev, Wxrmwi B. GA11DBn;1 a son. At 6.Stonefield Terrace, on the 1st inst., the wif& of MW'ALBLANDN~i ADEBSON a daughter. At 50`3urreyStreet, on the le inst. hrs Ei - - GiLLAN; a son. . I L 4t 38 Berkeley Street, on the 30tb .ult,, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 24 Cleveland Strett, on the l*th i Mrs .. G. KilXRlo E F0Eadaught er. At 141 Cathenrt Street, Paisley *Rrn on the 15th insf, Mrs-HUll fHoL1E8s' ii daiigher. At 11 Tle%;ton !Terrace, on th'e 15th, Mrs ;A1TE SYOlNG: n ` on.- At 8 Great Kelvin Terrace, Hillhead, oi ?? 15th inst., Mrsa JAsmhS MoNCicFFr a eon : At 24 Garscadden Street, on the 15ih ' ., Mrs PETER RbUaH ; 'a daibghter. : : ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 4 berlby atreetj ov ?? met., Mrs .H SMYTH; * a d.ughter. . I At 8 Albert Drive, on the 3Qtli'ibst., Mrs Wm. flUNeA!~; d SOD.! ?? : At 52 Main Stietg, Dridgetoni).on-the 30th intit., the ~ifibf JOHN IODDELL; a danghter. At 67 Back' S6d (ih Street, Pniiley/, on the 30th inqt, Mr` ROaeaT PINKERTON;* a daughter. At Huntly Hill, Brechin,;on the 2Dth inst., the wife of WILLIAiW CAIuwLIcx ANrinwLe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... kt t 0 0 0 ~~itt1l:- kt At 96 Washington Street, on the 18th inst., Mrs GUNN, a daughter. At 13 Annette Street, Crosshill, on the 19th inst., Mrs GEORaE TUBNULL, a son. t e At Maxwell Cross, Pollokshaws, on the 19th einst., Mrs JAMES B. MASON; & daughter. 2 At 343 Whitehill Terrace, on the 19th inst., Mrs a JAmsF D. BnowN; a daughter. At 4 Calder Street, Croashill, on the 18th inst., Mrs JAMES ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 27 MRLeani Street, on the 13th iaust, the wife of Mr JAmnES AlWHiuniE; a daughter: - At 41 Naburn Street, on the 13th inst., Mrs JAMENu PET'rsonEw; a Son. : At Staneacre, Hamilton, on the 12thjinst., the wife of J. L. dMARSHALL, DI.D. a daughter At .503 Gallowrgate, on the 11th inst.- Mrs ROr. IWEwv.AN ae laglhter.. ' 1 At :142 Hamslton Place, 'artiek, uthe 1ith in~st., MJ~s D. S1VAN;^ a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 3 Janefield Terrace, Hillhead, on the 1ltbL inet., Mrs WILLIAMI NEWTON; a son. At 71 Scott Street, Garnethll, on the 11th inet, Mrs AeloHlsALD MALcoLM; a eon. At 2 Matilda Place, Stratbbungo, on the 11th inatI, $rs D. CROMBIE; a daughter. At 121 North Montrose Street, on the 10th inst., Mrs WILLIAM MrUlAY ; a SOSn. At Greenbank, Callander, on the 10th ?? JOHX FERGUSON ;-a son. At o5 Nelson ...