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Liverpool Mercury

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'irths, dL arringes, anud peatho. ?? N[o Notice ot Birth, Mlarrite, ?? can be Inserted unleessanthentioted by the camse and addreas of the seeder. The words N cards, or ?? additiorn to the simplae anconnmement of a marriage or death, cbenbte lt to payment as for an advetiement. BIRTHS. BOYDr-Deo. 13, thowifeof Mr. James Boydofadaughtor. CIFaF-Dee. 9, at Olive View, Wavertree, the wife of Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... HA ~idwfi, $0ta'-iag8X, And peatfho. G. L. 5. No Notice of Birth, M iage, or Death oan beinesrted Ed nunless sathenticated by the name and address of the A . rendsr. The words No oord, or anyaluilaradlitioou 0 to the simale inn oment of a marriage or death. 1bleCot I asto ae oanetisemetA 13IRTHS. ro BDtawN-Oct. i9, at 11, Margaret-streettile 11. James Bivwin, of ao. FOI CorTisncu.At 128, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? ad ets 00 No Notice of BirthMarriage, or Death can be Inserted Unless a theticated by' the name end addrese of the tender. The words `Nocard~ oranaalradto to the sirmp c toansment of a marriage or death subject l to pawmdt es for enadvr&sxtlsemnL :BIRTHS.. I BnOA Oct. 7, at 161, Towson-street, Evbrton, the wife of r. T. Broad, of twins-eon and daughter. GOODACREN-OCt 6, 'at Walton House, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 4dJ, knt at ~w nieeantlentiate b~ heae sa Adrs ftlhe to thre. Miap1adineonnement e5 'a maragde o6r death. eubjeet it to pment as for ande enl, :,t0 'te:,BIRTRS, : .. BABnY-A prli 19, ata8, PhoebeAnn-street, the wife of 31r,. avi 3. rlryof adaughter..' a ?? ip, 9 7# of Mr- George Edwarde, of Giws-.l-ApI.8l1, atftranner Hill, near Wrexham, the H BEel Titii-l.-Aprl1 17,j t ?? Houo Boiton, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... n FUNERAL OF THE LATE REV. DR. CRICH1TON. 1, )t The remains of the Rev. Dr. Hugh Crichton, the n much-respected senior minister of the United Presbyterian Church, Mount,-pleasant, were yes- lg terday consigned to their list resting-place in the )f Necropolis, Lowbill, in the presence of a number lo of mourning relatives and friends, The esteem in is which the deceased gentleman was hold was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,i~h Wi miaiwe~ and eah RO Notice of tirtb. M , Death can be lnsertfd unless authenticate the lame and I 'dde&1 ?? the Bauder. The words I a crds, or any Similar addita to the fIM IEdo a ariaerk , surbjeat it to ,aof'nt s goran dvetMlesmet, BIRTHS~. BAT~hossfltab, 21, Sat 1, Macenirnostrest, tho wife ohd .M llr. John II tlery13of ji daughttr. , Bieo'is ?? 71 bester. cade, Lowes9Vraee Mnre ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,: irt s, ~tWarri!' s, an patIrs. re ?? No Notice of irth, arage, or Death c be nserted BC} unless autbenicated br the na 'e and addres ofI the sender. The wordz No cardsW or anyseln at ddition LO to dthe simple onnunneemont4ofa.msn-riage or death, sci . subject it to pyment as far an dvertisemcent. I - . :BIERTHS. CLnxA-MatUr 8, atalifileld, the Wife of Mr. Williamr Co: Clark, of a eon vii ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Agohi, fWaru!iW, aui .*aikz, i0 IV. loetee of Birth, MIniage, or Deeth can be serted nulc. ?? by he name a addre o the sender. he wceds Nocards, or n r additon to the simple anouneement ot S nirigo or death, subjectto r at z t foranhidvotisesneL Bateratlo, thwife of Mr.' G. H. I eeeley, Of a'EOn. * Ear>E?-Mfay 28a at Stfford,the WVife of Mr, Henry :Bennett, Walasey road, Liseard, of a eon. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t girths, Vw~bats, and g*ath Il XIo otice o irth, Marriae s Deteabenete ! nes auhentited Mby theg name and addres of the Sender, The ?? d oranyaiaradion to the siml a et o a mnsge or deat, subet it to payment an for an advertisemennt. . ~~~BIRTHRS. CnxRaTIAac-Oct. 23. at 8,Athol-street, Dongles, isle of Man, the wife of Mr, eI rthrisutangoason. CLULOW-Oct. 24, at 43, fferewood-street, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... girths, VĀ¶aniats, aitd 'afghs. KO Ifot Ble f Rut, ,-Sr , Or DeAhMD be ?? seuder. Them _u'd %, r iiaradt to the imple o ent o a os death ubjecttto -ntstorandve BIIL1S BRNBrnett 21, at 25, Grove-street, the wile of Mr. Baron Barnett, of a son. Bt-TLE Oet. 20, at Foxhill Villa, Acocks Green, near Birmingham, the ?? Butler, B.A, LL.B., of a son. GBGO6a -Oct. 22, at 33, Hamllton-eq are, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Th- RLA.TE IR JOSH U WAUSMLEY. Although -it.-,is now soveral years since the late{ Sir J. .Walmsley.. ceased, to reside in Liverpool and to take an aative part in the politics of this town, the news of 'his: death will net have been received without emotion -by many of his old friends,'and even by, those who did not agree with him altogether in politics. He jwa'a k an of extraordinary energy, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. J. R. JEFF ERY. Our obituary this day contains an announcement of the death of Mr. James Reddecliffe Jeffery, for many years head of the firm of J. and W. Jeffery and Co., late of Compton House, Livorpool, whose decease took place atllkley Wells, yesterday (Sun- day), as he was seated at breakfast, at half-past nine o'clock in the morning. The origin, progress, and recent collapse ...