... ,,THE PREY OF TEE GODS. -$ TEE lines of division which separate intention or desire from actual com- mission of sin-the operation and process of what, for want of a better word, we may style emotional adultery, the beauty and vitality of sentimental infidelity and mental treachery, the immoral wish, the 'unfaithful thought, the study, in short, of adultery in all its degrees and shades-forms ...


... ON GUARD. A NEW comedy in three acts, written by Mr. W. S. Gilbert, and entitled On Guard, has been produced at the Court Theatre, now open for its second season. The story of On Guard is of a faint and debilitated character, and deals mainly with the flirtations of a Miss Jessie Blake, and the incon- veniences and small distresses that result from the levity of her conduct. She is ...


... AMR. FREEMAN'S HISTORICAL ESSA ?? THE more reflective observers of the memorable Oxford theological move- ment, surveying it from a hostile camp, yet with free minds, perceived that one of its effects must be a remarkable development of the historic spirit, and an extension of that improved way of looking at the events and per- sonages of the past which had come in with the reaction against ...


... PARIS, Snday'. I. DE Rl''MUSAT is said to have received remonstrances from a variety of quarters both at home and abroad against the publication of official docu- ments by gentlemen in or retired from diplomacy. It is not asserted that Prince Bismarck has complained, but that several foreign Powers have protested. A work which has given much offence to some people here and in Italy is M. Jules ...


... The Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P., left town on Friday for Ellerbecl, Chorley, Lancashire. The Eight Hon. I. A. Bruce, M.P., left town on Friday for Duffryn, Aberdare, Glamorganshire. The Marquis of Ripon left his residence in Carlton Gardens on Friday for Stuciley Royal, near Ripon. The President of the French Republic received the Emperor of Brazil on, Sunday. It is understood that the ...


... From the Comic Pagpers and other souireoS.1 All about a belle. -A hoop-skirt. Waiting ?? spinsters. The great senses ?? and water. Rolling ?? invested in bowling alleys The British policy in India-Protection to native Hindoostry. When is a butterfly like a kiss!- When it alights ont tcips (two lips). Every -unmarried lady of 40 has passed th e Cape of Good Hope. The favourite novel of ...


... Carfetief. _~ 7oF TJwUGalT. fl asls difficulty in submitting to a wrong- t A mane ofelo11155 fin a ttelliptiug to set him right, beddfclvr ?? h aebe hadsome, isb thtrb~get0tut, ere I lofger pio the mind; it is c toforget tdote bd ?? h 'ilo The Ittotir of tile bor hoop?-. .,.gwh7tiebyre for theo ?? of a wise wan ; of ew ttbin wll r ?? tool that is the rehson why almost tll tj pmen sre ...


... T, arlettro. GEMIS OF THOUGHT. The talker ?? the silcnt reapS.s. Wh kow 'ntto flatter, knows Inot to reign. Who knows ri, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ th Virtue in a generous breast ie nourished by liberty. Who feels love in his heart, feels a spur in his limbs. ake yurselfoilnosy, sod the flies will devour you: Ceoweenotwopersa ons susceptible of love, tbo duration of the passion is in the ratio of the primiti ...


... LITERARY XiSCELLANEA. THn GRAT WHITER OF FABLES.-The author of EBop's Fables was by birth a Phrygian. Ho hsd abund. anco of wit; but was humpbacked, little, crooked; and of a very uncomely coonatennance; having srce the figure of a man; and for some time almost without the use of speech. He was nlso a slave, and the merchaut who bad bought him found it very difficalt to dispose of him, so ...


... PUBLIC ANUSEMENTS. NOVEL IMPORTS FROM AMERICA. On Monday a remarkable party gave a reception at Willia's Rooms, to a company consisting of Bome of the most eminent members of the medical profession and a few represontatives of the press. After the company had waited for some time, the party who had invited them entered the room, and proved to consist of three or four individuals, for opinions ...


... I:an A.-Ma 'U PwrrM THI SuN.-We tgo with the sun at Christ. ljs; it were but eontinullB to do so till the middle of April, and without aru poeorptible change we ehat ed find ourselves tkon rising at five o'clock: at *badi hour we might continue till September, and thenaoofem. modate ounselver agsin to *a dhango of seasn, roou. : latiug always the time in relnarg at0 lOInS thproportion They who ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMENT&, THE OLYMPIC. Juvenile prodigies on the stage, and for the most part elsewherm, are decided nuisances; and thiv, our sincere conviction respecting infantile actors and actressee, has not been in the least shakon by the appearance of Master Manley from Australia, stated to be only six I ears old, in the part of Prince Arthur in K ?? John, at the Olympia. He ig a sufflofontly ...