Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ar _H to 0itT Announcements of Biths, end Marriage an- to nom emnents with ANo Cards attached, are charged id as Advertisemnents. *n BIRTH. a S.XEa.L-21st inst., at Needham.Market, the wife of W at H. Snell, of a daughter. id 'de MARRIAGES. DEnEs-GLYN.-18th inst., at Ewell Church, by the as Rev. Lewis Deedes, father of the bridegroom, assisted le by the Rev. Cecil Deedes, brother of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? Announcements of Births, and, Marriage an- nouncements with No Cards attached, are charged as Advertisements. MARRIAGES. FAIRHEAD-BIsDBRooK.-23rd inst., at West Bergholt, by the Rev. F. Sims, Mr. Daniel Fairhead, of Colehes. ter, to Matilda, widow of Daniel Brafbrook, Esq., of West Bergholt. SnGGERs--EsAM.-23rd inst., at Kelvedon, by the Rev. R. J. Tacon, Alfred, second son of Mr. H. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MAEIAGES, AND DEATHS. Chargesfor eanyoncemaw of Xerriogee 2& 6d, o Eqrfa- and Deaths, le. 6L eah; and to insure. *nion amoeun ,aus in aU cases, be prepaid; ~BIBTHS. Blennerhassett-Aprtl 14, at Munich, Lady Blennern hassett of a son. Fenton-At Clogheen the wife of Dr. Fenton of a son Gore-May3. at KilmoN Ian, the wife of Dr. Ggre, Sur- gcon34th Regt., of a danghter. MARRIAGES. Fisher ...


... MD DEATH&, Chargesfeo- a*ouwnemnt of Marriapes, 2g. 6d., of Bifr and Deathc, I8. 6d. each; and to insur6 insersion &U amunt must, in all cases, be prepaid. BIRTHS. Garvey-April 26, at No. 3 Sorth Earl-street, the wife of James Garvey Of a son. aLuigsn-April27, at Ardtona, Dundrur, the wife of Stephen M. Lamugan, Esq., of Glenaquie, countyof 11p. perary, of a son. MRRIAGES. Cormac andHird ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t{ ri igrxt to ~ounca the death, at Ber~1 Iyving, on Sunday last, of A. Johaso Esq.; LL.D Geographer to the Queen for Seo0 |and. -Fron a brief biographicl notice in AIe i 'eohs TimeJ we Idarj that DrJobnsto was born !t Kirki nOrc4 Edinburgh, December 2S, 1S04 eddoated at the High Schoolwij7 a view to the mindscie31 profession, became apprentice to a iengraver, and acquired that artistic sliill ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 2 M3orris Place, M~ontoith Itlo, on the 4th inst., Mr~s IV. N. M.IAC(AIIInYn ; a dau cieter. A~t SG Ronaldl Street. on the 4thinilSt,, D. SIuT!{1rOLAND; a son. At3 H Eoluead Street, on the 4th inst., Mn,~ \V.\ At 2 Newt~on Place, on1 tle, 31i il: .t., .MII JAMEY ;NEILSON, of Il!IO~wld;l :I dsught5er. At 120 TOnd(oL iload, on thc Sd ?? 31rs Ja~E in. MIAOTHIi ;l a dan~hter. At 12 Canmden ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At43DalhousieStreet, on the 27th inst., Mrs PerPETER BARRIE; a daughter. At Cleland Place, Ibroxholm, on the 27th inst., Mrs A. BAIN; a daughter. At 6 Regent Park Terrace, Stratlhungo, on the 27th inst., Mrs ROBEa'r DAVIE; a daughter;- At 165 Great Eastern Road, on the 27th inst, Mrs JAMEs BARR; a son. At the Reformed Presbyterian Manse, Paisley, on the 27th inst., Mrs CLAZY; a son. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE?ROYAL MA?UEAGR? ?j Ci~si~w~eOorporation atrraoeihi#' Tuesday next- are now comipleted. The'~i-i'u in the City HailL will ibet tirat in order'of timie' The Lord 'Provost wi~ll take thechair fat seven o'clock. A~fter 'tea, an eelnbmusical pro. graninta mwill be ent~ered osn. In accordancehrwith -aresolution of thle To~wn Counol,..a.'eertain1 niumber of tioket's have bee, sent to--the various ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At.3 Parl Buildings, Paisley Road, on the 16th inef., Mrs ROBERT P. GmIBB; a daughter. At 71 Abbotsford Place, on the 16th inst., Mrs ?? S. GLASS; a daughter. le At-2 Craignestock Flace, on the 16th inst., Mrs a JAMEA WHITE; a son. c At 6 East Park Terrace, 1aryhill Road, on the ,. 16th inst., the wife of CHARLES IFGLISlEsq.; a il daughter. m ; At 628 Gallowgate, on the 16th inst., Mrs WiL t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 5 Morris Place Monteith tow, on the ' st inst., Mrs WILLIAM BUC1NANAN; twin sons. At the Original Secession Manse, Polloksbawa. on the'ilst inst., the wife of the Rev, Wxrmwi B. GA11DBn;1 a son. At 6.Stonefield Terrace, on the 1st inst., the wif& of MW'ALBLANDN~i ADEBSON a daughter. At 50`3urreyStreet, on the le inst. hrs Ei - - GiLLAN; a son. . I L 4t 38 Berkeley Street, on the 30tb .ult,, ...