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Advertisements & Notices

... IT NtgD 1TOWN S' AtSSOCIATION ?? NATIONAL LICENSED VICIUALLERS' DEFENCE uLGiUE, and BNiR1NGiA? LiCEBSED VICTUALLERS' PRO- TrCTIR~ SOCIETY. GOVEMENTr LICENSING BILL. The Committee have taken Temporary Oflices, ANN-STREET, BIMINGHAMI, where all information can be obtained by distinct conm- BallCiebll By Order, ALFRED HARRISON, Secretary. ...

Published: Sunday 30 April 1871
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 44 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... CYMDEITESFA ABERGELE.-Camg8 erad ydoedd d- weyd yn yr adroddiad o'r . GYM h nucbod mai aelod o egiw Garston ydoedd y brawd v crybwylld am ei ddiXdde'lia& Nid' yw hyn .bellac o nemaWr bwys ondr.ydym' bob amee yn awyddus i gyw iro unrby. wa11 pan y t elwii em yw ato. B jridk .'-Ni oddef. el 'erynu i n goedi g traetbawd. W. Tonimse, Glandwr.-Gwads yr ygsgrienydd liw fadi IDavid ...

Published: Saturday 29 April 1871
Newspaper: Y Goleuad
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 217 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... HItiE GEN ERAL STEAM LNAVIGATION 1T COMPANY'S STEAM SHIPS leave St. Katheines' Wharf. Lon- don, for iiAMBURG.-GtIANTON, LIBRA, BERLIN, COSifOPOLITANI, TR'IDIENT, DRAGON, GERNIAN'IA, end[ VIRGO. April 29th, at 5; May' iid and Ath), at 10; ath and 17tih, at 9; 20th, at to morning; 2Nth, at 12 nOon; 07th, at S; and 31st at Y aolttrning. Chi1ef rabin, X2 fore, 1 .s. children under tenf yeanrt, bal ...

Published: Sunday 30 April 1871
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5725 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVfEBTI5EM n.] BaRssr.-EPPs'S CocoA.-Guaratr. azr. Coorura.., * By a therough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful applicatioa of the fine properties of ?? cocoa, Mr. Epps has povi4d our breakfast tablps with a delicately filavoured beverage which..i save us imany heavy doctors' ?? Servics _1=cze.' M a simply with boiling ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1l I -- ar j -- - .. Li Now Beady, 8 ?? 1Is cloth, t KTABLEt- THi: LORD'S , BTt; iU Letters to a Younf Friend. By tho YRav. GjtOnlE P1retLI', N.A., Free St John's, Edinburgh. Y Loedon: Jamso Niebet d~o.. 21 Beruers Street, W. I Just Pulilsheo, smrall Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. Oloth. F, RAYTON HALL. Stories Illustrative of Y the Beatitudes. By the Author of The Golden d Ladder, `o. WithColoured ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LLUSTRATED CATAOOGUE of the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 7871. The success that attended the Publication of their ILLUSTR ATE) CATAl OGUE of foetnee INTERNATTONAL EXlj.1SITINS: held in Lecron, Fciri l rci'n filady 5ij~lsfy the Pro- triLcicS of the AT-ixIJOURNAL in announcingj their intention cf treating itl a similarc manuer that vhich is to be opened at Sooth Ken- siiton oni te Stot it 1.S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WII MEIT is the only safe ?? V 13IVA~w theTurf; and holefels morcee onilug lsracebx eating, shen tha o the a b - For evoiy £5V inotdb d~ Each received o Chequ on t e Those who had invested £e10S .. . I seceived by oame poet . ?? And BnbslA bers who sent hinna o Over this meeting, recevedi, Furtber comment in u .neary . . 3D 13D5scOIBEEBi, send ?? once, and do notli canpH tuuiby of, aeinlu a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3Enzutance. HE ONLY LIFE INsURANCE OFFICE in he| T kingdom which issues its Polices to the public on ABSOLUTE GovBRNiMENT SzcuriceS, and retains the values of the next premiums paid by Insurants, in Government Stock, deposited in the Bank of IEngland, in trust for the sole purpose of meeting the claims of policy-holders, is the BRITISH IMPERIAL INSURANCE CORPORA- TION, LIMITED. Policies cannot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ''CY OEDIDG E kt ETH: (3^NJO'iLHN .D .AV.i-ES ? * ' w' ;- B01T BRIDD, --- '. * AERNARTFO:N._ * * Anfoni'sh &r .dderbpiiadeu gwerth mewn' * stasmp drsea y post. Y FY NHAD vwedi ei barotoif rPIynedigion, gan. y Parc. D Jones, Tseborth. Pris mewn Ilian, Ss. 6a.,:nueu 2s: 6c. mewn amlen; :I ClYPROL 0: BREGET lAU, ynghiyd; a Thraetiiawd, J rBregethu gan y Parch. Henry Xees,L34vermeipb! b dao ...

Published: Saturday 29 April 1871
Newspaper: Y Goleuad
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1545 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... ~'CORN-FLO- UR A7)iAG, If neil fea to ?? F ML10101 AND fRWADs. rANWT' MOOD. Ntrotldzd tef4oonfloffld thel Br SUlI tfteU eoob Wter into a plaae A d balf a Dint dt hot mil miii water ?? ~~ ~ . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCALE OF CHiARGES OR ADVERTISEMENTS INV THlE 4WESTERN 3tAIL. FOI SINGLE INISERTIONS. Lines s.d Lines S. d. 1 to 3.., ?? 1. . G to . , 2 6 4 to S ?? . ., a 8 to 9 ?? 3 0 And 4G. for every additional Line. FOR A SERIES OP CONSECUTIVE INSEUTIONS- I to 5 insors. at 4Gl. per line per iuser, for 6 lines MOd upwards, 6 to 11 , , d. to ?? 12 to 25 ,, 2d. ,, ,, ,, it .. 26to .7 ,, I~d. ,9 to is It ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ha IALU. OID Two (SATURDAY) HV&HIJ %AND R. S APRIL 29 3 Ati fOND y N DR 1OIRTR'S NATIONqA-V MUSIOALN RTERTAXm - Two lours Bmomg the Crthe RUI Fru ~lsand Thathe ( t $ hI L~~1( ve les LITTLEa n. L11D ItI~tlA~A OA AYES, Elf, AMARCy HLlN.tY, XL~NxiCDZ lit. Tom OomuE, eO6P - BN O&LDJBRWOOD, Sereten7. 2 Dr. (lOEgy'5 ?? ng u iRELA~~~D I~~lotia 'tren~n. Ihe ebol I ITS SOENERY, MUSIC, 10816 onirt Misn ...