... |-FASIOON is~ Vil ETI ' ICEREGAL ,ISJltO CORK. i ,SPECL4TELEGRAM. i1~' (Pram our CorTespondent) * Cork, Tuesday. ,The Lord Lieutenant is expectd in the: city-byspeie train on Thursday ?? then review- the Clrk and Kerry Militis Regimentsin the Parkl. ItiseBstej that ?? milnotsojournin thadlty.hutw-ll retineach.eveiing after the riew to Malow. wrhert apartbentebave been engaged at tre Royal HtL. ...


... PUBLIC AXUSEXENTS. 1TWEEDIE'S RIGHTS.' AT THE VAUDE- VILLE. Mr. James Albe-y, auth.:ir of the ,Two Rose; fi likewise the parent of the twvo-act comedy which hae just been prodne-d at the Vaudavilloe the plot of -which is ?? Tweedie (Mr. David James) is a maeter stonemason, whn has chpated his brother's Eon, Richsard Tweedie (Ur, Wyke Mooro) of his property-nameit. the stonemason business. ...


... N'fEW BOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS. Little Sunshine's Holiday: a Picture from Life. By the author of John Halifax, Gentleman. (Sampson Low, Son, and Marston.) This is a pretty narrative of baby life, describing the simple doings and sayings of a very charming and rather precocious child nearly three years old. Little Sun- shine, who is no doubt a real personage, travels to Scotland with her ...


... THE partisans of finality in opera can find no fault with the proceedings and performances at either of our great musical theatres. With the death of Meyerbeer, Rossini, and Auber, and the retirement of Verdi-who has taken to farming, as Thalberg took to wine-growing, as Alphonse Karr has taken to flower-growing, and as a much less eminent man, Siraudin, the vaudevillist, has taken to the ...


... AN ardent follower of Dllinger, who surely might have discovered foemen worthier of his steel, has thought proper lately to deliver himself of a diatribe against Mr. Murray's Handbook of Rome. He accuses its compiler and editor of incurring the risk of corrupting our young men and women by cunningly inserting Romish fables and assumptions under cover of suggestions respecting dinners to ...


... j?Ett??. THE H APPY VALLEY. 1WB F. T. PALOItVE. *IN the heart of the long bare uplande le lies like a river ot green; Anti the trees eaoh slope descending Leave nilow~ery sward between:- A fl' verv pathl for the children, W\ith the o ik annd the thorn on high;- - 'Cor'erts to tempt the boldest, SAnd shelter-spots for the shy. Comne, Love, to the lsppy valley, XVhere the turf slopos smnooth and ...


... ?r, ?? .- , $17, - - - 11 e - P -T. ? I IT 1, - d#IP A 1.114 ? Lo J2, f ? 0, JNCany. lajit Ietteil aX ~Itaii O~ ors here, Mr Uye of- Cove it. Garwii &ATk Vapleson 4.f Drury Laxne, -ow riVaIlP( th ilh fobr, he two previous seasons stanch frieaa and'partners, have been doing 6heir beat to ei'ihcel eichkother. The great dca attached to Co ?? Gatden, coupled with the array of ' sters -Mr- Gye ...


... .IPRIC OP W~7`-,~70-AL S1TRA~-t, I '~OLD CUjST SRrj ' Mr Sidneys adaptation iof he' ?? Cbiuroplt . t S iop, ?? in ?? htai aleat one'merib' Whioh': Aijb ninv'4d.ptaU I'ti ars' canri boast that 'of Jfidelity to the |:o: iginaL i' ?? few trivial and ne'cespsary Ie~rptiiionsthetiuth'or hds b'een 'treated with aJ respect and' c6& 'as r're, as rthby are 'ad- n~irb~e.Forthis' very reason,, howev4er ...


... PUBLIC ASMBSMENTS.- Mr. Sotborn ?? MeecD fcoenasameewlneaa.willappm evoryo-rean nxt week. PRIM.A .aeweAtney-Eesa Ito feaatttn HeT MO]nenild NPNILS IENbLEM erformted SItw Ma r Sten Mer. ?? o. an IAenath lo o Arell - anlunn Mr~hen.-Bo~a~Coplentae Heronrt. d ancof ; i. TieRdMaic Woanre (Mo SpncaarAlt Zceeu ~eD *~~nAeate II~ Tek Dat ne ?? efre h N Ito ?? and b -o an Robr mthen Or mean dutor f ...


... (Smithl?iderdn ? By Frederick Wedmore. In two vole. 15, Waterloeplace, London). Some time ago we noticed witis approvol a first fiction from the pen of Mr. Frederick Wedmore, a promisingynuog titt?rafcur whosanaine ?vill be recognised by many local readers, and tx- pressed a hope that before long we might again meet him in the field of authorshIp. We have now the pleasure of recording our ...


... INEW NOVELs. _ _ ?? A Daughter of Reth (3 vole., London, :Sampson Low and Co.) is a novel which appears with neither the name of its writer on the titler page, nor any reference to any former work, in- dicating its authorship. It may, therefore, be the snacknowledged wvor of some well-known novelist, weary of personal praise, or t may be the first produotion of a new writer, one who has ...


... -am ctrp, WO LINES WRIITTEN ON RI' CRIVING TIOINSS OF Tlli. D)ECEASE Or MtIS, GIVENtOLItlg JON CO. And hns our lily droop'd aud died ? Or is this sleep Mvlidc angels pat her to, t'asvilt the Rising uton Of that Fair Day when thro' the tombs of earth shall ring The Archasgel'S trumpet loud asd clear'? 'Tis sleep, sweet sleep. The wvearied frnime is 'low at rest: tile anxious brain, O'yrtsxeid ...