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Advertisements & Notices

... Wd. Beys ec,,? Gi-ls' Boots propoirtionftely Chcap. A clinics selection of the nov and fashionably High- Legged, Button, and Laced Boots in Levant and Kid, now in stock ; also., -a large and varied stock of EVENING DRESS BOOTS, Rossettes, Trimmings, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JALFON. lr. W. Boots, Swan-street, Landport, Portsmouth. r 0 fi r Uy L rt R At er St. Margaret's Bank, Rochester, 9th August, 1869. Mr. Skinner has to express his entire satisfaction at the manner in which his furniture was removed by Mr. W. Boots, on the 16th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... having employed Mr. Boots r i4 his furniture, can speak with entire satisfactisn r care taken of his goods, and the personalouperr 53 those who employ him may depend o L1 Portsmouth Dockyard, 15th Pebrar1 This is to certify that W. Boots, during the tja attended ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o'clock precisely. Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneers, Ipswich. IPSWICH. To he SOLD by AUCTION, By GARROD & TURNER, At the Golden Lion Hotel, Ipswich, on Friday, } 16th June, 1871, at Six for Seven o'clock in the Evening, the following Desirable & Excellent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to make Gente' hest-ettched Boots. Constant Emuploy- meet and host price gisen.-APply, & Miltord, O~ldbury. c113? 0 'tho Boot Trade-WATD &ots cHmIINIST. Con' T3. sant ?? 0,NwJisStreet. Aston Road end. 02018 110 Ohs Boot Work.-WANTED, a good Mows's and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... de- T voted to the disposal of Sheep and Lambs, and the Auctioneers having a large connection amongst Gra- ziers in Essex, Kent, Cambridgeshire, and other counties, will use their best endeavours to obtain a good attendance of buyers. Early entries are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fa ilyosewing, and to the se f dessaker, tilos, ootclosers, and shirt Sole agent for Portsmouth and vicinity- I H. A. STENT, BooT MAX-n, 70. QuXs SREET, PoITSBA. J am B. JOHN FRAN KEISS, Busess AGENT AD bel ACCOuNTAFT, arranges all matters connected with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHITE, COLoE and DRESS SLIaRTS. v V ~THEsHER ebnd GIiENNY next door to Somerset-hous, Strand, tondon. F ADIES o S -Kid alkin Boots to button, or elasetio s. 6d. L enamelled kid beant fully made, 21s.: soft end pretty house hoots, 5S, Gd.- Morocoo slipper ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T iIrESSRS. PIKE, SPICER, & Co. are open to receive I1 . X TENDERS for the ERECTIONand COMPLETION du, of THREE HOUSES, in Golden Lion-lane, Portsmouth. Plansand Specifications can be seen at the Brewery (in. Office, Penny-street, Portsmouth. Hours 10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Kng'sc-rossHolloway; Elep ontrand Castle, NewoKent. Sol .-0e Agont.JAbIES J. MILL;ER. King's.0roee Station. N. (NOAL.-R. C. CLARKE' Boot Old SILESTONE, 20f. J livper din, Cash.-Colmiery Ofoiesa, tio 'heCrons Station, N.- 18As L.-WlIlarn eiffe Best Sil tastone ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Street. r I- (goAhn) ate.d for a- Boot,1 and Ilhoe dress- '.52291, Hral Oice S ALESWOMEN {li Wanted for Millinery; Saturday after., .nODose-ray & Stsesn.F 34 Main Street, Anderston. ~ SALES WOMAN (experldtlcedi Wanted for Boot and Slhoe- Shop. Refersnces'requlrcd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l~um li.: Earl P1itzwillamn's Depot: Ifng'seroeeH ~ ifl5 Os.;Nuts I~e: enill, I0s. Itd. ?? Agent, Elephat and Castle, New Kent. -etosslne's-rossStationN C0AL.til R.Clt~i lARKwent{ Bhset OlS>d 9LTf oNE_ 20s,7 geri ton, COh.Cos ir Ofles Ring'srcrss Statoe ...