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Sheffield, Yorkshire, England

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NOTICE—NEXT SUNDAY JUNE I4, et 8.80. REV R. STAIN TON will D.V. Lecture in th. lempsranc- HaiL Subject- The Burning

... of raris. THE EPIDEMIC AT BUENOS AYRES. SUFFERERS' RE LIE f FUND. _ a-cordance with the Resolutions passed at a Public Me.tiig. held at tbe London Tavern, on tae 18th inet— T. RAblr-G, Esq., M.P., in the Ch-ir— f.r the purpose of reliev- es tb* distreas caused by tbis fearful visitation. Subscrtp- il Lists have been opened at tbe Londoe and Kiver Plate jack as also the leaditg London and ...

Published: Thursday 01 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11513 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... TBIP TO PABIS, -, TEE BATTLE FIELDS OF FRANCE AND i> r GERMANY. „.v ENTERTAINMENTS on WEDNESDAY and D * SATURDAY, at Three o'Clock. /.n EVENING AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. J * First Seats, 2a. ; Second, la. ; GaUery, 6d. I ,«- ?? THIS EVENING. | HE A T R E ROYAL. 1 ?? BCCCEB6 AND IMMENSE RECEPTION ut * of the Eminent Actor, gK. H. LOBAINE, gspported by a specially selected Combination COMPANY OF ...

Published: Wednesday 28 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12097 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO-MORBOW AFTERNOON, at 2.30 Pbomtt. REV. R STAIKTON will ?? LECTURE ig the Ti*p(> H * LL . . »

... • Bnbject : The Burning of Pans. TO-MOBBOW EVENING at 6.80. T)EV. R. feTAINToX will ?? DI3- J l COUBSE on an Exclusive Privilege in Gabde* frralßT Cuarai.. Bubject : ?? The Banquet of Love.' TOMORROW. MONTHLY SFRMON, at St. Matthew's, BdWDAI Bv.niwg, by Rev. J. F. WITTY. tubject: Forgive him. Who? and when ? TO-MOBROW. BAPTIST CHURCH, GLO3SOP ROAD Tke Bey. J. M. BTETHENS, B. A., the ...

Published: Saturday 03 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16207 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

THIS DAY. A PUBLIC LECTURE will be delivered by Dr. BEXTON, of London, In the Tbmt i kanci Haix, on

... 1 cesdat, the 13th June, at Eight ?? in the Evening. Subject The Turkish Bath, and the Advantage to be derived therefrcm in tbe Prevention and Cure of Disease. Admission Free. Discussion invited. CAMBRIDGE LOCAIT EXAMINATION. The CERTIFICATES AND PRIZES to suoeesefal Candidates examined at the Sheffield Oentre, wUI be distri- buted at the Cctdbb's Hall, Mioffisld, by Sir JOHN BRO WS, on ...

Published: Tuesday 13 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 30225 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Ball, on TnrasOAV Mobkibo text, In behalf ot the Ladies' Associa- tion for the Bocial and Religions Improvement ol Syrian ' emalae. hi. LIE i.ESSAV.Y. the Native Superintendent, and the K*v F. G. LITTLEC OT, who are eye witnesses, wiU attend wa DepatAtion, and furnish details of the Society's Work in the Bolv Land. The Chair will be thker. at Eleven o'Clock, by tbe liev. Dr. Sale, Vicar ol fci ...

Published: Thursday 15 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12510 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

THIS EVENING, at lie-HT o'Olooe. REV B ; STA IN TON will ?? LECTURE _.i Weatbar I'uu.p. Subject .— •'

... This Week's Pnnch and Paria. THIS EVENING. MUSIC HALL, feURREY STREET, SHEFFIELD. SPECIAL GB-ND ILLCMLNATEB DAY ENTEETAINMBNTB On Wednesday and baturday, at Three o'Olook. Evening Eniertainmenta at Bight o'Cloek. THE BEAL M. oOMPE RT Z'B GRAND PANORAMIC TRIP TO PARIS, Showing with Phctogrspbic Accuracy that Magnificent City ia it* Okakdelb and its Fall, delineating every Position and Place of ...

Published: Friday 09 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10367 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATION. Tbe CERTIFICATES AND PRIZES to successful iiidldates examined at th Sheffield ..

... Cctler's Halt* fbeffield. by Sir JOHN BROWN, on Wednesday, the 14th Jone, instant, at Three l clock in the Aiternooo. I D L A N D RAILWAY. LEEDS HORTICULTURAL SHOW. On THrR f DAY, Jonebth, a CHEAP EXCCR&ION TRAIN Ur LEEDS will run asunder:— ?? Times oi Starting and Fares there and back : Stations. o.m. First Class. Third Class. Sheffield J-t|L sg. Od. ?? 2s. 6d. Maabto' 9-65/ bwinton b - DU . ...

Published: Wednesday 07 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9993 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO MORROW. rrOWNHEAI) STREET CHAPEL.— The Rev. R. GREEK, ol Shipley, will Preacb-Moraing * Strangers Invuei. TO ..

... . rm ,,.r POTTF.K, of Flannhaw, near Wakefield. tCT ' BiSV S-rangcrsiuvited. TO-MORROW. liFTHFL CHAPEL, Cambridge street. ?? A PLULIC PRAYER MEETING Every Scnday at fce\en o'clock. *- An Invitation to all. TO-MORROW. Ln\LEY CHAPEL SUNDAY SCHOOL. , vt-a-r v June 25th, 187 L. TWO SERMONS will be en. in the Afternoon, at Btalf-past PARToN (ol Burngrcive, Sheffield), and • r ?? S-.01.V, by tne Rev ...

Published: Saturday 24 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 48914 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

MB. JOSEPH T BABKEB in the Teepi-eaecb Hall. Townhead street, at So Clock THIS EVENING. SHEFFIELD LI'iERABY AND ..

... PHICAL BOOIBTY. t=, iv.Kiw th* GENERAL MEETING of Prapnetors JnVl ?? in the Society's Booms, School or Act, Arundel ?? Seven o Clock, when Mr. ALFRED ALLEN will read Vp£, oT : 'Cou\\^Vision; with Experimental DJurtration* */thT Compound Natur* of Y*Uow and the Blemeutary Nature of Green Ligbt. Ir conformity with the reaolution of an Annual Meeting. Ladies are admitted to the Beading ol the ...

Published: Tuesday 06 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 29010 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Cn TuifcSDAV, July 18th and 27th On TBTRsnAY. Aueust Kith and 24th. The Band will attend from 6ix to Eight o Jlock p.rn^ THIS DAY. T UVENILE EMIGRATION. rTTI-ERS' HALL, SHEFFIELD, THURSDAY, JUNE ! 22vi), 1-71 Th* Bey Father NUGENT (Chaplain of the Borough Prison. Hvmoool »ili tell the Story of ' NOBODY'S CHILDREN,' or £rR BTRiET ARABS OF l-NOLAND. His Worship the MAYOR will preside. ...

Published: Thursday 22 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11800 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SUIi *f) Hit. Kivtolfton. TO-MOBBOW. THB ROYAL HOTEL YABD. MR. NICHOLSON will SELL by AUC- TION, ta tbe Royal Betel

... Yard, on Tcesoat bext, Jane 18th. at Twelve o'Olock. A very handsome Four wheeled DOG OABT, with Pole, Shafts Lunpt, Co tea Break, Ac, complete, done scarcely any work, boH by Holmet, of Derby; nets ol handsome Double and Bingk HARNESS, Ac., Ac Also, A VERY GOOD DABK BROWN MARE, \l Bands, 7 Tears, very quiet, and has been driven in both Bineta and Double Barness. A Four Wheeled WAGGONETTE, by ...

Published: Monday 12 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9713 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds