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... LIT ERA TU RE. go S-ottialc Lituergies of thse Beiga of James thse Sixth. The a lBook of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacra- i ments, with other rites and ceremonies of the Churchof go Scotland, as it wee set down at first, before the change to thereof made by the Archbiehop of Canterbury, and sent a back to Scotland. From a MS. in the Blritish Museum. St Also, en earlier Draft ...

Amateurs at St. George's Hall

... A dramatic entertainment, which attracted a large audience, was given at the above Hall on Tuesday evening for the benefit of Mr. G. R. Wilkinson, Serctary of the Landou Academy of Music. As usual with amateurs the resources of the Management were of the most heterogeneous descriritiou, and )vo were treated to a histrionic display which was/good, bad, anid indiffirent, but partik- ing most ...

Published: Sunday 11 June 1871
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 736 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTISTS' C EXHIBITION. The following is the ligt of sales during the season of the water.colour exhibition. The result is very satisfactory. The attendance of visitors shows a considerable increase on the number last year; and the receipts for aales exhibit a still more marked advance. in lS70, the sales were £922. and £374. Art Union sales-total, £1,2TJ. This year the sales ...


... - votttv. TEI HAPPY VALLET. In the heart of the long bare uplands It lies like a river of green; And the trees each elope descending Leave a flowery sward between:- A flowery path for the children. With the oak and the thorn on high; Coverts to tempt the boldest, And shelter-spots for the shy. Come, Love, to the happy valley. Where the turf slopes smooth and dry; At our feet the lauginlng ...


... lMR. GANZ'S XORNING CONCERT. Where to begin and where to end, is our difficulty, when le attempt to describe such a festival of sweet sounds as that which occupied us for several hours on Mlonday morning last at St. James's flail. Mr. Ganz has loneg been recognised as a delightful composer, anl admirable teacher, sad a public player, rapiing wvith the maostdistinguished soloists of the day; ...

Published: Sunday 11 June 1871
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1868 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THEATRE ROYAL, I- - The lovers of legitimate comedy have noa, i. treat presented them in the representation of 3 flrd4 Abery's Two Thorns. Those who can a pa le wit sparkling dialogue, well-draacha rea rs careful acting, may rely upon nearly three chauactfert 't lectual amusement. The name o the rhoursnofe t 3b ctalyidiaeeh ?? doe a y clearly indicate the nature of the plot, and was deubtot ...


... * The Gen~man'se Magazine.-(London: W. H. Allen and CO4-This favourite old monthly manages to hold its own against all corners. A new serial tale, The Valley of Poppies, by the author of Christopher Kenrick, is com - imenced in theeurrent number, and is fullof promise. Charles Cowden Clarke contributes the third of his interesting Papers on The '-Comic Writers of En-land. * Approximate ...


... THE LE BAS PRIZE ESSA Y FOR xS7:'$ Tlus work, we are informed by the author, gained the Le Bas Prize in 1870. We regret to say that we cannot in the present advanced stage of English philology compliment either the author, or the university which has accredited him, on its publication. Though it is to be regarded in all fairness as merely a juvenile production, yet we cannot but think that the ...


... THE NEXT GENERATION. i TRUE Next Generation is a sketch of society as it is to be in the year ,394. Its author, like the hero of i' Locksley Hall, Has dipt into the future far as human eye could see, And seen the vision of the world--all the wonder that would be- and has cast the revelation into the form of a novel. We must say that the prospect he unfolds looks, at least to us, as ...


... II J music . I ROYAL ITAIrAN OPERA. Again last week five operas were given at this establishieunt-ou Monday Otello, with the fine perform- anceof Madame Adelina Patti asDosdemona; on Tucsday, La J/avorita; on Thursday, L' Etoile du oerd; on F riday, L' Afticaine; and on Saturday, Eris Bello in Xanchcra- the three latter works for the first time this season. The specialty in Tuesday's ...


... Eucharis. A Poem. By F. Reginald Statham. (Longmans and Co.) Mr. Statham observes that this poem is entirely dramatic, and that he did not Write it with the idea of advocating indiscriminate abolition of all forms of marriage. If it were not for this asseveration, which we are of course bound. to accept, we should have said that this was the one idea of the publication, since we are ...


... BOYAL AMPRITHEATRE, HOLBORN. of the many forms in which the ever-popular nur- ery story of C ?? has been presented, the new Aly spectacle introduced by Mr. Charman at this ousel5 sorely the brihbtest and prettiest. Visitors bo.Vserv~lane know bow marvellously Mr. Cor. Pr amok drils large bodies of children, and will be Able, withoet much trouble, to picture the Prince's as arranged byt bimn ...