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Advertisements & Notices

... application to the 'Ihe COLLzEGH will RE-OPEN on August 5th. dAVBR HALL SEMINARY, MIRFIELD, YORK- SHIRE, Established 1852-G. E. KENT thas the friends of the School for their hind patronage, and informs them and the Public that the DUTIES of the Establishment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sir, yours, &c., Mr. W. Boots, Swan-st., Landport. J. J. JALFON. St. Margaret's Bank, Rochester, 9th August, 1869. Mr. Skinner has to express his entire satisfaction at the t coaner in which his furniture was removed by Mr. W. Boots, on the 16th June, 1869 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... er's-SurreyV~~ side-trade 24 sacol-bak1lng1 Ito.- 1 0 An ihl Icrob~kih9l0O--oVTY convsnenc-7515 5-must aiwore esumed a large trade-golden opruiy 4O deand_.,t ser'e-troradct gin abroad-vay Woaw Now-Gross Station. a Ceoffeed-htv Bersonllysl sghDptoL T ?? for Sale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GLAZERS. Apply lin. V Whiteley and Sons, Lockwood. F 12560 TTANTED, Twenty good steady RIVETERS for the boot and W ehoetrade, Apply to E, Scotter, Boot and Shoo Manufactarer, Newcastle.on-Tyns. mo JOURNEYNEN CLOGPIERS.-Forty men wanted, to work at I OLOG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Paerpost free to anpar of thenitedtegdom -REaENT.Ho ENT-TRET (ALISON & Co.) WILLSIAM TARN - AND (CD0, NEWINGTON CAUSEWAY AND NEW KENT-ROAD. SURP LI S SUMMER STOCKe Iiaceordsnce with their annual custom, they have mldo a GREAT REDUCTION in the PRICE of all their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fessors and foreign governesses attend daily. Terms moderate and ?? prospectus, address H. it, 12, Weardale Road. High Road Lee, Kent. T8vauoATION and HOME for ORPHAN CHILD- A lta EN and those whose Parents ars Abroad.-The Advertiser I weold RECEIVE ONE ORPIIAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAPER ois this SELECTION and PREPARA. as TION oi SUITAB3LE LAND, read at 'Maidstone, Nov., 1070, by I; Mmr. BAsLiSYDesNron, CE, One Chilling by post __ E . 13. Smith, Maidstone Journal Oi ice, Maidelene. New Editiois, mtuch enlairged, with ecases, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 731, Tanupatead. road. ntear Totteiihamniocrrt-road and Gowfer-otreot Station, Estaib- lished ISlE A detailed Catalogue, the boot furnishing guide cc- tent, poet free. The Establishment is vieiblo from Tottenham. BOOM UITE. hadsomly ?? wiolnutwood, sovored ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ontl-e-Addise8. KA,. Post OC.Mce. lialey Road. o58S8 -!SUTC0EP,'S SHOP Slanghtor-hoooO, lostreired Yard, Com- Bi pany'a Watol't kent low. Apply, Dr. 2 ndy-s, nrxt H& dichael's 8chools, Hfandmort, -5St5 3be IET, DoulPte CO ?? GQrden. 4d. lay Pnes.e, 1 Oughton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Gentlemen's Attire, from the age of five to ei oeverysg oonve Ri~oaxumds ainvd~itting Rooms, 100 feet deep, Departments for Boots amd Shoes, Hate, Caps, Hosiery, Shirts, Ac., adated to ech styleof Suit RDERS FROM THE COUNTRiY 0. RYAM and Co:, 30 and 67 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHITE, l5s., 17s., and 20s. per dozen. No charge for Bottles.-Sold by s] F. POWER, 26, QUEEN STREET, PORcTEEA. S F REMLIN'S MAIDSTONE FAMILY PALE ALES ; (brewed exclusively from English grown hops), - FULLER & CO.'S CHISWICK ALES, BASS & CO.'S BURTON, ALES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... erourrpoftile. jl A Apprentice to' theaoe-plto.Bukyi, Burlingtun-8treet. ?? T Ikte-aso Apprenlices to the General!)ra at the Golden Eagle, Great Geerge-street. pr ~l 1)ORTR Watedimmeiatey. Mstbh a man of na- t~istsable character and steady ?? at 14, I i ...