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Advertisements & Notices

... IETHE AGRLA BANK (LISETEDD. Established in r833.-Capital, t,ooo,ooo. t BRAD-OFFICE. Nicholslane, Lombard-street, London. BANKERS. Messrs Glya, Mills, Currie, and Co. , the National Bank of Scotland and the Bank of England. BRANCHES in Edinburgh, Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, Kurrachee, Agra, Lahore, Shanghai, Hong CVRRENT ACCOUNTS are kept at the Head-Office on the terms customary with London ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE O DVRTSES Wis Odf(I fr ISETIN i heDAILY MR.. ~URY of AWEPAD W DVERT ISOIMET'(ctcedfl antI all the MiscJhellnous DWais Or the A 15bm HIPNOB Th hrg o HRELLINSfoU lux DAILY INSETIO`NSisr 'ONE SHIL40dNO-for SI ZEBRTON ao n entire week), ONE SHILLING and Ad etsmnef ?? cliss that War hooled wll be shasted also be charged scale price. W Parties answering advertlsements in the gercury arm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING, &e. J UL L AND ABERDEEN , (Frequently making the passage . in 24 hours). Taking Goods and Passengers for all parts of the North of Scotland. The Fine New Steamship JAMES HALL, 500 tons burthen, ANDREW LNEILATER, Comminander. From HULL every FRIDAY, and from ABNBDzER every TuESDAY. PassengersFarcs -:BestCabfln,108; SecondCabin, 5s, Return Tickets, Fare.eid-a-Half. The JAM AS HALL has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORT ANNOUNCEMENTS. (Shiort Assnouxxssseee are inserted in tai cOau515 oN siceee for 2leo Lines Bees's MOM6'f IMIS V dwiefpd 2tsepessce. In eIZ eame thes AhOrt ** ENY ND OWENS, 4 me-5treet G' R Tobaccos an Ciarsi ee variety VTAUGHAN'S peal Bannockburn Tweed Suit. Made V oorder. st;C2 log.-lo Upper OrfO~(1a.54 TbICTRE FRMES o 5V~r' decripton maide too ~HE PENNY BANX is ?? every Day St IV. 19 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REESTR OYTBIAUINS A&-0 - . GLWYDD 1-J U :GRIST, -; GyDA RHAI NODIADAu CYFFREDINOL.! MORRIS: DAV.IES, B4{GOR. ATL y \ apyryn hwL fod. yn fuddiol gyda dosj Ge Wafthiau olann y n yr YMolion Suln ,daillell yny jTestatnent Newydd. Gellfr oael unh yw'nifei gyda'r post yn ddidraul, yn ol 2s. 6c. y cdat, drwj anf!on eu gwerth i'r awdwr mewn llythyr-hodau gyda'r archebion. yfgafod Lienyddol Tabernaci, ...

Published: Saturday 05 August 1871
Newspaper: Y Goleuad
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1062 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE3 1'O CORRA 6DwEND'S.: H. P. (Harfipstead-road).-The plant is a mimnulus, tho same familyas the musk or monkey 'lower, bat one'oi the floriativariettes; . CITIZN teer).-l. Rose trees may be ralsed from sped. Clean thN sceds from the dpe berries, and sow tiemrin wide-mouthed pots or vans in the srsig. IKeep from thb weatber till they are up and strong. and prick them out in other- pots or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YIlottdo. TREFRIW, NORTH WALES. BELLE VUE HOTEL Is beLlntift11V sittatefi on tho Panlss of the CONWAY RlV]ENZ, within 3 Miles of GNI'Al A,,kY STA''10N, anid ten miniites' walk of the colabisttetdTRIEFl1W 1IIINERAL SPA. Ti.e LAKE.S .f tlANAN'd' uatl ?? DI) ale vithin 2 nilesdistalnce. hlie G~loulakk Of the Itotel are suriouided by the llost spledllid seulley ituagiinbls. LARG EST COFFEE ROOM. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC 10TRETS ?? ?? 6 ?? WALSALL AND WEST BBODMWOCH SCHOOL DISTRICT. TO RON BRDSTEAD MANUFACTUIRRS AND OTHERS. JV E Board of Management are desirous 'f rmoeivin, T TENDERS for the supply of about sqo IRON BEDSTR&D. Roth lead and Foot Raila and Flaoges to the Feet, 3 inehes to diameter, and eah pierce( with three holes. EAoh B edrest to si essure G feet 6 Inches by 2 feet 6 Inohes, for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AD VER TISEAMENTS. Dore Gallery.-Gustave Dore, 35, New loo1d Street.-EXHIBITION of PICTURES, includbtg ' Trirmnph ,t t(hriotiatity, Chiriothntiortyrs., ooaatory, Francese do Eiiini, Titia,&. Open hi tto6. Admissiox, la. The Ilfracombe Hotel stands in its own Orpamental Grooolds of fie aores, extending to the Beacb, and the 31rieate Terrace afford the finest 3arine l'romnosdeo attacbed to ...

Published: Saturday 05 August 1871
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 716 | Page: Page 22 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... O'AL Al NRA T 1 W A1D 0 R LNS0 O--ilO OG ee A 5 e 4 - underer hoe S tit d M r- -it the A le x an dr Gl e e e , n e3 2A a D~ ~e powerfule fenne Chril 'anc n ia^}Ia.l. . v y profanedIX NC o I N E L L O !XrI' (rdey 0~ ne 4nthee P1iorret atho everycranelngM~ der5OilrO w iva;.; e ?Ov0go wlls ht. B a , hv~ ?? Mr. ichar heAnvergnste, MIise llm net 3Ml tt. COX AND BOX, or TIE LONG.LOST BROTHES.S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUSINESS ADDRESSES. EN I OB'S VEGETABLE K E aN 1 WOUM' GLOZENGE8 Are the most efficaclous remedy ever introduoed for Worms. They aybe taken bchildren of all ages with perfeot safety, and are ec useful for oldere of dolioate stomachs and pale cosopleions. Si,-A woman gave two of the loss for fve morniM, and by so dolig the ohid got rid of no les torns.- DANrHL MOHQAN, Nelson.'o W. Harrims, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . ~ c ( SALE F 3 00O0 W O R T 1 t or WOOLLEN -GOODS,.. 1,01 vpAB SCOT IMsd BlGB WERLA j ,YARDS WPJT85 and OOLdROU_ ?? Xao00 YARDS GLASGOW and ABERIDEEN. WINOEyS, ao POUNDS WOBRTH FRBNC* MINOES mud K. REpt8 U - ?? ,1 450 UBLAND TAUtTA T 8 WLS sld . K411?8 M **1,s AT T 2 G A NI T E H O IU S E. 'The whole of the above. and othar go Lots In every i Department hsve been cleared fros Mnn b arerai . ...